Task Web Services - Task-Related Records
Task Web Services - Task-Related Records
Stonebranch (Deactivated)
Owned by Stonebranch (Deactivated)
Feb 06, 2023
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The following examples are for task-related records for all task types except where noted otherwise.
Examples | XML | JSON |
Examples for Task-Related Records | XML Advanced Criteria (Email Monitor Tasks only) <emailCriteria> <emailCriterion> <body /> <bodyFilter>None</bodyFilter> <caseSensitive>false</caseSensitive> <cc>test@test.com</cc> <ccFilter>Equals</ccFilter> <filterLogic>Or</filterLogic> <from /> <fromFilter>None</fromFilter> <subject /> <subjectFilter>None</subjectFilter> <to>test@test.com</to> <toFilter>Equals</toFilter> </emailCriterion> </emailCriteria> Mutually Exclusive Tasks <exclusiveTasks> <exclusiveTask> <sysId>5d2c0886b69745aa916a755602a1b77f</sysId> <task>Sleep 0<task> <type>Direct<type> </exclusiveTask> <exclusiveTask> <sysId>c1342b7597f9492e927ce24c5126f9d4</sysId> <task>Sleep 30</task> <type>Direct</type> </exclusiveTask> </exclusiveTasks> Notes <notes> <note> <sysId>8122cc80fbdb4e12b2c7118c172038fc</sysId> <text>note2 text</text> <title>note2</title> </note> <note> <sysId>eb95737f44664bd3bd4002690e00d715</sysId> <text>note1 text</text> <title>note1</title> </note> </notes> Restart Criteria (z/OS Tasks only) <restartCriteria> <restartCriterion> <directives> <directive> <type>Start</type> <procedure /> <step>-3</step> </directive> <directive> <type>Skip</type> <procedure /> <step>0</step> </directive> </directives> <evaluationOrder>3</evaluationOrder> <programName /> <pstepName /> <restartOption>Restart Using Directives</restartOption> <stepCodes>S806</stepCodes> <stepName>S5</stepName> <sysId>76ce212c7757451e86c0f9232201b2ef</sysId> </restartCriterion> ... </restartCriteria> RunTime Parameters (PeopleSoft Tasks only) <runtimeParameters> <runtimeParameter> <parameterName>RTP-1</parameterName> <parameterValue>100</parameterValue> <processName>TREEMOVER</processName> <processType>Application Engine</processType> <sysId>4f5bb3fda5874dac8bb1897382d1317d</sysId> </runtimeParameter> </runtimeParameters> Step Conditions (z/OS Tasks only) <stepConditions> <stepCondition> <programName>*</programName> <pstepName>*</pstepName> <stepAction>Continue/Success</stepAction> <stepCodes>1-4095</stepCodes> <stepName>*</stepName> <stepOrder>1</stepOrder> <sysId>1481337495c04883b007dac298a088a9</sysId> </stepCondition> ... </stepConditions> Stored Procedure Parameters (Stored Procedure Tasks only) (Set only if resultProcessing is Success Output Parameter or Failure Output Parameter.) <storedProcParams> <storedProcParam> <descriptiond /> <isNull>false</isNull> <ivalue /> <ovalue /> <paramMode>Output</paramMode> <paramType>VARCHAR</paramType> <paramVar>var</paramVar> <pos>2</pos> <sysId>5cad4c1b80694f90a968c6fb4113a3e6</sysId> <variableScope>Self</variableScope> </storedProcParam> </storedProcParams> Variables <variables> <variable> <description>description</description> <name>var1</name> <sysId>76af48c246954c128ef90da254044618</sysId> <value>value1</value> </variable> <variable> <description /> <name>var2</name> <sysId>899912878e4b4a36848269dc8a75dc1c</sysId> <value>value2</value> </variable> </variables> Virtual Resources <virtualResources> <virtualResource> <amount>1</amount> <resource>R1</resource> <resourceVar /> <sysId>4f5bb3fda5874dac8bb1897382d1317d</sysId> </virtualResource> <virtualResource> <amount>20</amount> <resource /> <resourceVar>${VR}/resourceVar> <sysId>4f5bb3fda5874dac8bb1897382d1317d</sysId> </virtualResource> </virtualResources> | JSON Advanced Criteria (Email Monitor Tasks only) "emailCriteria": [ { "body": null, "bodyFilter": "None", "caseSensitive": false, "cc": "test@test.com", "ccFilter": "Equals", "filterLogic": "Or", "from": null, "fromFilter": "None", "subject": null, "subjectFilter": "None", "to": "test@test.com", "toFilter": "Equals" } ] Mutually Exclusive Tasks "exclusiveTasks": [ { "sysId": "5d2c0886b69745aa916a755602a1b77f", "task": "Sleep 0", "type": "Direct" }, { "sysId": "c1342b7597f9492e927ce24c5126f9d4", "task": "Sleep 30", "type": "Direct" } ] Notes "notes": [ { "sysId": "8122cc80fbdb4e12b2c7118c172038fc", "text": "note2 text", "title": "note2" }, { "sysId": "eb95737f44664bd3bd4002690e00d715", "text": "note1 text", "title": "note1" } ] Restart Criteria (z/OS Tasks only) "restarCriteria": [ { "directives : [ { "type": "Start", "procedure": null, "step": "-3" }, { "type": "Skip", "procedure": null, "step": 0 } ] "evaluationOrder": 3, "programName": null, "pstepName": null, "restartOption": "Restart Using Directives", "stepCodes": "S806", "stepName": "S5", "sysId": "76ce212c7757451e86c0f9232201b2ef" } ] RunTime Parameters (PeopleSoft Tasks only) "runtimeParameters": [ { parameterName": "RTP-1", parameterValue": 100, processName": "TREEMOVER", processType": "Application Engine", sysId": "4f5bb3fda5874dac8bb1897382d1317d" } ] Step Conditions (z/OS Tasks only) "stepConditions": [ { "programName": "*", "pstepName": "*", "stepAction": "Continue/Success", "stepCodes": "1-4095", "stepName": "*", "stepOrder": 1, "sysId": "1481337495c04883b007dac298a088a9" } ] Stored Procedure Parameters (Stored Procedure Tasks only) "storedProcParams": [ { "descriptiond": null, "isNull": false, "ivalue": null, "ovalue": null, "paramMode": "Output", "paramType": "VARCHAR", "paramVar": "var", "pos": 2, "variableScope": "Self" } ] Variables "variables": [ { "description": "description", "name": "var1", "sysId": "76af48c246954c128ef90da254044618", "value": "value1" }, { "description": null, "name": "var2", "sysId": "899912878e4b4a36848269dc8a75dc1c", "value": "value2" } ] Virtual Resources "virtualResources": [ { "amount": 1, "resource": "R1", "resourceVar": null, "sysId": "11ea6bd3476f4fab8c2b4c3b4716532c" }, { "amount": 20, "resource": null, "resourceVar": "${VR}", "sysId": "3879a075b0fa4ccaa68966495b12c6f1" } ] |
See the Task-Related Records Properties page for information on all task-related records properties.
Click the links in the following table to view properties for specific task-related records on that page.
As shown in the following table, some task-related records are specific to a single task type.
Task-Related Records | Task Type |
Email Monitor | |
All | |
All | |
z/OS | |
PeopleSoft | |
z/OS | |
Stored Procedure | |
All | |
All |