Starting and Stopping Universal Enterprise Controller - Windows

Starting and Stopping Universal Enterprise Controller - Windows

Starting / Stopping Universal Enterprise Controller for Windows

Universal Enterprise Controller (UEC) for Windows executes as a service.

By default, UEC for Windows is set to start automatically whenever Windows is booted.

Changes to UEC configuration require it to be stopped and restarted by the Windows Service Control Manager.

To access the Service Control Manager:

Step 1

Click the Control Panel on the Windows Start menu.

Step 2

Double-click the Administrative Tools icon on the Control Panel window.

Step 3

Double-click the Services icon on the Administrative Tools window.

Step 4

On the Services window, select Universal Enterprise Controller in the list of services.

Step 5

In the Action menu, click:

  1. Stop, to stop UEC for Windows.
  2. Start, to start UEC for Windows.

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