Universal Command 7.4.x Quick Reference Guide
ucmd { -help | -version }
There is a long form and, for most options, a short form available for specifying each option on the command line. The long form is not case-sensitive; the short form is case-sensitive.
Options must be prefixed with a dash ( - ) character. If an option value is specified, the option and its value must be separated by at least one space.
COMMAND {-cmd [-cmd_type] | -script [-options] [-script_type] } [ {-file | -encryptedfile [-key] } ] [-server]
Long Form | Short Form | Description |
-cmd command | -c command | Command to execute on the remote host. command must be in quotation marks if it contains any white space or shell meta-characters. |
-cmd_type type | n/a | Type of command specified by -cmd. Valid values are defined by the server on which the command will be executed. |
-encryptedfile file | -x file | Encrypted file from which UCMD options are read. Encrypted UCMD option files are creating using Universal Encrypt. |
-exit_code_map map | n/a | Allows exit codes from the user process executed by UCMD Server to be translated (mapped) to a corresponding exit code for UCMD Manager |
-file file | -f file | File from which UCMD options are read. |
-key key | -K key | Key that was passed to Universal Encrypt when the UCMD option file was encrypted. |
-options options | -o options | List of command line options for the script file specified by -script. |
-script file | -s file | Script file to execute on the remote host. |
-script_type type | n/a | Type of script specified by -script. Valid values are defined by the server on which the script will be executed. |
-server options | -S options | Platform-specific options that are passed directly to the server. |
HOST -host [-port] [-hostname_retry_count] [-outboundip]
Long Form | Short Form | Description |
-host hostlist | -i hostlist > | List of one or more hosts upon which a command can run. |
-hostname_retry_count count | n/a | Number of times that UCMD will attempt to resolve the host name of a specified Universal Broker before it ends with a connect error. |
-outboundip address | n/a | Host network address to bind to for all outbound connections. address format is dotted form ( or a host domain name. |
-port port | -p port | Host port number on which the Universal Broker is listening. Default is the Universal Broker default. |
LOCAL [-system_id] [-bif_directory] [-plf_directory]
Long Form | Short Form | Description |
-system_id ID Z | n/a | Local Universal Broker with which the UCMD Manager must register before the Manager performs any request. |
-bif_directory directory U | n/a | Broker Interface File (BIF) directory where the Universal Broker interface file is located. |
-plf_directory directory | n/a | Program Lock File (PLF) directory where the program lock files are located. |
Z Available for use on z/OS operating systems only. U Available for use on UNIX operating systems only. |
USER [-userid [-pwd] ] [-login]
Long Form | Short Form | Description |
-loginĀ option | -GĀ option | Establish user login environment. |
-pwdĀ password | -wĀ password | Remote user ID's password. |
-useridĀ user | -uĀ user | Remote user ID with which the command runs. |
OPTIONS [ {-help | -version } | [-lang] [-level] [-codepage] [-comment] [-compress] [-connect_timeout] [-crl] [-dns_expand] [-encrypt] [-authenticate] [-host_selection] [-mft_safe_mode] [-networkft] [-managerft] [-assign_process_to_job] [-delay] [-job_retention] [-retry_count] [-retry_interval] [-cmdid] [-restart] [-saf_key_ring] [-saf_king_ring_label] [-ssl_implementation] [-server_stop_conditions] [-tracefilelines] [-tracetable] [-uencrypted_codepage] [-uencrypted_codepage_path] [-elevate_user_token] [-forcecomplete] [-trailingspaces] [-ctl_ssl_cipher_list] [-data_ssl_cipher_list] [-default_cipher] [-cert -private_key [-private_key_pwd] ] [-ca_certs [-verify_host_name] [-verify_serial_number] ] ]
Long Form | Short Form | Description |
-assign_process_to_job option | n/a | Specification for whether or not UCMD Server assigns child processes to a single Windows job object. |
-authenticate option | -a option | Specification for whether or not all data sent over the network is authenticated (yes or no). Default is no. |
-ca_certs file | n/a | Name of a PEM-formatted file containing the X.509 certificates for trusted Certificate Authorities (CAs). |
-cert file | n/a | Name of a PEM-formatted file containing an X.509 certificate used to identify UCMD to the Broker. |
-cmdid id | -C id | Identifier of the unit of work represented by the UCMD Manager, UCMD Server, and user command. |
-codepage codepage | -t codepage | Code page used to translate text on the local host for all standard files. |
-comment text | n/a | User-defined string. |
-compress mode[,method] | -k mode[,method] | Specification for whether or not data transmitted across the network should be compressed Valid values for mode are yes and no. Default is no. method specifies the method of compression:
Default is zlib. |
-connect_timeout seconds | n/a | Length of time that a UCMD Manager will wait for a connection to a remote Universal Broker to complete. |
-crl file / ddname | n/a | File name / ddname of the PEM-formatted file containing the Certificate Revocation List (CRL) issued by the trusted Certificate Authority. |
-ctl_ssl_cipher_list ciphers | n/a | SSL/TLS cipher suites (one or more, in their preferred order) for control SSL/TLS connections. ciphers is a comma-separated list of cipher suite names or a single value of NULL-NULL, which disables SSL/TLS, encryption, and message authentication. Valid SSL/TLS cipher suites are AES256-GCM-SHA384,AES256-SHA,AES128-GCM-SHA256,AES128-SHA,ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384,ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384,ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256,ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256,RC4-SHA,RC4-MD5,DES-CBC3-SHA. |
-data_ssl_cipher_list ciphers | n/a | SSL/TLS cipher suites (one or more, in their preferred order) for stdio SSL/TLS connections. ciphers is a comma-separated list of cipher suite names. Valid values are AES256-GCM-SHA384, AES256-SHA, AES128-GCM-SHA256, AES128-SHA, ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384,ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384,ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256,ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256, RC4-SHA, RC4-MD5, DES-CBC3-SHA, and DES-CBC-SHA. One of these cipher suites is used when encryption is requested with the -encrypt option and the SSL/TLS protocol is used with the server. |
-default_cipher cipher | n/a | Default SSL/TLS cipher used when no encryption is requested. Valid values are AES256-GCM-SHA384, AES256-SHA, AES128-GCM-SHA256, AES128-SHA, ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384,ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384,ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256,ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256, RC4-SHA, RC4-MD5, DES-CBC3-SHA, DES-CBC-SHA, NULL-SHA256, NULL-SHA, NULL-MD5, and NULL-NULL (no SSL/TLS). Default is NULL-MD5. |
-delay seconds | -d seconds | Maximum delay for transmitting data that may be expected due to network conditions. |
-dns_expand option | n/a | Number of IP addresses returned to UCMD Manager following a DNS query, which is issued to resolve a host name. |
-elevate_user_token option | n/a | Allows a process to obtain a user access token that is not subject to User Account Control (UAC) restrictions. It overrides the UCMD Server ELEVATE_USER_TOKEN configuration option that determines whether a Windows process executes with highest available privileges. |
-encrypt option | -e option | Specification for whether or not all data sent over the network is encrypted (yes or no). Default is no. |
-forcecomplete option | n/a | Specification for whether or not to force a PENDING server to a completed state (yes or no). Default is no. |
-help | -h | Writes help file. |
-host_selection option | n/a | Host (from the -host list) that the UCMD Manager will choose to begin its attempts to connect to a remote Universal Broker. |
-job_retention seconds | -j seconds | Length of time that a server should wait after the user process ends for a manager reconnect request. The server default is 172,800 seconds (2 days). |
-lang language | -L language | Message and text language. |
-level level [,time] | -l level [,time] | Level of messages to write. level is one or more of the following, separated by commas: error | warn | info | audit | trace}. time specifies whether or not a time stamp is included with each message. Valid values for time are {notime | time}. |
-managerft option | -M option | Specification for whether or not to use manager fault tolerance (yes or no). Default is no. |
-mft_safe_mode option | n/a | Situations in which more than one host may be specified in the -host list when manager fault tolerance (MFT) is enabled. |
-networkft option | -N option | Specification for whether or not to use network fault tolerance (yes or no). Default is no. |
-private_key file | n/a | Name of a PEM formatted file containing the RSA private key corresponding to the X.509 certificate specified by -cert. |
-private_key_password password | n/a | Password for the private key file specified by -private_key. |
-restart option | -R option | Specification for whether or not this execution of UCMD Manager is a restart of a previous manager fault tolerant Manager. Valid values for option are {yes | no | auto}. Default is no. |
-retry_count count | n/a | Number of reconnection attempts that will be made following a network outage. |
-retry_interval seconds | n/a | Number of seconds to wait between reconnection attempts. |
-saf_key_ring name Z | n/a | SAF certificate key ring name that the Universal Command job should used for its certificate. |
-saf_key_ring_label labelĀ Z | n/a | Label of the certificate in the SAF certificate key ring that the Universal Command job should use for its certificate. |
-ssl_implementation option Z | n/a | SSL/TLS implementation to be used for network communications. Valid values for option are OPENSSL (OpenSSL SSL/TLS library is used.) and SYSTEM (z/OS system SSL library is used.) |
-server_stop_conditions codes Z | n/a | Exit codes (one or more) of the executing UCMD Manager that should trigger the locally running Universal Broker to cancel the corresponding UCMD Server for the exited UCMD Manager. |
-trace_table size,condition | n/a | Size of a wrap-around trace table maintained in memory. size is the table size in kilobytes or megabytes (for example, 100K or 10M). condition is the condition under which the trace table is written:
-tracefilelines count | n/a | Maximum number of lines written to a trace file before it wraps around to the top of the file. |
-uencrypted_codepage | n/a | Character code page that Universal Command Manager uses to translate characters within a command file that has been encrypted with the Universal Encrypt utility |
-uencrypted_codepage_path | n/a | Location of the code page specified by the UENCRYPTED_CODEPAGE option |
-verify_host_name host | n/a | Specification that the Broker's X.509 certificate must identify a host name that matches host. |
-verify_serial_number number | n/a | Specification that the Broker's X.509 certificate must have a serial number that matches number. Hexadecimal format is specified with a prefix of 0x or 0X. |
-version | -v | Write program version information and exit. |
Z Available for use on z/OS operating systems only. |
STDFILE-OPTIONS [ {-stdin | -stdout | -stderr} [-codepage] [-remotecodepage] [-mode] [-compress] [-encrypt] [-authenticate] [-localfile] ]...
Long Form | Short Form | Description |
-stdin | -I | Start of stdin options. |
-stdout | -O | Start of stdout options. |
-stderr | -E | Start of stderr options. |
-authenticate option | -a option | Authentication option - yes or no (default) - for the standard file. |
-codepage codepage | -t codepage | Code page used to translate text on local host for standard file. |
-compress mode[,method] | -k mode | Compression option for the standard file. Valid values for mode are yes and no. Default is no. method specifies the method of compression:
Default is zlib. |
-encrypt option | -e option | Specification for whether or not the standard file is encrypted (yes or no). Default is no. |
-localfile file | -F file | Local file name to read from for stdin or written to for stdout and stderr. In the case of stdin, if a file value is not specified, stdin is immediately closed. |
-mode mode | -m mode | Standard file transfer mode. Valid values for mode are one or more of the following, separated by commas: {binary | text [,direct | ucs]}. Default is text,ucs. |
-remotecodepage codepage | -T codepage | Code page used to translate text on the remote host for the standard file. |
-trailingspaces option Z | n/a | Specification for how fixed format records are read from UNVIN ddname. This option is standard input, text mode only. Either the complete record is read including trailing spaces or only the data up to the last non-space character is read. The default behavior is to truncate the data after the last non-space character in the record. Valid values for option are:
Default is no. |
Z Available for use on z/OS operating systems only. |