Windows Agent


The Windows Agent resource provides information about Universal Agent for Windows running on a Windows platform. To run a Windows task, you need a Windows Agent installed and running on the target machine.

Windows Agent Details

Windows Agent Details provides the information necessary for the scheduler to locate and communicate with the machine where the Agent resides. Universal Controller creates this record automatically when the Agent connects with the Controller.

To view Windows Agent Details:

Step 1

From the Agents & Connections navigation pane, select Agents > Windows Agents. The Windows Agents list displays a list of connected Windows Agents.


You also can select Agents > All Agents from the Agents & Connections navigation pane to display a list of all Agents: IBM i, Linux/Unix, Windows, and z/OS.

Step 2

Click the Details icon or click anywhere in the Agent row to display Details for that agent.

Step 3

Most fields are read-only; however, you can make the following changes:

  1. Add a Member of Business Services.
  2. Assign Credentials.
  3. Change the heartbeat interval. The heartbeat is a status message sent from the Agent to the Controller.
  4. Change the Log Level (default is Informational).
  5. Select whether or not to apply a Task Execution Limit (and Limit Amount) on the Agent.

You also can choose to temporarily suspend the agent's ability to run tasks.

See the field descriptions, below, for details about all fields in the Windows Details.

Windows Agent Details Field Descriptions

The following table describes the fields, buttons, and tabs in the Windows Agent Details.

Field Name


Configuration Details

This section contains detailed information about the configuration of the Agent.


User-defined during installation; name used within the Controller to identify this Agent.

Agent ID

Unique ID for this Agent, created during installation.


Description of this record. Maximum length is 255 characters.

Member of Business Services

User-defined; Allows you to select one or more Business Services that this record belongs to.  (You also can Check All or Uncheck All Business Services for this record.)

You can select up to 62 Business Services for any record type, and enter a maximum of 2048 characters for each Business Service.

If the Business Service Visibility Restricted Universal Controller system property is set to true, depending on your assigned (or inherited) Permissions or Roles, Business Services available for selection may be restricted.


System-supplied; status of the Agent.


Indication that the Agent's ability to run tasks has been suspended.

Log Level

User-modifiable; level of logging that the Agent will perform.


You cannot modify a Log Level from a non-active (Passive or Offline) mode.

Modifying this field changes the log level of the messages that appear in the agent.log file. 


  • Severe Error
  • Errors
  • Warning
  • Informational
  • Debug
  • Trace


A Trace file is not created when the Trace option is selected.

Retrieve Output Prohibited

If enabled, disallows any Retrieve Output request (automatic or manual) from being performed.

Heartbeat Interval

User-modifiable; heartbeat interval (in seconds). The heartbeat is a status message sent from the Agent to the Controller.
If you change the heartbeat interval, it only affects new Agents that are registered after the change. It does not affect the heartbeat interval of existing Agents.


You cannot modify a Heartbeat Interval from a non-active (Passive or Offline) mode.

Heartbeat Grace Period

User-modifiable; grace period, in seconds, that the Controller will allow for a delayed heartbeat message.

Task Execution Limit

Specification for whether a Limited or Unlimited number of task instances can be run concurrently on the Agent. (Default is Unlimited.)

For purposes of imposing this task execution limit, running task instances are those in any of these statuses: Cancel Pending, Queued, Received, Running, Submitted, and Started.

Limit Amount

If Task Execution Limit = Limited; Number of tasks that can be running at the same time by the Agent.

Credentials RequiredSpecifies if credentials are required to execute any task on the agent.


Credentials under which this Agent runs tasks. These credentials are overridden by any credentials provided in the task definition for any tasks being run by this Agent.

Installation Details

This section contains detailed information about the installation of the Agent.

Host Name

User-provided during installation; IP address or domain/name of the host machine where the resource resides.

IP Address

User-provided during installation; TCP/IP address of the machine where the Agent is running.

If the currently logged in user is a non-Administrator /wiki/spaces/UC71x/pages/5179605) user, and the /wiki/spaces/UC71x/pages/5177877 Universal Controller system property is set to true, the IP Address field will display ***** instead of the actual value.


This also applies to the ipAddress of /wiki/spaces/UC71x/pages/5177563.

Operating System

System-supplied; operating system on which the Agent is running.

Operating System Release

System-supplied; release information for the operating system on which the Agent is running.


System-supplied; version number of the Agent program.

Build ID

System-supplied, provided by the Agent; build ID of the Agent. Internal use only.

Build Date

System-supplied, provided by the Agent; date the Agent program was last built.


System-supplied; information about the CPU on the Agent machine.

System Details

This section contains detailed information about the Agent system.

Started Date

System-supplied; date/timestamp when the Agent was last started.

Last Heartbeat

System-supplied; date and time the most recent heartbeat was received from the resource.

CPU Load

System-supplied; current CPU load on the Agent machine, expressed as a percentage. For example, 1 means 1% currently utilized.

OMS Server

Host name of the OMS Server.


System-supplied, provided by the Agent; process ID of the Agent.

Jobs Run

Total number of jobs that have been run through the Controller to this Agent.

Current Task Count

If Task Execution Limit = Limited; Current number of tasks currently being run by this Agent.

(See Resetting the Current Task Count for information on resetting the current task count.)

Authentication Version

This value is used by the Controller to determine what level of encryption is to be used for sensitive data between the Agent and the Controller. The most secure method available is used per that agent.

  • 1 or unspecified: Legacy authentication prior to Release 6.5.
  • 2: Release 6.5 and above using AES encryption strategies.

Extension Details

This section contains detailed information about Universal Extensions.

API Level MinimumMinimum extension API level supported.
API Level MaximumMaximum extension API level supported.
ExtensionsList of deployed Universal Extensions and their corresponding checksums.
Accept ExtensionsSpecification (true or false) for whether or not the Agent will accept deployment of Universal Extensions.
Accept ListIf Accept Extensions true; list of specific Universal Extensions that are allowed to be deployed to the agent, or * for no deployment restrictions.


This section contains Metadata information about this record.


Universally Unique Identifier of this record.

Updated By

Name of the user that last updated this record.


Date and time that this record was last updated.

Created By

Name of the user that created this record.


Date and time that this record was created.


This section identifies the buttons displayed above and below the Agent Details that let you perform various actions.


Saves updates to the record.

Suspend Agent

Suspends the Agent's ability to run tasks.

Resume Agent

Resumes the suspended Agent's ability to run tasks.


Deletes the current record.


Refreshes any dynamic data displayed in the Details.


For pop-up view only; closes the pop-up view of this task.


This section identifies the tabs across the top of the Agent Details that provide access to additional information about the Agent.

For an Agent-Only installation of Universal Controller, the Agent Clusters, Task Instances, and Tasks tabs do not display.

Agent Clusters

Lists all agent clusters that this Agent belongs to.


Lists all notifications that have been defined for this Agent.

Task Instances

System-supplied; lists all task instances that have run or are ready to run on this Agent since it last started.


System-supplied; lists all tasks that specify this Agent in its Details, and lets you create a new task that specifies this Agent.