Database Recovery for Universal Broker

Database Recovery for Universal Broker

Database Recovery for Universal Broker

Universal Broker uses databases to maintain component information, configuration information, and event data. A corrupted database will prevent the Broker from executing.

Database recovery procedures depend partly on the operating system on which the Broker is executing. This page describes the procedures for each operating system.


The Universal Broker subsystem, UNVUBR510 (by default), must be down in order to perform database recovery. Use standard IBM i database recovery procedures and attempt to restart the Universal Broker subsystem.
If the problem persists, restore the failing database file. The entire Universal Spool file library may be required if restoring individual files fails to correct the problem. As a last resort, delete all files in the Universal Spool file library and restart UNVUBR510.
Deleting the files from the Universal Spool library will result in loss of all data stored in those files, including spooled output for Manager Fault Tolerant jobs. All affected jobs may need to be re-run.


The Broker daemon must be down to perform database recovery. A backup of either the database file being recovered or the entire directory should be created before recovery is attempted.
A sample database recovery script is provided in file ubrdbrec in the /opt/universal/ubroker/bin directory. The script uses the Universal Database Utilities to dump and reload a database file. The default location of all Universal Broker databases is the /var/opt/universal/spool directory.
The user ID with which the recovery script runs requires appropriate permissions to the database directory and to the database file. Write access is required to the directory and read and write access is required to the database file.
The ubrdbrec script accepts an optional argument: the database file name to recover. If no database file name is specified, the ues.db database is recovered. The script ends with exit code 0 if successful and a non-zero exit code if it failed.


The Broker service must be stopped to perform database recovery. A backup of either the database file being recovered or the entire directory should be created before recovery is attempted.
A sample database recovery batch file is provided in file ubrdbrec.bat in the "\Program Files\Universal\UBroker\bin" directory. The batch file uses the Universal Database Utilities to dump and reload a database file.
The default location of all Universal Broker databases is directory "\Program Files\Universal\spool\ubroker".
The user ID with which the recovery script runs requires appropriate permissions to the database directory and to the database file. Write access is required to the directory and read and write access is required to the database file.
The ubrdbrec.bat batch file accepts an optional argument: the database file name to recover. If no database file name is specified, the ues.db database is recovered. The batch file ends with exit code 0 if successful and a non-zero exit code if it failed.


The Universal Broker started task must be down to perform database recovery. A backup of either the database file being recovered or the entire HFS or zFS data set should be created before recovery is attempted.
A sample database recovery job is provided in member UBRDBREC in the SUNVSAMP library. The job uses the Universal Database Utilities to dump and reload a database file.
All databases are located in the HFS or zFS product data set #HLQ.UNV.UNVDB. The HFS or zFS data set must be mounted prior to running UBRDBREC. See Mounting and Unmounting the Databases for information on mounting the HFS or zFS data set, if necessary.
The user ID with which the recovery job runs requires appropriate permissions to the root directory of the HFS or zFS data set and to the database file. Write access is required to the directory and read and write access is required to the database file.
Customize UBRDBREC to meet local JCL and installation requirements. Specify the database file name to recover on the PARM keyword of the EXEC statement of both steps (the dump and load steps). When all modifications are complete, submit the job. All steps should end with return code 0.

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