Specifying Agent Mapping

Specifying Agent Mapping

Specifying Agent Mapping

Because your source and target Controller machines may not have the same Agents, you must provide instructions to the Controller on how to map Agents on the source machine to Agents on the target machine.

The process consists of:

  • Instructing the Controller to fetch the list of Agents on the target machine.
  • Manually identifying how each Agent should be mapped.

Step 1

Access the Action menu for a Promotion Target record.

Step 2

Click Refresh Target Agents. The Refresh Target Agents pop-up displays.

Step 3

If the Promotion Target record does not provide the login credentials (User and Password) for the target machine, you must enter them.
If the Promotion Target record does provide login credentials, but you want to override them, click Override User/Password and enter a User and Password.

Step 4

Click Submit. The Controller logs in to the target machine specified in the Promotion Target record URI field, accesses the appropriate tables, sorts the Agents into Agent types, and lists them in the appropriate <Agent-type> Mappings tab of the Promotion Target record.

Step 5

Open the Promotion Target record for which you have just refreshed Agents and click an Agent Mappings tab for which there are Agents on the target machine.
The following example shows a list of Linux/Unix Agents on a target machine:

Step 6

Click the Details icon next to a Target Agent name to display Agent Mapping Details for that Target Agent.

Step 7

In the Source Agent field, click the Add-Remove Multiple icon to display an Edit Members dialog.


  • The Collection window displays all Agents of this type on the source machine that have not been mapped to the selected Target Agent.
  • The Agents List windows displays all Agents of this type on the source machine that have been mapped to the selected Target Agent.

Step 8

To filter the Agents listed in the Collection window, enter characters in the text field above the Name column. Only Agents containing that sequence of characters will display in the list.

Step 9

To map an Agent, move the it from the Collection window to the List window:

  1. To move a single Agent, double-click it or click it once and then click the > arrow.
  2. To move multiple Agents, Ctrl-click them and then click the > arrow.
  3. To move all Agents, click the >> arrow.

To un-map an Agent, move it from the List window to the Collection window:

  1. To move a single Agent, double-click it or click it once and then click the < arrow.
  2. To move multiple Agents, Ctrl-click them and then click the < arrow.
  3. To move all Agent, click the << arrow.

Step 10

Click Save.

Step 11

Repeat Steps 6 to 10 for each Agent listed in the selected Agent Mappings tab and for all Agents listed in any other Agent Mappings tabs.
For best results, you should make sure all the Agents on your source machine are mapped to an Agent on the target machine. You can map as many source Agents to a single target Agent as needed. Once you have specified the mapping for all your source Agents, you can easily promote Bundles or individual records to this Promotion Target. When you promote records (via Bundle or individually) to the target machine, the target Agent will replace the source Agent.


Refresh Agent Error Messages

If your setup is incorrect, you may see the error message described below.

If you tried to refresh target Agents using a non-existent user or invalid password on the Promotion Target:

Error Message


User interface on source machine

Universal Controller log on source machine

Universal Controller log on target machine

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