Event Definition Database File

Event Definition Database File


Event definitions are stored in the database file ueme.db.

This page describes the parameters that comprise a record in the event definition file.

Event Definition Parameters

For UEM, an event definition represents a system event.

The parameters in an event definition record:

  • Describe a system event.
  • Establish the criteria that UEM uses to test for the completion of an event occurrence.

An event definition record also can contain the ID of a record in the event handler database, which dictates how an event or an event occurrence is handled (that is, responded to) when certain conditions are met.

Event Definition Parameters - Categories

Event definition parameters fall into two categories:

  1. Parameters that are present in all event definition records. The value of one of these general parameters, Event Type, dictates the parameters that fall under the second category.
  2. Parameters that are specific to an Event Type. Currently, UEM supports a single event type, FILE, which detects the creation of a file.

Event Definition Parameters - General

The following table describes the general event definition parameters.

The parameters that make up the record's key are underlined.




Event ID

Unique identifier for the event definition.

Length of the handler ID cannot be greater than 32 characters.
This value is case-sensitive.

Assigned UEM Component

Name of an event-driven Universal Event Monitor Server component responsible for monitoring the event.

Enabled Flag

A true / false value that determines whether an event-driven UEM Server processes the event definition.

If true, the event is checked periodically by its assigned event-driven UEM Server to see if it should be made active or inactive.
If false, the event, while still included in a UEM Server's list of assigned components, is not checked to see if it should be made active.
[Default is true.]

Active Flag

A yes / no value that indicates whether UEM Server is monitoring the event.

If yes, the current date/time is greater than the defined Activation Date/Time, but less than the defined Inactivation Date/Time.
If no, the current date/time is greater than the defined Inactivation Date/Time.
This parameter is set only through UEM Server. It cannot be set using the UEMLoad utility.
[Default is no.]

Event Type

System event represented by the event definition.

Value corresponds to one of the supported event types.
(Currently, FILE is the only support event type.)

Activation Date

Date on which UEM will begin checking for the occurrence of the system event represented by the event definition.

Specified using the format YYYY.MM.DD.
[Default is current date.]

Activation Time

Time on the Activation Date at which UEM will begin checking for the occurrence of the system event represented by the event definition.

Specified using the format HH:MM.
[Default is current time.]

Inactivation Date

Date on which UEM will stop checking for the occurrence of the system event represented by the event definition.

Specified using the format YYYY.MM.DD.
[Default is 2038.01.16 for event definitions stored with the UEMLoad utility.

Inactivation Time

Time on the Inactivation Date at which UEM will stop checking for the occurrence of the system event represented by the event definition.

Specified using the format HH:MM.
[Default is 23:59.]

Tracking Interval

Frequency with which UEM tests for the completion of an occurrence of the system event represented by the event definition.

Value is expressed in seconds.
Value depends on the event type. Some system events will be considered complete as soon as their occurrence is detected by UEM. For these events, this parameter should be 0 (zero).
[Default is 10.]

Triggered Event Handler ID

ID of an event handler database record whose specified actions should be taken when an event occurrence satisfies its defined completion criteria.

Value is case sensitive.
Value can be blank, in which case the default value specified in the UEM Server configuration (empty string for Windows, NONE for UNIX) will be used.

Rejected Event Handler ID

ID of an event handler database record whose specified actions should be taken if one or more tracked event occurrences fail to complete before the event is made inactive by UEM.

Value is case sensitive.
Value can be blank, in which case the default value specified in the UEM Server configuration (empty string for Windows, NONE for UNIX) will be used.

Expired Event Handler ID

ID of an event handler database record whose specified actions should be taken if an event is made inactive with no occurrence of the system event represented by the event definition being detected by UEM.

Value is case sensitive.
Value can be blank, in which case the default value specified in the UEM Server configuration (empty string for Windows, NONE for UNIX) will be used.

Handler Options

String that contains one or more parameters that UEM adds to the command line it constructs to execute an event handler's specified command or script.

Added to the command line for every process executed for the event handlers referenced by this event definition. This includes those event handlers referenced by the Triggered Event Handler ID, Rejected Event Handler ID, and Expired Event Handler ID fields.
When command line options are specified in the event definition (via Handler Options) and in the event handler (via Options), both are used. However, the event handler's Options value is added first.

Last Update Date/Time

Date and time the event definition was created or last modified.

Last Update User

ID of the user account that created or most recently updated the event definition.

Event Definition Parameters - Event Type FILE

The following table describes the parameters that are available in event definitions for an Event Type of FILE.




File Specification

Complete path of the file to watch.

File specification can contain wildcards:

  • ? is available to match up to 1 character.
  • * can be used to match 0 or more characters.

Minimum File Size

Smallest size that a file can be in order to be considered complete.

Value of 0 indicates that a file of any size is acceptable.
To specify a storage unit for this value, add either of the following after the file size:

  • (b)ytes
  • (k)ilobytes
  • (m)egabytes
  • (g)igabtyes

If a storage unit is not specified, UEM assumes the file size is given in bytes.

Rename File

Indicates whether or not UEM Server will rename the file prior to executing the triggered event handler. This will prevent multiple detections of the same file.

Acceptable values are yes or no.
[Default is yes.]

Rename File Specification

Format used by UEM to rename a file.

Complete file name or a file mask that accepts specific well-known variables that will be substituted by UEM Server at run time. When specified, variables must be in the format $(var).
The following variables are available:

  • $(compname) - component name
  • $(compid) - component ID
  • $(date) - current date in the format YYYYMMDD
  • $(time) - current time, n the format HHMMSS
  • $(origname) - original base file name, minus its last extension
  • $(origext) - original file extension
  • $(seqnum) - sequence number that starts at 0 when a UEM Server component is started, and is then incremented by 1 for each file renamed.

If no path is specified, the file is simply renamed. Otherwise, the file can be renamed, moved from its original location, and placed in the path specified by this parameter.
If no value is specified, a default value of $(compname).$(compid).$(date).$(seqnum), specified in the UEM Server configuration, will be used.

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