EVENT_ID - UEMLoad configuration option

EVENT_ID - UEMLoad configuration option


The EVENT_ID option specifies a value that uniquely identifies an event definition record.

If an attempt is made to add an event definition record with an event ID that matches this value, the request will fail.

All other operations will fail if the value does NOT match the ID of an existing event definition record.


Specification Method

Parameter / Value


HP NonStop




Command Line, Short Form


Command Line, Long Form

-event_id id



Definition File Keyword

event_id id




id is the ID of an event definition record.

The length of id must not exceed 32 characters.

id is case-insensitive. When an event definition is added, id is stored within the record exactly as specified. However, when that record later is referenced by event ID, case is ignored.

For example, if a record is added with an id of Event001, the mixed case of the ID is preserved within the record. To access the record after it's been added, an event ID of any case (for example: event001, eVENt001, or EvenT001) can be specified.


If a -list, -export, or -delete operation is being used for UEMLoad, wildcards can be used in id to select multiple event definition records:

  • Asterisk ( * ) will match 0 or more characters.
  • Question mark ( ? ) can be used to match any single character.

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