Adding & Removing Configurations in a Profile

Adding & Removing Configurations in a Profile

Adding / Removing Configurations in a Profile

To add and/or remove configurations in a Profile, perform the following steps.

Step 1

Select a profile in the Profile tree.

Step 2

Display the Edit Configurations dialog, below, either by:

  • Clicking the Edit Configuration List link at the bottom of the Profile Configurations tree.
  • Clicking Edit Configuration List on the I-Management Console File menu.

    The Available Configurations window lists all configurations that are assigned to the current user. To display the list of available configurations, click + next to Configurations and each configuration group.
    The Include in Profile window lists all of the configurations that currently are included in this profile. To display the list of all configurations currently in the profile, click + next to Configurations and each configuration group.

Step 3

To add a configuration to the profile:

  1. Click on that configuration in the Available Configurations window.
  2. Click the Assign-> button.
    The configuration then is listed in the Include in Profile window.

Step 4

To add all configurations to the profile, click the Assign All-> button.
All of the configurations are listed in the Include in Profile window.

Step 5

To remove a configuration from the profile:

  1. Click on that configuration in the Include in Profile window.
  2. Click the <-Remove button.
    The configuration is removed from the Include in Profile window.

Step 6

To remove all configurations from the profile, click the <-Remove All button.
All of the configurations are removed from the Include in Profile window.

Step 7

Click the Save button at the bottom of the Edit Configurations dialog to save your edits.


Adding configurations to the Include in Profile window does not remove them from the Available Configurations window.


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