Promoting Bundles and Records to a Target

Promoting Bundles and Records to a Target

To use this feature, the user logged into the source Controller must have the ops_promotion_admin role, or be granted permission to the Promote command and execute permission to one or more promotion targets.

The Promotion Read Permission Required Universal Controller system property specifies whether or not the ops_promotion_admin role additionally requires Read permission, on the source Universal Controller, for any record type being promoted.

Also, the user ID and password specified for the Promotion Target must be for a valid user on the target Controller with the ops_promotion_admin or ops_promotion_accept_bundle role.

The Promotion Accept Bundle Create/Update Permission Required Universal Controller system property specifies whether the ops_promotion_admin role additionally requires Create (or Update) permission, on the target Universal Controller, for any record type being promoted.


Promoting a Bundle means copying all of the records in a Bundle from a source Controller to a target Controller.

You also can promote one or more individual records without bundling them.

For every record in a bundle being promoted, and every record being promoted individually, the following associated data is always included in the promotion.

  • If you promote a workflow, all of the tasks in the workflow are also promoted.
  • If you promote a task (including a workflow), all variables, virtual resource dependencies, actions, notes, etc. are included in the promotion.
  • If you promote an application, its associated start, stop, and query tasks are included in the promotion.
  • If you promote a calendar, its associated custom days are included in the promotion.


If you promote a trigger whose Forecast field has been checked so that the Controller calculates the date and time when this trigger will be satisfied for the next number of days, the Forecast field will not be checked for that trigger on the target system.

Promoting a Bundle

Step 1

From the Bundles & Promotion navigation pane, select Bundles. The Bundles list displays.

Step 2

Locate the Bundle that you want to promote and either:

  • Right-click the Bundle on the list to display an Action menu and click Promote Bundle....
  • Open the Bundle record and either click the Promote Bundle... button or access the Action menu and click Promote Bundle....

The Promote Bundle pop-up dialog displays.

Step 3

If the selected Bundle record specifies a Default Promotion Target, the name of that Target displays in the Promotion Target field.

You can change, or select, the Promotion Target by selecting any Target from the drop-down list.

Step 4

The default login User and Password are provided from the selected Promotion Target record. If you want to override the defaults, click Override User/Password and type in the new information.

Step 5

If the promotion contains new or modified Universal Templates, click Allow Universal Template Changes; otherwise, the promotion will not succeed. See Diagnosing Promotion Failures for details.

Step 6

If you want to schedule the promotion of the bundle at a later time, click Schedule.

Step 7

Click Submit.
The Controller logs in to the target machine specified in the URI field of the Promotion Target record and copies the bundled records to the target Controller. Based on the specified Agent mapping, the target Agent replaces the source Agent where required.
If you scheduled the promotion to be run at a later time, a record of the promotion is created in the Promotion Schedules list.


The promotion process creates audit records on the source and target machine. On the target machine, the Controller also creates a Promotion History record. For details, see Promotion History and the Restore Option.

Scheduling a Bundle Promotion

You can create a promotion schedule for a Bundle so that it will automatically be promoted at a specified date and time.

Step 1

From the Bundles & Promotion navigation pane, select Bundles. The Bundles list displays.

Step 2

Locate the Bundle that you want to promote and either:

  • Right-click the Bundle on the list to display an Action menu and click Promote Bundle....
  • Open the Bundle record and either click the Promote Bundle... button or access the Action menu and click Promote Bundle....

The Promote Bundle pop-up dialog displays.

Step 3

The default login ID and password are provided from the Promotion Target record, if specified. If you want to override the default, click Override User/Password and type in the new information.

Step 4

If the promotion contains new or modified Universal Templates, click Allow Universal Template Changes; otherwise, the promotion will not succeed. See Diagnosing Promotion Failures for details.

Step 5

Click Schedule. Additional fields display on the Promote Bundle pop-up dialog that let you create a promotion schedule.

Step 6

Select a Date and Time when you want the bundle to be promoted.

Step 7

If you want to schedule the promotion using the current Bundle records, select Create Snapshot. When you submit the schedule, the current Bundle records are collected immediately and promoted at the scheduled time. Any changes to Bundle records between the time that the promotion was scheduled and the time that the promotion was performed are not promoted.
If you want to schedule the promotion using the Bundle records collected dynamically at the time of the scheduled promotion, do not select Create Snapshot.

Step 8

If you want to send a System Notification on the success and/or failure of the promotion, select one of the following from the System Notification drop-down list:

  • Operation Failure (default)
  • Operation Success/Failure
  • Operation Success

If you do not want to send a System Notification, select – None --.


Promotions without a specified Schedule will run immediately. Real-time notifications will be displayed in the Console, rather than through System Notifications.

Step 9

Click Submit. A record of the promotion schedule is listed in the Promotion Schedules list.
After a scheduled promotion has completed, it will remain on the list (where it can be rescheduled to run again) for the number of days specified by the Promotion Schedule Retention Period In Days Universal Controller system property.

Promoting One or More Individual Records

The Controller also allows you to promote records of the same type to a target machine without going through the process of creating a Bundle.


You can only create a Promotion Schedule for a Bundle of records, not one or more individual records.

Step 1

Display the records list for the type of record that you want to promote.

Step 2

Select the record(s) that you want to promote.
To promote a single record, either:

  • Right-click the record to display an Action menu, and then click Promote.
  • Display the record Details, right-click the Details to display an Action menu, and then click Promote.

The Promote dialog displays, prompting you to select the Promotion Target from a drop-down list. Select the target.

To promote multiple records, either:
Ctrl-click the records you want to promote, right-click any of the selected records to display an Action menu, and then click Promote. The Promote dialog displays, prompting you to select the Promotion Target from a drop-down list. Select the target.

From any tasks list, right-click any column header for the list, display the Action menu, and select Run Command On Filtered > Promote.... The Promote dialog displays, prompting you to select the Promotion Target from a drop-down list. Select the target.

Step 4

The default login ID and password will be provided from the Promotion Target record. If you want to override the default, click Override User/Password and type in the new information.

Step 5

Select Exclude on Existence if you want to specify record types in the promotion payload that will not be updated if they exist on the target payload. You can:

  • Select one or more record types from the drop-down list.
  • Click Check All above the list to select all record types.
  • Click Uncheck All above the list to de-select all record types.

The Bundle Exclude On Existence Picker Default Universal Controller system property specifies which record types, if any, will be selected by default in the drop-down list.

Step 6

Select Follow References if you want to dynamically include records that are referenced by these records. (See Records Promoted When Follow References is Selected or Not Selected.)

Step 7

If the promotion contains new or modified Universal Templates, click Allow Universal Template Changes; otherwise, the promotion will not succeed. See Diagnosing Promotion Failures for details.

Step 8

Click Submit. The Controller logs in to the target machine specified in the URI field of the Promotion Target Record and copies the selected records to the target machine.

This process creates audit records on the source and target machines. On the target machine, the Controller also creates a Promotion History record.

Promoting Universal Tasks and Universal Templates

The following conditions apply for the promotion of Universal Tasks and Universal Templates:



Universal Template

For any Universal Task included in a promotion, its corresponding Universal Template automatically will be included in the promotion.

Universal Template Changes

In order to promote a new Universal Template or a Universal Template change, the promotion must be performed with the Allow Universal Template Changes field enabled on the Promote Bundle... dialog or the Promote... dialog; otherwise, the promotion will fail. See Diagnosing Promotion Failuress for details.
The Allow Universal Template Changes field is visible on each dialog only if the user has the ops_admin role role or the ops_universal_template_admin role, and at least one Universal Template is configured within the source system.

Universal Template Changes

Universal Template changes will be listed under under Non-Restorable Items in the Promotion History Report.

Change Restrictions

All Restrictions on Universal Template Changes apply to any change(s) being applied on a target system with a promotion.

Promotion Failure

Any promotion that includes a Universal Task and/or a Universal Template will fail if the target system is not Universal Controller or later.

Promotion Restore

Any promotion that includes Universal Template changes cannot be restored using the Restore Unchanged or Restore All operations of Promotion History.

  • Promotion History for the promotion will be flagged as not restorable; the Can Restore field in the Promotion History Details for the promotion will not be selected.
  • Any Universal Template change will be recorded as a Promotion History Item, where the New Version, Previous Version, and Source Version fields are blank.

Follow References

If the Follow References field is enabled for a promotion, the following references are followed for Universal Templates: Agent Cluster (or Broadcast Cluster), Credentials, and Credential Field Type (if a default value has been defined). See Records Promoted When Follow References is Selected or Not Selected.

Follow References

If the Follow References field is enabled for a promotion, the following references are followed for Universal Tasks: Agent Cluster (or Broadcast Cluster), Credentials, and any fields that match a Universal Template Credential Field Type, in additional to the references inherited by all Task Types. See Records Promoted When Follow References is Selected or Not Selected.

Child Audit

For any promoted Universal Template change, a child audit captures the Universal Template Properties, Fields, and Field Choices in the Before, After, and Difference fields.

Child Audit

For any promoted Universal Task, a child audit captures the Before, After, and Difference fields based on the original, incoming, and combination of original and incoming Universal Templates, respectively.

Diagnosing Promotion Failures

The following error messages are provided for various promotion failure scenarios.


For a Bundle promotion, the beginning of each error message is:    Promotion of bundle "bundle-name" failed with the following error(s):

For a Bundle-less promotion, the beginning of each error message is:    Promotion failed with the following error(s):

Error Message


Acceptance of bundle "<bundle-name>" from <node-id> prohibited because a payload from a bundle with the same name is currently being processed by another Universal Controller process.

Accept Bundle command invoked on the target for a bundle with a bundle name for which another Universal Controller process has already acquired a lock.

Bundle "Member of Business Services" option requires a minimum promotion target release level of 6600.

Attempt to promote a Bundle that is a member of a Business Service to a target that is not or higher.

Cannot update Universal Template <Template Name>: Universal Template cannot be updated; System Template cannot be changed.

Attempt to promote a Universal Task that references a Universal Template (not built-in) and the incoming Universal Template matches a Universal Template on the Promotion Target and it is a built-in Universal Template.

Cluster node information could not be determined for the promotion target because the host is unknown (hostname).

Invalid hostname.

Cluster node information could not be determined for the promotion target (Connection refused: connect).

Valid hostname, but no service to accept the connection.

Cluster node information could not be determined for the promotion target because the Web Service is unavailable; the target Universal Controller may still be initializing.

Attempt to promote to a target Universal Controller that is still initializing (starting up).

Cluster node information could not be determined for the promotion target because the user is not authorized; please verify the promotion target user and password.

Invalid user name and/or password.

Cluster node information could not be determined for the promotion target because the user is not authorized for Web Service Access; please verify the promotion target user has Web Service Access enabled.

Valid user name and password, but the user is not authorized for Web Service Access.

Cluster node release level for the promotion target could not be determined and one or more items being promoted require a minimum release level of 6300.

Attempt to promote to a pre- release from a or later release.

Cluster node release level for the promotion target is 6xxx, which does not meet the required release level of 6xxx.

Attempt to promote a definition, or a definition using a particular feature, that is not recognized by the promotion target.
This message will be followed by one or more messages, each detailing a specific definition or specific feature used by a definition that is not recognized by the promotion target.
For example:
Cluster node release level for the promotion target is 6403, which does not meet the required release level of 6420.
Windows Task "Resolve Name Immediately" option requires a minimum promotion target release level of 6420.
Web Service Tasks require a minimum promotion target release level of 6410.
Cluster node release level for the promotion target is 6601, which does not meet the required release level of 6700.
<task-type> Task "Cluster Broadcast Variable" option requires a minimum promotion target release level of 6700.

Command Accept Bundle prohibited due to security constraints.

Valid user name and password, but the user is not authorized for the Accept Bundle command, which requires the ops_promotion_admin role.

Command Accept Bundle prohibited due to security constraints. User on target server requires "ops_bundle_admin" role if "Promote Bundle Definition" option is enabled.

Valid user name and password, but the user is not authorized for the Accept Bundle command with the Promote Bundle Definition option enabled, which requires both the ops_promotion_admin role and the ops_bundle_admin role.*

Command Promote (or Promote Bundle) has been routed to the Active server and continues to run in the background.

Promote (or Promote Bundle) command was issued to a Passive server and routed to the Active server, where the Promote (or Promote Bundle) command will run, however, the Promote (or Promote Bundle) command did not complete within approximately 2 minutes.
The Promote (or Promote Bundle) command will continue to run in the background and the Audit can be consulted to determine the outcome of the command.

Command Promote Bundle cannot be executed because Promote Members of Business Services or Visible To is not empty, and Universal Controller property “Promote By Business Service Membership Permitted” is not enabled.Attempt to promote a bundle with Promote Members of Business Services or Visible To  non-empty when Promote By Business Service Membership property is false.

Command Schedule Promotion cannot be executed because Promote Members of Business Services or Visible To is not empty, and Universal Controller property “Promote By Business Service Membership Permitted” is not enabled.

Attempt to schedule a bundle promotion (using Snapshot) with Promote Members of Business Services or Visible To  non-empty when Promote By Business Service Membership property is false.

Credential "<credential-name>" cannot be promoted because web service credentials are not permitted; Universal Controller property Web Service Credentials Permitted is not enabled.

Attempt to promote to a target Controller where the Web Service Credentials Permitted Universal Controller system property is set to false.

Field "Default Value", when greater than 4000 characters, requires a minimum promotion target release level of 7200.

Attempt to promote a Universal Template with a Default Value field value greater than 4000 to a target that is not a or later release.
File Transfer Task "Transfer Protocol" option "FTPES" requires a minimum promotion target release level of 7200.Attempt to promote a File Transfer Task with Transfer Protocol = FTPES to a release earlier than

File Transfer Task "Authenticate Peer" option requires a minimum promotion target release level of 7200.

Attempts to promote a File Transfer Task with "Authenticate Peer" option requires a minimum promotion target release level of 7200.

File Transfer Task "Verify Host Name" option requires a minimum promotion target release level of 7200.

Attempt to promote a File Transfer Task with "Verify Host Name" option requires a minimum promotion target release level of 7200.

Promoted {EMAIL CONNECTION: Incoming} with name "Gmail" and id 04e5e1074c1f42908d9b3f62f36fff50 is a different type than the original {EMAIL CONNECTION: Outgoing} with name "Gmail" and id 195fc662df8447dc90dec02ea8be0cb4

Attempt to promote an Incoming email connection type and the email connection on the target system is an Outgoing email connection type.

Promoted {EMAIL CONNECTION: Outgoing} with name "Gmail" and id ab36222512cf4ae4afa7e59a8ccbd684 is a different type than the original {EMAIL CONNECTION: Incoming} with name "Gmail" and id a037048f7c4b4e3f9e8691e3f664e5a7

Attempt to promote an Outgoing email connection type and the email connection on the target system is an Incoming email connection type.

Promoted {TASK: Universal} with name "ABC", id 8ee785079fcc4142873486e921bfe789, and universal template id 04cbe858ba7a4bc8bdb26202f359e318 has a different universal template id than the original "ABC" with id 8ee785079fcc4142873486e921bfe789, and universal template id 04cbe858ba7a4bc8bdb26202f359e319.

Attempt to promote a Universal Task with an associated Universal Template that is not equivalent to the Universal Template associated with the target Universal Task.

Promoted {TASK: Universal} with name "<Task Name>" and id <Task UUID> references a built-in Universal Template with name "<Template Name>" and id <Template UUID> that is not loaded on the target server. Use the "List/Load Built-in Universal Templates" Server Operation to load built-in Universal Templates.

Attempt to promote a Universal Task that references a built-in Universal Template and the built-in Universal Template does not exist on the Promotion Target.

Promoted {TASK: Universal, TaskUniversalBean} with name "ABC" and id 8ee785079fcc4142873486e921bfe789 is a different type and/or class than the original {TASK: Timer, TaskSleepBean} with name "ABC" and id dfbd23df8ab24b2a9a0891ae2f8ca22f.

Attempt to promote any item of a specific type (or Java class) that matches another item of a different type (or Java class).

Promoted {UNIVERSAL TEMPLATE} with name "<Template Name>" and id <Template UUID> has a different id than the original "<Template Name>" with id <Template UUID>.

Attempt to promote a Universal Task that references a built-in Universal Template and the incoming built-in Universal Template matches a Universal Template on the Promotion Target by name only (that is; UUID mismatch).

Promoted {UNIVERSAL TEMPLATE} with name "<Template Name>" and id <Template UUID> is a built-in universal template; however, the original "<Template Name>" with id <Template UUID> is not.

Attempt to promote a Universal Task that references a built-in Universal Template and the incoming built-in Universal Template matches a Universal Template on the Promotion Target and it is not a built-in Universal Template.

Promoted {UNIVERSAL TEMPLATE} with name "<Template Name>" and id <Template UUID> matches both "<Template 1 Name>" with id <Template 1 UUID> by name and "<Template 2 Name>" with <Template 2 UUID> by id.

Attempt to promote a Universal Task that references a built-in Universal Template and the incoming built-in Universal Template matches a Universal Template on the Promotion Target by both name and id.  In other words, Promotion Strict Mode is always used for built-in Universal Templates.

Promotion of bundle “bundle-name” failed with the following error(s): Bundle “<bundle-name>” cannot be promoted because Promote Members of Business Services or Visible To is not empty, and Universal Controller property “Promote By Business Service Membership Permitted” is not enabled.

Attempt to promote a bundle with Promote Members of Business Services or Visible To  non-empty to a target system where Promote By Business Service Membership property is false. (The target system rejects the promotion).

Note: This is applicable only if Promote Bundle Definition = true.

Promotion of bundle "<bundle-name>" with id <bundle-uuid> prohibited because the bundle is in use by another Universal Controller process.

Promote Bundle command invoked on the source for a bundle with a bundle id for which another Universal Controller process has already acquired a lock.

Promotion Schedule operation for bundle "<bundle-name>" with id <bundle-uuid> prohibited because the bundle is in use by another Universal Controller process.

Schedule Promotion command requires the bundle id lock, but another Universal Controller process has already acquired that lock.

Promotion target "promotion-target-name" has routed the promotion payload to the Active server and the Accept Bundle command continues to run in the background.

Upon receiving the promotion payload, the promotion target determined it was a Passive server and routed the payload to the Active server, where the Accept Bundle command will run, however, the Accept Bundle command did not complete within approximately 2 minutes.
The Accept Bundle command will continue to run in the background and the Audit can be consulted to determine the outcome of the command.

Promotion to an earlier release only supported for target releases starting with 6300.

Attempt to promote to a pre- release from a or later release.

Protocol <protocol name> is not allowed since it is being excluded by Universal Controller property "File Transfer Task Exclude Protocols".

Attempt to promote a File Transfer Task that has a protocol currently being excluded by the target server.

Protocol <protocol name> is not allowed since it is being excluded by Universal Controller property "FTP File Monitor Task Exclude Protocols".

Attempt to promote an FTP File Monitor Task that has a protocol currently being excluded by the target server.

Recurring Task "Override Variables" delimited name/value pairs, when exceeds the combined maximum of 4000 characters, requires a minimum promotion target release of 7100.Attempt to promote a Recurring Task with Override Variables delimited name/value pairs that exceeds the combined maximum of 4000 characters to a Promotion Target release that is not or higher.
Remote File Monitor "Server Type" option "FTPES" requires a minimum promotion target release level of 7200.

Attempt to promote a Remote File Monitor with Server Type = FTPES to a release earlier than

Remote File Monitor "Authenticate Peer" option requires a minimum promotion target release level of 7200.

Attempt to promote a Remote File Monitor with Authenticate Peer = true to a release earlier than

Remote File Monitor "Verify Host Name" option requires a minimum promotion target release level of 7200.

Attempt to promote a Remote File Monitor with Verify Host Name = true to a release earlier than

SAP Connection "Client" option requires a minimum promotion target release level of 6700.

Attempt to promote an SAP Connection to a release prior to when the Connection Type is Load Balancing and a Client is specified.

SAP Task "<job-id-field-name>" requires a minimum promotion target release level of 6450 when unspecified.

Attempt to promote an SAP Task with an unspecified SAP Job ID field to a pre- release of the Controller.

Script "<script-name>" cannot be promoted because scripts are not permitted; Universal Controller property "Windows/Linux Scripts Permitted" is not enabled.

Attempt to promote a Script Script Type from a source server to a target server, where the target server is configured with the Windows/Linux Scripts Permitted Universal Controller system property set to false.

<task-type> Task "Exit Codes" requires a minimum promotion target release level of 6700 when unresolved.

Attempt to promote a task with an unresolved Exit Codes field to a release prior to

<task-type> Task "Retry Exit Codes" requires a minimum promotion target release level of 6700 when unresolved.

Attempt to promote a task with an unresolved Retry Exit Codes field to a release prior to

Unable to promote {APPLICATION: Windows Service} with name "<application-name>" and id 0f84fbb388c04bd09a2c7d5a0ac06c70 because an application cannot be promoted with a name change while generated application control tasks are being excluded.

Attempt to promote an Application with a name change while excluding generated Application Control Tasks.

Unable to promote <credential-type> credential "<credential-name>" since original Resolvable credential is referenced by one or more Universal Tasks.