Universal Copy for Windows and UNIX

Universal Copy for Windows and UNIX

Configuration Options

The following table identifies all Universal Copy for Windows and UNIX configuration options. Each Option Name is a link to detailed information about that option.

Option Name



Write a description of the command options and their format.


Level of messages that will be displayed.


Mode in which input files are read and output files are written.


File name that data is written to instead of standard output.


Specification for whether or not the file name specified with the OUTPUT option is replaced if it already exists.


Specification for whether or not the copy operation is performed in transactional mode.


Writes the program version and copyright information.

Command Line Syntax

The following figure illustrates the syntax — using the long form of command line options — of Universal Copy for Windows and UNIX.

[-level {trace|audit|info|warn|error}] 
[-mode {binary|text}]
[-output filename [-transactional {yes|no}] [-replace {yes|no}] ]
[file ...]

{ -version | -help }

Command Operands


The file operand specifies the input files. Full or relative paths can be specified.

If no input files are specified, standard input is used.


z/OS USS permits the specification of files located in the hierarchical file system (HFS) and z/OS data sets.

HFS files are specified simply as UNIX file names.

z/OS data sets are specified using the IBM USS // convention, which prefixes the data set name with the characters //. The syntax is as follows:


In order for the USS shell to interpret the forward slash ( / ) characters correctly, the complete file name must be enclosed in double ( " ) quotation marks on the USS command line.

The data set name adheres to TSO naming conventions; if it is not enclosed in apostrophes, your USS user name is used as the high-level qualifier. For example, "//my.data" refers to data set USERID.MY.DATA.

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