Administration Overview

Administration Overview

Universal Controller Administration

Administration of Universal Controller includes:

High Availability

Configuration of Universal Automation Center system as a redundant (multiple Universal Controller cluster node) system.

Ports Configuration

Configuration of ports for Universal Controller components and prerequisites.

Universal Controller Start-Up Properties

These properties are required for Controller start-up, initialization, and operation.
They are contained in the uc.properties file and have their values set during installation. To reset the values, you must stop the Controller, edit uc.properties, and restart the Controller.

Universal Controller System Properties

These properties define Controller system information and performance.
They have their values set during installation. They are available, and can be reset, only via the user interface.

LDAP Settings

These settings enable you to enable the LDAP bridge.
They have their values set only via the user interface; they are not set at installation.

Universal Command Line Interface (CLI) Properties

CLI provides a sample configuration file, cmdtools.props, that you can use to pass CLI Global parameters to a CLI command. The file is created during installation of Universal Agent if the Universal Controller Command Line Interface has been selected to be installed.

Universal Templates

Creation of Universal Templates, on which Universal Tasks are based.

Data Backup/Purge

Configuration of automatic backups and/or purges of some or all of the Controller activity data.

Server Operations

Universal Controller server operations help you maintain and administer your Controller installation. Many of these operations should be run only by Technical Support or upon request by Technical Support.


Creation and application of filters to record lists throughout the Universal Controller user interface.

Users and Groups

Creation of Universal Controller users and user groups and the roles and permissions that can be assigned to them; Business Services that group Controller records into logical groups; and audits of all user interaction with the Controller.

Universal Controller Security

Setting up Universal Controller security involves the following steps:

  • Creating users and assigning them passwords.
  • Creating groups of users.
  • Assigning permissions (access to Controller records) to users and groups.
  • Assigning roles (permission to perform administrative functions) to users and groups.
  • Creating credentials that allow the Controller to log in to remote machines and execute jobs.

See LDAP Settings for information on how to set up Universal Controller to use LDAP authentication for:

See Single Sign-On Settings for information on how to set up Universal Controller to use SAML authentication.

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