Using I-Activity Monitor

Using I-Activity Monitor

When you log in to I-Activity Monitor, (see Accessing UEC Client Applications) the I-Activity Monitor screen displays.

I-Activity Monitor Screen Information

The I-Activity Monitor screen contains the following regions:

  • Menu Bar
    The menu bar lets you perform tasks common to all I-Activity Monitor activities (see I-Activity Monitor Menu Bar]).
  • Tool Bar
    The tool bar lets you perform tasks common to all I-Activity Monitor activities and tasks specific to individual activities (see I-Activity Monitor Tool Bar).
  • Filter Group Panel
    The Filter Group panel contains buttons that let you select a category of UEC activity (see I-Activity Monitor Filter Group Panel).
  • Filter Tree
    The Filter tree displays the types of activities for the activity category selected in the Filter Group panel (see I-Activity Monitor Filter Tree).
  • Data Table
    The Data table displays a list of all activities for the activity type selected in the Filter tree (see I-Activity Monitor Data Table).
  • Data Details Table
    The Data Details table displays detailed information about an item select in the Data table. There are two types of Data Details table:
    • Properties table displays a list of all fields, and their values, for an item selected in the Data table (see Properties Table).
    • Jobs table displays a list of all current jobs for an Agent selected in the Data table (see Jobs Table).


In the I-Activity Monitor screen that displays when you log in:

  • Agents is pre-selected in the Filter tree.
  • Systems is pre-selected in the Filter Group panel.
  • Data Details table does not display.

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