Managing Template with Multiple Versions

Managing Template with Multiple Versions

Step 1 - Creating example-template version 1.1.0

As mentioned in the previous step, an existing, saved template can be updated as long as the name and version in template_config.yml haven’t changed.

If the name changes, then the new template will get it's own entry in the template list table. Since the names are different, initializing using just the name won't be a problem.

If the version changes but not the name, then the new template will get it’s own entry in the template list table, however, since the names didn’t change, the user will have to distinguish the template they want to initialize by providing the version as well

Navigate to the folder where the template was updated (Step 2.1 from the previous page). If the folder was deleted, you could always export the template and unzip it.

Open template_config.yml and change the value of the version field to 1.1.0. Zip up the contents and save it in a file called example-template-1.1.0.zip (or whatever else you want to call it).

Running the add command below

uip template add <path to example-template-1.1.0.zip>

should now print

Successfully added "example-template (1.1.0)"

And running

uip template list

will now show both versions of example-template:

| Extension Template | Version | Description                                             |
| ue-task            | 1.0.0   | starter Extension with minimal code                     |
| ue-publisher       | 1.0.0   | starter Extension with a local Universal Event template |
| example-template   | 1.0.0   | this is the UPDATED description for example template    |
| example-template   | 1.1.0   | this is the UPDATED description for example template    |

Step 2 - Initializing/Listing/Deleting/Exporting Templates with Multiple Versions

In the previous step, we successfully added multiple versions of the example-template template.

To initialize, list, delete, or export example-template, the version must also be specified as follows:

  • To initialize example-template version 1.0.0

    uip init -t example-template@1.0.0
  • To initialize example-template version 1.1.0

    uip init -t example-template@1.1.0
  • To list example-template version 1.0.0

    uip template list example-template@1.0.0
  • To list example-template version 1.1.0

    uip template list example-template@1.1.0
  • To delete example-template version 1.0.0

    uip template delete example-template@1.0.0
  • To delete example-template version 1.1.0

    uip template delete example-template@1.1.0
  • To export example-template version 1.0.0

    uip template export example-template@1.0.0
  • To export example-template version 1.1.0

    uip template export example-template@1.1.0

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