Closing a Profile

Closing a Profile

Closing a Profile

Closing a profile de-selects it from the I-Management Console Profile tree and removes its information from the I-Management Console Profile Configurations tree, Profile Agents tree, and Profile Configurations Options table.

To close a selected profile, perform the following steps:

Step 1

Close the profile either by:

  • Clicking Close on the I-Management Console menu bar.
  • Clicking the Close Profile icon on the Mass Update tool bar.
  • Clicking on another profile in the Profile tree.

Step 2

If you modified the profile that you want to close, but did not save it, the following dialog displays.

Step 3

If you want to save (and close) the profile, click the Save button.

Step 4

If you want to close the profile without saving any of the changes made to it, click the Discard button.

Step 5

If you want to cancel the closing of the profile, click the Cancel button.

Invalid Values in a Profile

If the profile contains one or more invalid option values, the following dialog displays when you attempt to save it.

Click OK. The Validation dialog then displays, which provides a means of correcting the invalid values (see Correcting Invalid Profile Configuration Values).

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