Resource Functions

Resource Functions


The command line syntax for each execution of the CLI command, uagcmd, must specify a single CLI function, required / optional Global parameters, and required / optional function-specific parameters. You must use the required Global parameters to connect to OMS Servers and to log on to a Controller (User ID and Password).

Universal Controller supports the following CLI functions for Resources, which are listed alphabetically on this page.

Syntax, parameters, and examples for each function are provided.

List Virtual Resources


Lists all specified virtual resources.


uagcmd ops-resource-list global parameters [resource-name=name] [resource-type=type] [options=v]


  • resource-name=
    Opitonal; Name of virtual resource(s) to be listed. Wildcards are supported.
  • resource-type=
    Optional; One of the following (not case sensitive): renewable, boundary, depletable. (If not specified, all types of virtual resources are listed.)
  • options=
    Optional; Supports the v (verbose) option, which will toggle the SysId and Used By columns in the response output.


uagcmd ops-resource-list -c config.cfg resource-name=Resource A


The CLI command response will contain the following information for each matching virtual resource:

  • Name - Virtual Resource name
  • Type - Virtual Resource type
  • Limit - Virtual Resource limit
  • Used - Amount of the virtual resource currently used; applicable only to renewable virtual resources
  • SysId - Virtual Resource sys_id
  • Used By - Task instances currently using the Virtual Resource in the format {(task-instance-name:resource-amount),(task-instance-name:resource-amount),...}

Update Resource Limit


Updates the resource limit for a resource.


uagcmd ops-update-resource-limit global parameters resource-name=name resource-limit=limit


For backward-compatibility, you can exclude uagcmd from the command line for this function and all pre- CLI functions.


  • resource-name=
    Required; Name of resource to update the limit on.
  • resource-limit=
    Required; Resource limit (any integer >= 0).


uagcmd ops-update-resource-limit -c config.cfg resource-name=Resource A resource-limit=5

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