Installing Universal Controller

Installing Universal Controller


This page tells you how to install Universal Controller.

The procedure is the same, unless otherwise noted, for both Windows and UNIX (Linux or AIX).

It assumes you already have performed all required pre-installation procedures:

Installation Procedure

To install Universal Controller:

Unpack the Universal Controller Distribution File

To unpack the Universal Controller distribution file, use the following method appropriate for your platform:


tar -xvf universal-controller-N.N.N.N.tar


Use an appropriate archiving / unzipping product.

Install the Controller

To install the Controller, issue the following command that is appropriate for your platform:


> sh install-controller.sh


> install-controller.bat 

The installation process writes the war file (universal-controller-N.N.N.N-build.N.war) to the Tomcat installation directory and renames it uc.war.

You must include command line switches that specify information the Controller needs to access the Tomcat installation directory, the war file, and the database. You can include additional command line switches, but they are not required.

If a required command line switch is missing from the command line, an error message will identify it during the installation process.

The Controller installation process writes the values for some command line switches to the Universal Controller start-up properties file, uc.properties (see the table, below). For any of those command line switches that are not required and, in fact, are not included on the command line, the Controller installation process writes their default value to uc.properties.

Command Line Switches

The following table describes the command line switches for the Controller installation process and identifies which are required.

For command line switches that have their value written to the Universal Controller start-up properties file, uc.properties, the table also identifies the property in that file to which the value is written.


All command line switches are case-sensitive.

Command Line Switch




Controller Property


For an Agent-Only deployment

If --agentonly is true, Universal Controller Start-up Properties (uc.properties) is deployed with an Agent-Only demonstration license.

false No

Full path of the Universal Controller war file (universal-controller-N.N.N.N-build.N.war) from the downloaded Universal Controller package.




Universal Controller database name.





Database user's password.





JDBC connect URL.
Format:   jdbc:[database type]://localhost
Examples (for MS SQLServer and Oracle, uc is the database name):



MS SQL Server







Enclose the URL in quotation marks to guard against any special characters (for example: ; > < &) which are treated by the shell uniquely.

  • Unix
    Enclose the URL in single quotation marks; for example: 'jdbc:sqlserver://dbserver.local;instanceName=IN01;DatabaseName=uc'
  • Windows
    Enclose the URL in double quotation marks; for example: "jdbc:sqlserver://dbserver.local;instanceName=IN01;DatabaseName=uc"

Refer to the jdbc documentation from your database supplier for specific jdbc driver URL parameters or options that might be needed for your environment. You may want to consult with your local DBA to discuss these parameters and options.
Refer to Installing a Database in this documentation for more information about suggested connection parameters, database configuration, and setup.





Database user name.





Used by the Universal Controller to generate a unique Cluster Node Node Id in the format of hostname:port-dbname.


This is meant to represent the value of the Tomcat HTTP/1.1 Connector port configured in the server.xml.

It is used solely for Node Id generation and does not impact the Tomcat HTTP/1.1 Connector configuration.





Database type.
Valid values are:

  • mysql
  • sqlserver
  • sqlserver-jtds
  • oracle

* --rdbms is required if --dburl is used in the command.


Customers have reported difficulty establishing secure SQL connections using the jTDS open source JDBC driver for Microsoft SQL Server (--rdbms sqlserver-jtds) when SSL/TLS is enabled on the server.

We have received feedback that the issue can be resolved by installing a patched version of the jTDS driver from bug report https://sourceforge.net/p/jtds/bugs/725/.

Stonebranch only bundles the official jTDS release, currently 1.3.1, with the Universal Controller.

We do not include unofficial patches, and if you decide to use them, you do so at your own risk.


No *



Path to the Tomcat installation directory (contains the directories:/bin, /conf, /logs, webapps).


Enclose the path in quotes to guard against spaces or any special characters (for example: ; > < &), which are treated by the shell uniquely.




Shown below are sample commands for installing the Controller on Linux and Windows platforms, using defaults for the database:


sh install-controller.sh --tomcat-dir ~/tomcat --controller-file ./universal-controller-N.N.N.N-build.N.war --dbuser root --dbpass userpass


install-controller.bat --tomcat-dir "c:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 9.0" --controller-file universal-controller-N.N.N.N-build.N.war --dbuser root --dbpass userpass


In the Tomcat directory (--tomcat-dir), when quoting the directory is necessary due to spaces, do not use a single backslash before the ending quotation mark; use either a double backslash or no backslash to avoid the command shell from treating \" as an escape character.

Deploy the Controller

In this procedure, you will start Tomcat, which starts the Controller and builds your database tables. This process takes several minutes. When it is complete, the Controller is started and ready to use.

If Tomcat already was running when you installed the Controller, you do not need to stop and restart it; this process will occur automatically after you start the installation.

Step 1

Start Tomcat as follows:
Start the Tomcat daemon using the script placed in the /etc/init.d directory for Tomcat.

service [name of Tomcat service] start

We recommend you use Windows Services to start Tomcat. Or, you can start Tomcat from the command line as follows:

net start [name of Tomcat service]

Linux or Windows
You can start the service using the $CATALINA_HOME/bin/startup.bat or $CATALINA_HOME/bin/startup.sh scripts.

Step 2

During this initial startup, the Controller builds the database tables, a process that takes several minutes. You can view details in the Tomcat window or monitor the Controller log, as described below:
Users can tail the uc.log to monitor the deployment process, as follows:

tail -f $TOMCAT_DIR/uc_logs/uc.log

Users can use a third-party tailing utility or open the log file using Notepad or other editor and scroll to the bottom to view the latest activity.


Do not continue until you see output in the log similar to the following:

2014-09-15-11:16:17:774 -0400   INFO [Ops.Cluster.Monitor.0] Cluster Monitor / ClusterWatchDog started (16951472)
2014-09-15-11:16:17:778 -0400   INFO [Ops.Cluster.Monitor.0] No active node found. sb-server:8080-ops6100 becoming Active node.
2014-09-15-11:16:17:778 -0400   INFO [Ops.Cluster.Monitor.0] Loading time zones
2014-09-15-11:16:17:810 -0400   INFO [Ops.Cluster.Monitor.0] Setting System time zone to "America/New_York"
2014-09-15-11:16:17:810 -0400   INFO [Ops.Cluster.Monitor.0] Initialize PubSubController
2014-09-15-11:16:17:813 -0400   INFO [Ops.Cluster.Monitor.0] PubSubController Active Start Load: 0 Subscriptions
2014-09-15-11:16:17:813 -0400   INFO [Ops.Cluster.Monitor.0] Server is now Running in Active mode. Previous mode was Passive
2014-09-15-11:16:17:813 -0400   INFO [Ops.Cluster.Monitor.0] Setting server to ACTIVE.
2014-09-15-11:16:17:814 -0400   INFO [Ops.Cluster.Monitor.0] Releasing lock and ending transaction
2014-09-15-11:16:18:147 -0400   INFO [Ops.Cluster.Monitor.0] 617 database statements took 0 Seconds
2014-09-15-11:16:18:149 -0400   INFO [Ops.Cluster.Monitor.0] Lock released and transaction ended
2014-09-15-11:16:18:149 -0400   INFO [Ops.Cluster.Monitor.0] Creating OmsServerWatchDog
2014-09-15-11:16:18:150 -0400   INFO [Ops.Cluster.Monitor.0] Creating AgentWatchDog
2014-09-15-11:16:18:150 -0400   INFO [Ops.Cluster.Monitor.0] Creating ApplicationWatchDog

Step 3

When you see the following, the Controller is ready:

  • INFO [Ops.Cluster.Monitor.0] Server is now Running in Active mode. Previous mode was Passive
  • INFO [Ops.Cluster.Monitor.0] Setting server to ACTIVE.

You now have completed the install process and the Controller is running.

Update the Universal Controller Start-up Properties (uc.properties)

For AIX and z/Linux only

Follow this procedure to change two default values in the Universal Controller start-up properties file, uc.properties, which is read by the Controller.

(The uc.properties file resides in <tomcat directory>/conf).

Step 1

Change the following two properties from their default value to the IBM AIX value:

  • uc.trustmanager.algorithm= (Java trust manager algorithm)
    • Default value = SunX509
    • IBM AIX = IbmX509
  • uc.trustmanager.provider= (Java trust manager provider)
    • Default value = SunJSSE
    • IBM AIX value = IBMJSSE2

Step 2

Restart Tomcat.

Verify the Installation

To make sure the Controller is installed, running, and communication with Universal Agent and Universal Message Service (OMS):

Step 1

Start the Controller.

Step 2

From your browser, access the Universal Controller user interface.


localhost represents the machine name where you installed the server.

Step 3

Log in with user ops.admin and no password. A Change Password dialog displays.

Step 4

Enter a password in the New Password and Confirm New Password fields (the Current Password field should remain empty) and click Change Password. The Universal Controller Home Dashboard displays.

Step 5

The System Details Widget provides current system information. Check the Release information to verify that the latest version number is displayed, as shown in the following example.

Step 6

From the Agents and Connections navigation pane, select Agents > All Agents or Agents > <type of Agent>. You will see a list similar to the following example. Make sure the Status of the Agent is Active.

Step 7

From the Agents and Connections navigation pane, select System > OMS Servers. You will see a list similar to the following example. Make sure the Status of the OMS Servers are Connected.

Step 8

For more information about these components in the Universal Controller user interface, see:

To get started using the Controller and become familiar with its features, we recommend you spend some time going through the Tutorials.

Apply the License Key

Although you do not normally need to enter a license key immediately after installation, at some point you will need to follow these steps to enter your key:

Step 1

From the Services, select Administrationation > Properties. The Properties list displays.

Step 2

Click the License Key property Value field and enter your encrypted license key.

Step 3

Return to the System Details Widget and review the License field to verify that the terms of your license are correct.

Step 4

Optionally, configure the Controller so that your system administrator receives notifications regarding license violations and expirations.

License Information

The License field in the System Details widget (view the system-defined Home Dashboard or, on the Reporting navigation pane, click Widgets) identifies license information for:

  • Expiry Date
  • Distributed Agents
  • z/OS Agents
  • Tasks
  • Monthly Executions
  • Cluster Nodes
  • UPPS
  • USAP
  • Customer
  • Environment

Enable LDAP Synchronization

In order to log in to the Controller using LDAP credentials, you must set the LDAP Synchronization Enabled Universal Controller System property (Administration > Configuration > Properties in the Controller user interface) to true.

Configure System Notifications

System Notifications are emails sent to one or more Universal Controller system administrators based on either:


System Notifications are not the same as Email Notifications. Please refer to the following sections for explicitly defining Email Notifications.

In order for a system administrator to receive system notifications, you must configure the Controller for system notifications:

Step 1

Select an email connection on which the notifications will be sent and enable the Use for System Notifications field.


Only one Email Connection can be used for system notifications. If this field is checked in an Email Connection Details, it will appear unchecked on all other Email Connection Details. If you then check this field in another Email Connection Details, it automatically will be unchecked from the Details in which it had been checked.

Step 2

Identify the Universal Controller Administrator(s) that will receive the system notifications by entering one or more valid email addresses for those administrators in the Administrator Email Address Universal Controller system property.

Step 3

If you want to identify the source system that is sending the system notifications in the Subject line of the emails, enter a value in the System Identifier Universal Controller system property.

System Notifications for License Violations and Expirations

When you have configured the Controller for system notification, notifications automatically are sent to the specified system administrator(s) for the following license issues:

  • License violations
  • Expired licenses
  • Invalid licenses

License Violations

A system notification is sent for the following license violations:

  • User attempts to create a task that exceeds the licensed maximum number of task definitions.
  • User attempts to enable a trigger that exceeds the licensed maximum number of enabled triggers.
  • Agent registration attempt exceeds the licensed maximum number of Agents.

The License field in the System Details widget (view the system-defined Home Dashboard or, on the Reporting navigation pane, click Widgets) identifies these maximum numbers (see License Information, above).

License Expiration

A system notification is sent at the following times if a license will expire in 7 days or sooner:

  • Warning sent daily at midnight, processed same time as midnight log rollover, starting 7 days prior to license expiration.
  • Warning sent on Controller start-up (or a cluster node becoming the Active cluster node) if license is within 7 days of expiring.
  • Warning sent on License Key property change (if new license is still within 7 days of expiring).

A system notification is sent at the following times if a license has expired:

  • Sent daily at midnight, processed same time as midnight log rollover.
  • Sent on Controller start-up (or a cluster node becoming the Active cluster node).
  • Sent on License Key property change (if new license still expired).
  • System paused on license expiration.


A License Expiration message also displays on the Console when you log in to the Controller if the license will expire within the week and when the license already has expired.

Invalid Licenses

A system notification is sent at the following times if a license is invalid:

  • Sent on Controller start-up (or a cluster node becoming the Active cluster node).
  • System paused on invalid license.

System Notification for System Operations

For any Controller task, you can select a system operation to be performed when any instance of that task reaches one or more specific statuses. You also can select whether or not to send system notifications based on the success and/or failure of that system operation.

For detailed information on how to set up these system notifications, see System Operation Actions.

System Notification for Data Backup / Purge Operations

For any scheduled Data Backup / Purge operation, you can select to receive system notifications.

For detailed information on how to set up system notifications for Data Backup / Purge operations, see Data Backup / Purge.


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