_date - UDM Built-in Variable
_date - UDM Built-in Variable
The _date built-in variable displays the current date in the format appropriate for the system's locale.
_date has several additional variable attributes:
- day resolves to the day of the week.
- month resolves to the current month.
- dd resolves to a two-digit day of the month.
- ddd resolves to the Julian day.
- mm resolves to the two-digit month of the year.
- yy prints the two-digit year.
- ww resolves to the two-digit current week of the year.
- yyyy resolves to the four-digit year.
The value of ww is zero-based, not one based. That is, the first week of the year is 0, the second week is 1, the third week is 2, and so on.
The _date variable can be referenced only in your scripts and cannot be set.
A Stonebranch Tip
You can use the _date variable in combination with the print command to display custom date information in UDM's transaction log:
print msg="Today is $(_date.day), $(_date.month) $(_date.dd)"
Produces the following output:
Today is Wednesday, January 19
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