Deleting, Adding, and Exporting the Template

Deleting, Adding, and Exporting the Template

Step 1 - Deleting the Saved Template

To save the example-template above, we had to initialize AND specify the --save flag. This can be inconvenient if one does not want to initialize the template now, but still wants to save it.

The alternate way of saving/adding the template is using the uip template add command. Before doing so, let’s first delete the saved template by running

uip template delete example-template

which should print

Successfully deleted "example-template (1.0.0)"


uip template list

should now only show the built-in templates (which cannot be deleted):

| Extension Template | Version | Description                                             |
| ue-task            | 1.0.0   | starter Extension with minimal code                     |
| ue-publisher       | 1.0.0   | starter Extension with a local Universal Event template |

Step 2 - Adding the Template using uip template add

To add/save the example-template without having to initialize first, run

uip template add <path to example-template.zip>

which should print

Successfully added "example-template (1.0.0)"


uip template list

should now only show the built-in templates (which cannot be deleted):

| Extension Template | Version | Description                                             |
| ue-task            | 1.0.0   | starter Extension with minimal code                     |
| ue-publisher       | 1.0.0   | starter Extension with a local Universal Event template |
| example-template   | 1.0.0   | this is the description for example template            |

Step 2.1 - Updating the Template

In addition to adding the template, the CLI also supports updating the template.


Each template is uniquely identified by its name and version, defined in template_config.yml. As long as those two things don’t change, the saved template can be updated.

Navigate to the folder where we created example-template. This folder should contain template_config.yml.

The updates to example-template will be pretty minor. Open up template_config.yml and

  • Change the description to this is the UPDATED description for example template
  • Add an entry for src/test.txt in the files_to_template array

The updated template_config.yml should be as follows:

name: example-template

version: 1.0.0

description: this is the UPDATED description for example template

  - src/extension.py
  - src/templates/template.json
  - src/test.txt

    default: test_message
    description: message to print to STDOUT and STDERR
    default: Info
    description: Universal Template Log Level 

Create a new file called test.txt under the src folder (file should be at the same level as extension.py) and populate it with:

{{ msg }}

Now, zip up all the contents once again in a file called updated_example_template.zip (or whatever you want to call it).

To update the saved template, simply run

uip template add <path to updated_example_template.zip>

which should print

Successfully updated "example_template (1.0.0)"

If you now list the available templates, you will see the updated description

| Extension Template | Version | Description                                             |
| ue-task            | 1.0.0   | starter Extension with minimal code                     |
| ue-publisher       | 1.0.0   | starter Extension with a local Universal Event template |
| example-template   | 1.0.0   | this is the UPDATED description for example template    |

If you initialize example-template now using

uip init -t example-template -e 'msg=this is a new message'

you will see the new file, src/test.txt, containing the specified message.

Step 3 - Exporting the Saved Template

The CLI also supports exporting a saved template. This may be helpful, if you no longer have access to the original template zip and want to share it.

To export example-template, run

uip template export example-template

This will export a file called example_template-1.0.0.zip in your current working directory. This zip can be shared and imported by others.

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