Universal Event Monitor Output

Universal Event Monitor Output

Universal Event Monitor Event Definition

The following table identifies the information that is displayed for a requested Universal Event Monitor event definition.

Field Name


Event ID

Event definition identifier.

Event Type

Type of system event that the event definition is responsible for detecting and monitoring. The following event types are supported:
Instructs UEM to detect the creation of a file and track its progress until it meets its specified completion criteria.

Component Name

Name of the event-driven Universal Event Monitor Server component to which the event definition is assigned. This is the UEM Server component responsible for monitoring the event.


Indicates whether the event definition is currently recognized by its assigned UEM Server.
An enabled event definition will be monitored as long as the current date and time fall within the activation and inactivation times.
A disabled event definition will never become active and will never be monitored, unless it is explicitly enabled.


Indicates whether the event definition is currently being monitored by its assigned UEM Server.
An event definition must be enabled before it will be made active.
The event will be made inactive once its inactivation time elapses.

Activation Time

Date and time at which the assigned UEM Server component will begin monitoring this event.

Inactivation Time

Date and time at which the assigned UEM Server component will stop monitoring this event.

Tracking Interval

Frequency, in seconds, with which UEM will test for the completion of any system occurrence detected for this event.

Triggered Handler

ID of a record stored in the event handler database that should be executed whenever the processing state for an occurrence of this event is set to TRIGGERED.

Expired Handler

ID of a record stored in the event handler database that should be executed whenever the processing state for this event is set to EXPIRED.

Rejected Handler

ID of a record stored in the event handler database that should be executed whenever the processing state for an occurrence of this event is set to REJECTED.

Handler Options

Parameters that UEM adds to the command line used to execute the event handler process. The event handler process receives these parameters as command line options.

Last Modified On

Date and time the event definition record was last updated.

Last Modified By

Name of the user account that last updated the event definition record.

Event Type-Specific Fields

This section describes the event definition fields that vary depending on the value of the Event Type parameter.

FILE Event Definitions

The following table identifies the fields that are displayed for events with an event type of FILE.

Field Name


File Specification

File whose creation should be detected and whose progress should be tracked by UEM.

Minimum File Size

Smallest size a file must be before it is considered complete by UEM.

Rename File

Indication of whether or not the file will be renamed by UEM whenever the processing state of the tracked event occurrence is set to TRIGGERED.

Rename Specification

Format that UEM should use when renaming a file whose event occurrence has been set to the TRIGGERED state.

Universal Event Monitor Event Definitions List

The following table identifies the items for which values are defined in a Universal Event Monitor Event Definitions list.

Column Name



Event Definition Identifier.


Type of system event that the event definition is responsible for detecting and monitoring. For a complete list of supported event types, see Event Type in #Universal Event Monitor Event Definition.


Indication of whether or not the event definition currently is being processed by its assigned UEM Server.


Indication of whether or not the event definition currently is being monitored by its assigned UEM Server.

Universal Event Monitor Event Handler

The following table identifies the information displayed for a requested Universal Event Monitor event handler.

Field Name


Handler ID

Event Handler Identifier.

Handler Type

Process which is executed on behalf of the event handler. The following process types are supported:

  • CMD
    Indicates the record contains the name of an application, along with all of its required command line parameters, that is to be executed on behalf of the event handler.
    Indicates the record contains a set of one or more system commands that are to be executed as a single script on behalf of the event handler.

Max Acceptable Return Code

Highest value an event handler process may return to still be considered as having executed successfully.

User ID

ID of the user account in whose security context the event handler process will be executed.


If the value of the Handler Type parameter is CMD, this field shows the command to execute.
This field will not be shown if the value of the Handler Type parameter is SCRIPT.

Script Statements

If the value of the Handler Type parameter is SCRIPT, this field marks the beginning of the system commands that will be executed as a script.
This field will not be shown if the value of the Handler Type parameter is CMD.

Script Type

Type of script statements to execute when the value of the Handler Type parameter is SCRIPT.
This field will not be shown if the value of the Handler Type parameter is CMD.

Last Modified On

Date and time the event handler record was last updated.

Last Modified By

Name of the user account that last updated the event handler record.

Universal Event Monitor Event Handler List

The following table identifies the items for which values are defined in a Universal Event Monitor Event Handlers list.

Column Name



Event Handler Identifier.


Describes the process which is executed on behalf of the event handler. For a complete list of supported process types, see Handler Type in #Universal Event Monitor Event Handler.

Universal Event Monitor Spool List

The following table identifies the items for which values are listed in Universal Event Monitor Spool List.

Column Name



Sequential number that is assigned to each record as it is added to the database. This number serves to uniquely identify each occurrence of a given event definition.


ID of the event definition responsible for the detection and monitoring of the event occurrence recorded by this spool record.


Processing state of the event occurrence. For a complete list of possible values, see the description of the Processing State parameter, below.


ID of an event handler executed whenever the processing state of an event or an event occurrence enters the TRIGGERED, REJECTED, or EXPIRED state.


Value returned by the process executed on behalf of an event handler.


Indicates whether the event handler process ended normally or whether it was terminated unexpectedly.


Indicates the outcome of event handler processing. For a list of possible values, see Handler Status in #Universal Event Monitor Spool Record.

Universal Event Monitor Spool Record

The following table identifies the information displayed for a requested Universal Event Monitor spool record.

Field Name


Serial No

Sequential number that is assigned to each record as it is added to the database. This number serves to uniquely identify each occurrence of a given event definition.

Event ID

ID of the event definition responsible for the detection and monitoring of the event occurrence recorded by this spool record.

Component Name

Name of the event-driven Universal Event Monitor Server component to which the event definition is assigned. This is the UEM Server component responsible for monitoring and processing the event.

Component Description

Description of the UEM Server component identified by Component Name.

Component Version

Version of the UEM Server component identified by Component Name.

Component ID

Value that uniquely identifies the instance of the UEM Server component that processed the event occurrence.

Event Type

Type of system event that the event definition is responsible for detecting and monitoring.

System Object

System event detected and monitored by the event occurrence.

Processing State

Processing state of the event occurrence.
The following values are used:

    Indicates that an occurrence of a system event described by an event definition was detected, but has not yet met the completion criteria set forth by the event definition and by UEM's application logic.
    Indicates that an occurrence of a system event described by an event definition was detected and has completed. If a triggered event handler was specified in the event definition, that handler's process will be executed and the event handler's ID will be shown in the Handler ID field.
    Indicates than an occurrence of a system event described by an event definition was detected, but failed to complete before the date and time specified in the event definition's Inactivation Time parameter. If a rejected event handler was specified in the event definition, that handler's process will be executed and the event handler's ID will be shown in the Handler ID field.
    Indicates that no occurrence of the system event described by an event definition was detected before the event's Inactivation Time elapsed. If an expired event handler was specified in the event definition, that handler's process will be executed and the event handler's ID will be shown in the Handler ID field.
    Indicates an error occurred while processing the event occurrence.

Handler ID

ID of an event handler executed whenever the processing state of an event or an event occurrence enters the TRIGGERED, REJECTED, or EXPIRED state.

User Command

Command executed on behalf of the event handler when the Handler Type is CMD. If the Handler Type is SCRIPT, this field contains no value.

Process ID

ID of the process executed by UEM on behalf of the event handler.

User ID

Name of the user account in whose security context the event handler process was executed.

Start Time

Date and time the event handler process started.

End Time

Date and time the event handler process ended.

Exit Code

Value returned by the event handler process.

Exit Status

Indicates whether the event handler process ended normally or whether it terminated unexpectedly.

Handler Status

Indicates the outcome of event handler processing.
The following values are used:

    The event handler process finished abnormally, or ended normally with an exit code greater than the maximum acceptable return code specified in the event handler record.
    No event handler was specified for the event's processing state.
    An attempt to execute the event handler process failed because the user ID or password specified for the event handler was incorrect.
    The ID of an event handler record specified for a particular processing state was not found in the event handler database.
    The Universal Event Monitor Server was stopped while the event handler process was running.
    The event handler process completed normally and exited with a value that was less than or equal to the maximum acceptable return code specified in the event handler record.
    Information for the event handler process could not be recovered.

Last Modified On

Date and time the spool record was last updated.

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