Task Instance Web Services
Universal Controller supports the following RESTful-based web services for Task Instance operations, which are listed alphabetically on this page.
- Cancel a Task Instance
- Clear All Dependencies
- Clear Exclusive Dependencies
- Clear Predecessor Dependencies
- Clear Time Dependency
- Clear Virtual Resource Dependencies
- Delete a Task Instance
- Force/Finish a Task Instance
- Force/Finish Cancel a Task Instance
- Hold a Task Instance
- Issue Set Completed Command for a Manual Task Instance
- Issue Set Started Command for a Manual Task Instance
- List Task Instances
- List Task Instances - Advanced
- List Task Instance Variables (Show Variables)
- Release a Task Instance from Hold
- Rerun a Task Instance
- Retrieve Task Instance Output
- Set or Modify Wait Time/Duration for Task Instance
- Set Priority for a Task Instance
- Skip a Task Instance
- Skip a Task Instance Path
- Unskip a Task Instance
- Update a Task Instance Operational Memo
Formatting specifications for each web service, including details about parameter requirements, are provided.
For RESTful-based web services for Workflow Task Instance operations, see Workflow Task Instance Web Services.
Task Instance Status Types
The following table describes all possible task instance statuses for all task types.
The format of multi-word task status names specified in the Task Instance Status Web Service differs from the format of task status names used in the Controller user interface. In Task Instance Status, the words are separated by an underscore character; in the user interface, they are separated by a space.
Status Name |
Status Code |
Task Type |
Description |
Action_Required |
60 |
Manual |
When a manual task launches, it goes into Action Required status, meaning a user must perform some manual activity. For details, see Manual task. |
Cancel_Pending |
99 |
A process running on the Agent needs to be terminated. When the Cancel command is issued, the task instance will go into a Cancel Pending status until the Agent reports back that the process has been cancelled. At that point, the task instance will transition into the Cancelled status. |
Cancelled |
130 |
All |
The task was cancelled by a user. |
Confirmation_Required |
125 |
z/OS |
If you make JCL changes and restart a z/OS task, Universal Controller will put the task into Confirmation Required status and prompt you for a confirmation. For detailed processing steps, see Rerunning a z/OS Task. |
Defined |
0 |
All |
The new task instance has been created (the task has been launched). |
Exclusive_Requested |
22 |
All |
All tasks with a mutually exclusive task defined go immediately to a status of Exclusive Requested. If the task is available to run exclusively, the task then moves to the next appropriate processing status. |
Exclusive_Wait |
23 |
All |
The task is mutually exclusive with one or more other tasks, and it is waiting for those tasks to finish before it will run. |
Execution_Wait |
33 |
The task must wait to be completed; either the Agent/Agent Cluster running the task has reached its Task Execution Limit, or the ability of the Agent/Agent Cluster to run tasks has been suspended. |
Failed |
140 |
All* |
The task ran to a failure status. |
Finished |
190 |
All |
The task was forced by the user to finish. The user may do this in cases where the task had a Cancelled or Failed status, and the user needed to release other task instances depending on the successful completion of this task instance in a workflow. For more information, see Force Finishing a Task. |
Held |
20 |
All |
The task has been put on hold by a user. |
In_Doubt |
110 |
The Agent is "in doubt" about the current status of the task instance. This may occur if an Agent or Agent connection goes down. In this case, the Agent restarts and reviews its data about tasks in progress. If the Agent finds a task still running, it resumes normal monitoring. If the Agent cannot find the task, this usually indicates that the task completed, but the Agent considers the task status to be "in doubt." |
Queued |
40 |
The task has been queued on a resource. |
Resource_Requested |
25 |
All |
All tasks with a virtual resource defined go immediately to a status of Resource Requested. If the resource is available, the task then moves to the next appropriate processing status. |
Resource_Wait |
30 |
All |
All tasks with a virtual resource defined go immediately to a status of Resource Requested. If the resource is not available, the task goes to a status of Resource Wait. When the resource becomes available, the task moves to the next appropriate processing status |
Running |
80 |
All |
The task is running. For Agent-based tasks, the Agent has started running the program. |
Running/Problems |
81 |
Workflow |
One or more tasks within the workflow has one of the following statuses:
Skipped |
180 |
All |
The task was skipped by a user. |
Start Failure |
120 |
All |
The task was unable to start. |
Started |
70 |
Agent-based, Manual |
The task has started. For Agent-based tasks, this means the Agent has received the task. |
Submitted |
43 |
z/OS |
The task has been submitted to the z/OS Job Entry subsystem and scheduled by the z/OS Job Scheduler. |
Success |
200 |
All |
The task has completed successfully. Workflows will transition to Success status when all of its tasks have transitioned to Success, Finished, or Skipped status. |
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