Universal Agent 7.7.x for Windows Quick Start Guide

Universal Agent 7.7.x for Windows Quick Start Guide


This Universal Agent 7.7.x for Windows Quick Start Guide provides a short summary on how to perform a Universal Agent installation on a Windows system and execute Universal Command and Universal Data Mover jobs. For a complete description of the installation process, see Universal Agent 7.7.x Installation, Upgrade, and Applying Maintenance.

The following information is provided:

  • System requirements
  • Downloading the Universal Agent 7.7.x for Windows distribution file.
  • Extracting and installing Universal Agent 7.7.x on Windows.
  • Licensing Universal Agent components.
  • Encrypting passwords.
  • Executing a Universal Command job.
  • Executing a Universal Data Mover job.
  • Running a system query.

System Requirements

Windows Versions

  • Windows Server 2016
  • Windows Server 2019
  • Windows Server 2022

System Installation

  • The Universal Agent for Windows System Install package requires a 64-bit edition of the Windows versions listed above.

User Mode Installation

  • The Universal Agent for Windows User Mode Install package will execute only on a 64-bit version of Windows.

Additional Requirements

System Install

  • An account with administrative privileges.
  • Possible reboot: a reboot is required if the Windows Installer service is not installed, a version of the Windows Installer prior to 3.1.4000.1823 is installed, or if required files are in use at the time of the installation.
  • TCP/IP.
  • About 325 megabytes of disk space.

User Mode Install

  • Administrative authority to execute the installation.
  • Network connectivity via TCP/IP.
  • About 120 MB available disk space.
  • Interactive access to the Windows system (command line support will be provided in an upcoming release).
  • Microsoft Visual C++ 14 Runtime
  • Microsoft Universal C Runtime

Platform Requirements

Since platform requirements may change with new releases of a product, please consult the Platform Support for Universal Controller 7.7.x and Universal Agent 7.7.x page to make sure that your platform is supported before performing an installation.

Downloading the Universal Agent 7.7.x for Windows Distribution File

The Universal Agent 7.7.x for Windows product distribution files (for System Install and User Mode Install) are available for download from the Stonebranch Customer Portal.

A customer user name and password - provided by Stonebranch, Inc. - are required to access the Customer Portal.

Installing Universal Agent 7.7.x via the Windows Installer Graphical Interface

Step 1

Download the appropriate Universal Agent 7.7.x for Windows product distribution file to your work station:
System Install

  • sb-7.7.x.-windows-x64.exe, the Universal Agent for Windows System Install distribution file (for supported 64-bit versions of Windows only).

User Mode Install

  • sb-7.7.MOD.LEVEL-windows-x64-um.exe, the Universal Agent for Windows User Mode Install distribution file (for supported 64-bit versions of Windows only).

Step 2

Execute the distribution file to extract the files. The installation starts after the files are extracted. It first will verify that your machine meets the minimum system requirements. If the requirements are met, a Welcome dialog displays.

Step 3

Click the <Next> button. A list of Universal Agent components included in the package then displays. A drive icon displays next to each item in the list, indicating that the component will be installed. The Install To: field identifies the location where the components will be installed.

  • If you want to select a different location, click the <Change...> button.
  • If you want to check the amount of disk space required for the installation, and the amount of available disk space on the selected directory, click the <Space> button.
  • If you do not want to install a component:
    1. Click the drive icon next to that component name.
    2. From the drop-down list that displays, select the X icon to mark the component as one not to be installed.

Step 4

When you have selected the components (and their installation destinations) that you want to install, click the <Next> button to continue the installation process. Depending on the components selected, the installation may prompt for additional values, such as working folders for Server components. Follow the directions provided with each dialog to complete the installation.

Licensing your Universal Agent 7.7.x for Windows Components


A Universal Agent eventually will be required to obtain its license information from a Universal Controller or UCAM installation. Support for locally-configured license information will be removed at that time.

After Universal Agent 7.7.x for Windows has been installed, you must configure the following Universal Agent 7.7.x components with product licenses before they can be used:

  • Universal Command Manager
  • Universal Connector for SAP
  • Universal Connector for PeopleSoft
  • Universal Data Mover Manager
  • Universal Application Container Server


Universal Enterprise Controller 6.3.x for Windows and Universal Application Container Server (as a component of Universal Command Agent for SOA 6.7.x for Windows) are packaged, and licensed, separately.

For each component, product license information (license parameter keywords and their values) is contained in a separate text file provided by your Stonebranch, Inc. account representative.

The format of the product license file name is: <component name>_<customer name>_<operating system>_<schedule or solution>.txt. For example: Agent_Stonebranch_NT_A1.txt.

Universal Command Manager License File

For Universal Command Manager, Agent is used as the <component name> in the product license file name and as the name of the product in the product license file itself - see below.)

The following is a sample Universal Command Manager for Windows product license file:

License_Product "AGENT"
License_Customer "STONEBRANCH"
License_OS_Type "NT"
License_Type "PERPETUAL"
License_Expiration_Date 2030.12.31          YYYY.MM.DD
License_NT_Servers 100
License_UNIX_Servers 100
License_OS400_Servers 10000
License_OS390_Servers 10000
License_Tandem_Servers 10000
License_OS390_Unix_Servers 10000
License_Key ABCD-1234-EFGH-5678-IJKL-MNOP-9999

Universal Data Mover Manager License File

For Universal Data Mover Manager, MFT is used as the <component name> in the product license file name and as the name of the product in the product license file itself - see below.)

The following is a sample Universal Data Mover Manager for Windows product license file:

License_Product "MFT"
License_Customer "STONEBRANCH"
License_OS_Type "NT"
License_Type "PERPETUAL"
License_Expiration_Date 2030.12.31          YYYY.MM.DD
License_NT_Servers 100
License_UNIX_Servers 100
License_OS400_Servers 10000
License_OS390_Servers 10000
License_OS390_Unix_Servers 10000
License_Key ABCD-1234-EFGH-5678-IJKL-MNOP-9999

Licensing Methods

Universal Agent 7.7.x for Windows components can be configured with product licenses either by:

  1. Entering the information into their configuration file. It is recommended that you enter license information at the end of the file. (The values are specified in the same syntax as all other configuration options.)
    • Universal Command Manager: ucmd.conf
    • Universal Connector for SAP: usap.conf
    • Universal Connector for PeopleSoft: upps.conf
    • Universal Data Mover Manager: udm.conf
    • Universal Application Container Server: uacs.conf
  2. Specifying the information on the Universal Configuration Manager License Information page for that component, either by.
    1. Entering the information specified in the license file.
    2. Importing the license file.


Universal Configuration Manager is installed during the Universal Agent 7.7.x for Windows installation.

Licensing via Universal Configuration Manager

To enter license information via the Universal Configuration Manager, perform the following steps:

Step 1

On the Windows Control Panel, double-click the Universal Configuration Manager icon to display the Universal Configuration Manager screen.

Step 2

In the Installed Components tree, click + next to the component that you want to configure with license information.

Step 3

Click License Information to display the License Information page.

Step 4

If you want to enter the license information on the page, make sure that you enter the information exactly as it is in the license information file. All information is case-sensitive; punctuation and spacing must be maintained.

Step 5

If you want to import the license file:

  1. Click the Import button.
  2. On the Select License File dialog that displays, select the license file to import.
  3. Click the Open button. The information is imported to the License information page.

Step 6

Click the OK button to save the license information.

Restart Universal Broker

For Universal Broker to read the license information, you must start / restart it.

Via Windows Services

Step 1

Go to Windows Services.

Step 2

Locate and select Universal Broker.

Step 3

If Universal Broker is not running, click Start.
If Universal Broker is running, click Restart.

Via Universal Configuration Manager

If you enter license information via the Universal Configuration Manager (see above), Universal Broker is restarted automatically, and the license information is read, when you click OK to save the license information.

Encrypting User ID and Password for Job Execution

Job execution demands a user ID and password. This information should be stored in an encrypted file, which Universal Command and Universal Data Mover will process before starting a job.

Step 1

Create a file containing a user ID (-userid id) and a password (-pwd password) for each component.

Step 2

Run the Universal Encrypt utility to encrypt the contents of the file.

Step 3

Execute Universal Command and Universal Data Mover using the encrypted file (-encryptedfile filename) option.

Executing a Universal Command Job

The command line syntax for executing Universal Command for Windows is:

ucmd -cmd command | -script file -host hostlist -encryptedfile filename [additional options]

Executing a Universal Data Mover Job

The command line syntax for executing Universal Data Mover for Windows is:

open [primary={*| local | host-name} [optional parameters]] secondary=host-name [optional parameters]
UDM command {required parameters} [optional parameters]

Running a System Query

Use the Universal Query utility to query the Universal Broker for Broker-related and active component-related information. Universal Query returns information for the Universal Broker, as specified by configuration options on the command line or in a configuration file, as well as information regarding the components managed by Universal Broker.

The command line syntax for executing Universal Query for Windows is:

uquery -host hostaddress [additional options]

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