TrustStore Settings

TrustStore Settings


TrustStore Settings, which allow you to manage the default TrustStore, are available through the user interface.

The user running the Tomcat process has to have write access to the TrustStore file to import trusted certificates, examine certificates or delete entries.

After importing or deleting an entry, restarting the controller may be required for the changes to take effect.

Deleting and importing is only for the current cluster node.

If you choose not to use the JRE TrustStore, you must configure the following properties in the Universal Controller Start-up Properties (uc.properties) file:

These properties will take effect only after you restart Tomcat.

TrustStore Settings Details

See the field descriptions below, for a description of all fields and buttons that display in the TrustStore Settings Details.

TrustStore Settings Field Descriptions

Field NameDescription
DetailsThis section contains information on the TrustStore details.
TrustStore NameThe name of the default TrustStore. This is determined by the uc.trustmanager.truststore property.
TrustStore FileThe actual file name for the default TrustStore. In most cases, if the TrustStore Name is specified then the TrustStore File will be the same; however, if the TrustStore Name is not specified or is not accessible, then a different default TrustStore may be used (e.g. java-home/lib/security/cacerts). If the TrustStore File is blank, then no accessible TrustStore could be found and an empty immutable TrustStore will be used instead.
TrustStore Type

The type for the default TrustStore:

  • JKS
  • PKCS#12
TrustStore ProviderThe provider for the default TrustStore.
TrustStore PasswordThe password for the default TrustStore. A masked value will be show if the TrustStore password is specified; otherwise, it will be blank.
EntriesThis section contains information on the TrustStore entries.
AliasUnique entry name.

Entries can be one of the following types:

  • Private Key

  • Secret Key

  • Trusted Certificate


Key algorithm.

Certificate ExpirationThe date and time that the certificate expires.
CreatedThe date and time that the entry was created.
ButtonsThis section identifies the buttons displayed above the TrustStore settings.

Import Trusted Certificate...

Opens a dialog to import a trusted certificate.
Examine Certificate...Opens details for the selected entry.


Deletes selected entry from the TrustStore.

Certificate Details

Certificate Details Field Description

Field NameDescription
DetailsThis section contains information on the Certificate details.
VersionThe version number (1, 2, or 3)
IssuerThe distinguished name (DN) of the certificate’s issuer.
SubjectThe distinguished name (DN) of the certificate’s subject (owner).
Serial NumberThe serial number generated by the certificate’s issuer.
Valid FromThe date and time that the certificate is valid from.
Valid UntilThe date and time that the certificate is valid until.
Signature AlgorithmThe algorithm used to sign the certificate.
Public Key AlgorithmThe algorithm used for the public key.
FingerprintsThe SHA-1 and SHA-256 certificate fingerprints.

Importing a Trusted Certificate

The import does not perform a chain of trust check for the certificate being imported. It is the responsibility of the user to first examine the certificate and verify that the certificate can be trusted before importing it.

Step 1

From the Administration navigation pane, select TrustStore Settings. The TrustStore Settings page displays.

Step 2

Click the Import Trusted Certificate... button at the top of the page. The Import Trusted Certificate pop-up dialog displays.

Step 3Click Choose File to select the trusted certificate to import and use the Alias field to specify a unique entry name. 
Step 4Click Import.

Examining a Certificate

Step 1

From the Administration navigation pane, select TrustStore Settings. The TrustStore Settings page displays.

Step 2

Click the Examine Certificate... button at the top of the page. The Examine Certificate pop-up dialog displays.

Step 3

Click Choose File to select the certificate to examine.

Step 4

Click Examine. The Certificate Details for the selected file displays. 

Viewing Certificate Details for a Trusted Certificate Entry

Step 1

From the Administration navigation pane, select TrustStore Settings. The TrustStore Settings page displays.

Step 2

Right-click on an entry in the Entries section to display an action menu and click View Certificate Details. The Certificate Details for the selected entry displays. 

Deleting a TrustStore Entry

Step 1

From the Administration navigation pane, select TrustStore Settings. The TrustStore Settings page displays.

Step 2

Right-click on an entry in the Entries section to display an action menu and click Delete. The Confirm deletion dialog displays. 

Step 3Click Delete. 

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