Universal Controller Installation

Universal Controller Installation


Universal Controller is a Java web application running in a Tomcat web container.

For this reason, the Universal Controller software and the procedure for installing Universal Controller on UNIX or Windows is basically the same.


This installation procedure does not include the installation of Java, Tomcat, or a database; however, they all are prerequisites.

Upgrade and Applying Maintenance

If you are upgrading to Universal Controller 7.2.x from Universal Controller 5.2.x, see Upgrading Universal Controller from 5.2.0 for instructions.

If you are applying maintenance to a Universal Controller 6.1.x or later installation to increase it to a 7.2.x release, see Applying Maintenance to Universal Controller for instructions.

Database Permissions

In order to install or perform upgrades of Universal Controller, the database user configured for the Controller will require DDL (Data Definition Language) permission in the database during the install or upgrade.

Once the install or upgrade has been completed successfully, the configured database user requires only DML (Data Manipulation Language) permissions for running the Controller.

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