Starting and Stopping Universal Broker - z/OS

Starting and Stopping Universal Broker - z/OS


Universal Broker for z/OS executes as a started task.

The UBROKER program utilizes the z/OS UNIX System Services environment.

Start Universal Broker

To start Universal Broker, execute the START console command:


Stop Universal Broker

To stop Universal Broker, execute the STOP console command:


Stop Universal Broker (Failover)

F <ubroker>,APPL=SHUTDOWN, [ FAILOVER [ ,<sysname> ] | NOFAILOVER ]

When issued against a Secondary agent

This command behaves like the STOP console command.

When issued against a Primary agentThis command shuts down the Broker (and agent) while controlling the Sysplex failover behaviour:
When issued without the FAILOVER or NOFAILOVER parameter

Failover will behave as configured by the automatic_failover parameter in UAGCFG00.

When FAILOVER Is specified

An available Secondary agent will take over as Primary, regardless of how failover is configured.

When the optional <sysname> is specified, the agent running on the designated z/OS system will take over as Primary agent regardless of how fail over is configured.

When NOFAILOVER Is specifiedNo Secondary agent will take over as Primary, regardless of how failover is configured.


Behaviour of the STOP console command with failover is identical to this F <ubroker>,APPL=SHUTDOWN command with no other parameters.

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