APPL_RETRY_MSG_IDS - UPPS configuration option

APPL_RETRY_MSG_IDS - UPPS configuration option


The APPL_RETRY_MSG_IDS option specifies a comma-separated list of PeopleSoft message ID matchers.

If a PeopleSoft error occurs, and the status code, message set, and message ID returned by PeopleSoft matches one of the matchers in the list, UPPS will retry the web service call.





HP NonStop




Command Line, Short Form




Command Line, Long Form

-appl_retry_msg_ids list



Environment Variable




Configuration File Keyword

appl_retry_msg_ids list




list is a comma-separated list of numbers or message matching specifications. If no retries are desired, a value of none can be specified.

A message matching specification contains at least three semicolon-separated fields, which are the status code, message set and message IDs that should cause a request to be retried. Wildcards are supported for any of these fields. The specification is enclosed in parentheses (). For example:

  • (10; 158; 505) Retry requests returning status code 10, message set 158, and message ID 505.

  • (20; *; *) Retry requests returning status code 20, with any message set and any message ID.

  • (20; *; 15) Retry requests returning status code 20, with any message set and message ID 15.

  • (10; 158; 505; 606; 707) Retry requests returning status code 10, with message set 158, and message ID 505, 606, or 707.

A single number not enclosed in curly braces is equivalent to (20; *; <number>).

Example syntax


appl_retry_msg_ids 505Equivalent to appl_retry_msg_ids "(20; *; 505)"
appl_retry_msg_ids 505,606,707Equivalent to appl_retry_msg_ids (20;*;505;606;707)
appl_retry_msg_ids (20;*;505),(20;*;606),(20;*;707)Equivalent to appl_retry_msg_ids (20;*;505;606;707), or 505,606,707
appl_retry_msg_ids (20;*;*)Equivalent to appl_retry_msg_ids *
appl_retry_msg_ids "(10;20;30), 40"Equivalent to appl_retry_msg_ids (10;20;30), (20;*;40)
appl_retry_msg_ids *

Equivalent to appl_retry_msg_ids (20;*;*)

Whitespace may appear anywhere in the configuration option. Given the specification (a; b; c; d): a, b, c, their separating ;s, and the enclosing parentheses are required, and:

  • The status code a must be one of *, 10, 20, or 30

  • The message set b must be any number or *

  • The message ID c must be any number or *

  • The message ID d must be any number or *, and is optional.


The message set from an IBResponse is taken from the MessageSet or MsgSet attribute. If neither exists, the message set is assumed to be 158, allocated to the Integration Broker. See https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E25688_01/pt852pbr0/eng/psbooks/tibr/chapter.htm?File=tibr/htm/tibr06.htm


The UNV6856I message will be printed whenever an error occurs performing the web service request.

The message will print the PeopleSoft message ID, which can be used to form the list of message ids to retry on.

Command Usage

The APPL_RETRY_MSG_IDS option is an AFT (Application Fault Tolerant) option.

AFT (Application Fault Tolerant) options are associated with program execution, not commands. They can be used to retry Web Service calls that were successfully sent by UPPS, but failed on the backend PeopleSoft server.

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