Universal Copy for IBM i

Universal Copy for IBM i

Currently, IBM i runs Workload Automation 5.1.1.   These pages provide information for that version.


This page describes the configuration options and command line syntax of Universal Copy for the IBM i operating systems.


Universal Copy became available for the IBM i environment with PTF 0UC0104 (level 1.2.1).

Workload Automation 5 for IBM i Commands

The names of the Workload Automation 5 for IBM i commands that are installed in the IBM i QSYS library are tagged with the Workload Automation 5 for IBM i version / release / modification number, 511. The names of the commands installed in the Universal Agent for IBM i product library, UNVPRD511, are untagged.

To maintain consistency across releases, you may prefer to use the untagged names in your production environment. The Change Release Tag program, UCHGRLS, lets you change the tagged command names in QSYS to the untagged command names in UNVPRD511.


These pages references the IBM i commands by their untagged names. If you are using commands with tagged names to run Universal Copy, substitute the tagged names for the untagged names in these references.

Universal Copy for IBM i Command

The Universal Copy for IBM i command is STRUCP.

STRUCP copies files specified by FRMFILE and FRMFILES parameters to STDOUT or to a file specified by the TOFILE parameter. The files are concatenated in the order specified, starting with FRMFILE and continuing with the FRMFILES list. If no files are specified, it copies from STDIN to STDOUT.

Configuration Options

The following table identifies all Universal Copy for IBM i configuration options. Each Option Name is a link to detailed information about that option.

Option Name



Copy mode for reading and writing files.


Name of a file to copy.


Names of additional files to copy.


Name of a member in the file specified by FRMFILE.


Mode for opening the file for input.


Level of messages displayed by Universal Copy.


Mode for opening the file for output.


Specification for whether or not existing output file should be replaced.


Name of the output file that receives the specified concatenated input files.


Name of a member within the file specified by TOFILE.


Specification for whether or not the copy operation is performed in transactional mode.


Writes the program version and copyright information.

Command Line Syntax

The following figure illustrates the syntax — using the STRUCP parameter form of command line options — of Universal Copy for IBM i.

[FRMFILE([{*lib|*curlib|library name}/] {*stdin|filename}) [FRMMBR({*first|*all|member name})]
[FRMFILES( ([{*lib|*curlib|library name}/] file [*first|*all}])...)] ]
[TOFILE( [{*lib|*curlib|library name}/] {*stdout|filename}) [TOMBR(member)] ]

Additional Options
[INPUTMODE('option')]								Note: Overrides CPYMODE for input files.
[OUTPUTMODE('option')]								Note: Overrides CPYMODE for output files.



Under IBM i, the STRUCP default mode (CPYMODE) is text. For all other platforms, the default is binary.

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