Universal Event Monitor Manager Security

Universal Event Monitor Manager Security

File Permissions

Only trusted user accounts, which are most likely those that are members of the Administrators group, should be granted write access to the UEM Manager installation directory and subdirectories, and the files within them.


Authorized users of UEM require read access to the message catalogs (*.umc files) in the nls subdirectory of the primary Universal Agent installation directory.


Authorized users of UEM require read access to the message catalogs (*.umc files), which reside in the .\Universal\nls directory. If UEM Manager is installed on an NTFS partition, these file permissions are set automatically during the installation.


Eligible users of UEM require read access to the national language support library SUNVNLS, the configuration file UNVCONF, and the load library SUNVLOAD.

Data Privacy

Data transmitted from a UEM Manager across a network connection to the Universal Broker and demand-driven UEM Server is protected using features present in all Stonebranch Inc. Universal Agent components.

For more information on the steps taken to protect transferred data, see Network Data Transmission.

RACF Protection



The UEM Manager for z/OS verifies a user's access to a RACF general resource profile. The resource profile controls a user's ability to monitor an event on a remote host with a specific remote user identity.
See the Configuration of Security for complete details on installing and administering UEM Manager RACF profiles.

Configuration Files

Only trusted user accounts should have write access to the Universal Event Monitor Manager configuration files.


Although you can edit configuration files with any text editor (for example, Notepad), we recommend that you manage configuration options using the Universal Configuration Manager Control Panel application. Only user accounts in the Administrator group can execute the Universal Configuration Manager.

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