Password Settings

Password Settings


Password Settings lets you configure settings for all user passwords.

Password Settings Details

The following Password Settings Details is for the default Password Settings. See the field descriptions below, for a description of all fields that display in the Password Settings Details.  

For information on how to access additional details - such as Metadata and complete database Details - for Database Connections (or any type of record), see Records.

Password Settings Field Descriptions

The following table describes the fields and buttons that display in the Password Settings.

Field NameDescription
Password Complexity CharacteristicsThis section defines any requirements that passwords must conform to.
Must Include

Specification for how many of the enabled restrictions the password must include:


  • All Enabled Characteristics
  • I of the Enabled Characteristics
  • 2 of the Enabled Characteristics
  • 3 of the Enabled Characteristics
Uppercase Letters (A-Z)If enabled, the Uppercase Letters Minimum field displays.
Uppercase Letters MinimumMinimum number of Uppercase Letters that a Password must contain.
Lowercase Letters (a-z)If enabled, the Lowercase Letters Minimum field displays.
Lowercase Letters MinimumMinimum number of Lowercase Letters that a Password must contain.
Numeric Characters (0-9)If enabled, the Numeric Characters Minimum field displays.
Numeric Characters MinimumMinimum number of Numeric Characters that a Password must contain.
Special CharactersIf enabled, the Special Characters Minimum field and Special Character Values field display.
Special Characters MinimumMinimum number of Special Characters that a Password must contain.
Special Character Values

Values that comprise the list of Special Characters that can be used in a Password.

(Default is all Special Characters on the list.)

Password RestrictionsThis section defines any restrictions that passwords must conform to.
Minimum Length

Minimum length of a Password.

Value can be empty (null). If specified, it must be a positive integer and not greater than the Maximum Length.

Maximum Length

Maximum length of a Password.

Value can be empty (null). If specified, it must be a positive integer and not less than the Minimum Length.

Disallow Username in PasswordIf enabled, the Username cannot appear within the Password. 
Disallow Password ReuseIf enabled, a Password cannot be reused if it is has been maintained in Password history, as specified by the Maximum Passwords In History field.

Maximum Passwords in History

Number of previous passwords that are maintained to prevent their reuse. (Maximum is 24.)
Password Properties

Properties for the Passwords.


Prior to Universal Controller 6.8.x, these properties were included in the Universal Controller System Properties.

Password Expiration Enabled

If enabled, Passwords can automatically expire.

Password Expiration in Days

Number of days before a Password expires.

Lock Account After Maximum Login Attempts

If enabled, the user account is locked if the Maximum Failed Login Attempts is exceeded.

Maximum Failed Login Attempts

Maximum number of failed login attempts that is allowed.

Maximum Login Attempts Use For LDAP Authentication

If enabled, the user account is locked if the Maximum Failed Login Attempts is exceeded for LDAP.
ButtonsThis section identifies the buttons displayed above and below the Password Settings that let you perform various actions.
UpdateSaves updates to this record.
RefreshRefreshes any dynamic data displayed in this record.

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