Stopping a Component via I-Activity Monitor

Stopping a Component via I-Activity Monitor

Stopping a Component via I-Activity Monitor

To stop an active or restarted component, perform the following steps:

Step 1

In the Filter Group panel, click the Jobs button.

Step 2

In the Jobs table, select the component to be stopped.

Step 3

On the I-Activity Monitor tool bar, click the Stop Component icon.
If you have permission to stop components running under the selected Agent, UEC will attempt to stop the component using a remote user name in the following format:

    • UEC_USER is the user ID under which UEC itself is executing.
    • LOGGED_IN_USER is the user ID of the I-Activity Monitor user.
      Unless the user ID was changed at installation:
    • UEC for z/OS will execute as user STCUSER.
    • UEC for Windows will execute as NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM.
      If the Universal Access Control List (UACL) on the remote machine for Universal Control allows this remote user to stop components, the component should be stopped.

Step 4

If the UACL does not allow components to be stopped with this remote user ID, I-Activity Monitor displays the Stop Component dialog.

Enter the User Name and Password used to execute the job, and then click OK.
UEC then will re-attempt to stop the component with this information. If UEC cannot stop the component, you will be notified by UEC.


UACL Example

The following is an example entry in the UACL configuration of the remote agent for Universal Control stop access:

# User connecting to MVS UEC
uctl_access ALL,STCUSER:user1,*,allow,noauth
# User connecting to Windows UEC
uctl_access "ALL,NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM:user1,*,allow,noauth"

(For a complete description of UCTL_ACCESS, see Universal Control UACL Entries.)


You cannot stop a component in the pending state. Instead, the manager must be executed with either:

  • RESTART option value of auto or yes, in order to pick up its output and exit status.
  • FORCE_COMPLETE option in order to clean up the spool.

Also, stopping a component that is running under the control of Universal Broker version 1.2 is not supported.


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