Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


All system-supplied and/or user-supplied information about a record is contained in the record Details.

Naming Tips
Naming Tips

Naming Tips

Many functions within Controller are executed against one or more records.


Method 1

Develop a naming scheme for records.
For example, when naming tasks, you could prepend with SF all tasks related to San Francisco operations, or you could prepend with REPT all report-related tasks. With such a naming scheme, you can sort and filter lists by selecting records, for example, that begin with "REPT." You can assign permissions and execute commands against records using the same method.

Method 2

Use Business Services, which simply is a method of grouping records. Whenever you create a record, you can assign it to a Business Service.
For example, you could have a Business Service called "SF" and a Business Service called "REPT." Using this method, you could then filter or sort a list based on the Business Service. As another example, you could assign permissions to a user, giving the user update permission to all records in the "REPT" Business Service. Business Services allow you to create groups based on business functions and organize all your Controller records according to user-defined categories.

Creating a Record
Creating a Record

Creating a Record

Step 1

Select a record type from the appropriate navigation pane of the Services. The records list for that record type displays.

Step 2


  • Enter / select information for a new record in the empty Details that displays below the list.
  • Click the  button that displays above the list to display an empty Details pop-up, and enter / select information for a new record.

Step 3

Click the Save, Save & New, or Save & View button to save the record.



You also can create a record by copying and renaming an existing record.

Opening a Record
Opening a Record

Opening a Record

Opening a record refers to the displaying of a record Details.


Step 1

Select a record type from the appropriate navigation pane of the Services. The records list for that record type displays.

Step 2


  • Click a record in the list to display its record Details below the list.
  • Clicking the Details icon next to a record name in the list, or right-click a record in the list and then click Open in the Action menu that displays, to display a pop-up version of the record Details.
  • Right-click a record in the a list, or open a record and right-click in the record Details, and then click Open In Tab in the Action menu that displays, to display the record Details under a new tab on the record list page (see Record Details as Tabs).

Record Details
Record Details

Record Details

When you select a record type from the Services, a list of records for that type displays. To the right of the list, an empty record Details for a new record of that type displays.


To see Details of an existing record, open the record.

For example:

Record Details Fields
Record Details Fields

Record Details Fields

The following formatting applies to fields for all record types:

  • Fields with names followed by an asterisk ( * ) are required.
  • Gray fields are read-only.
  • White fields are editable. They may accept any value or only values selected from a drop-down list.
  • Some fields provide a drop-down list of values, which are the only selections available for that field.
  • Some fields contain a default value.
  • Some fields provide hints that describe value to be entered/selected for that field.

Selecting Field Values
Selecting Field Values

Selecting Field Values

Many fields provide a drop-down list of values for that field. These fields have a down arrow next to it, which you must click to display the list of values.


In the following example, the drop-down list for Default Promotion Target lets you filter the list of Promotion Target records by Name or Description field:

Details Icon
Details Icon

Details Icon

A Details icon displays next to a drop-down list field if the values available for that field are records.


If you click the Details icon next to the Calendar field, the Details for that Calendar displays.

Field Hints
Field Hints

Field Hints

Fields hints describe the value to be entered/selected for that field.

To display a field hint, hover your cursor over the field value.

For example:

Record Details Tabs
Record Details Tabs

Record Details Tabs

The record Details for every record contains one or more tabs, including the default <record type> tab that provides detailed information about the record.


  • View details about each record on the list.
  • Create a new record of that type.

Color-Coding of Tabs
Color-Coding of Tabs

Color-Coding of Tabs

Tabs are color-coded:

  • Current tab displays in white.
  • Tabs that contain records display a green icon.
  • Tabs that do not contain records display a gray icon.


The database Details for some record types (for example, any Task Instance record, as shown below) may show additional fields, such as Status History.

Record Details Metadata
Record Details Metadata

Record Details Metadata

The Action menu for every record Details contains a Details sub-menu. If you click Show Metadata on this sub-menu, a Metadata section displays at the bottom of the Details. (If Metadata is being displayed, the Details sub-menu contains a Hide Metadata entry.)


Field Name



Universally Unique Identifier of this record.

Updated By

Name of the user that last updated this record.


Date and time that this record was last updated.

Created By

Name of the user that created this record.


Date and time that this record was created.

Status History

Task instance only; History of all statuses that the task instance has gone through.

Performing Actions on a Record
Performing Actions on a Record

Performing Actions on a Record

You can perform many actions on a record by right-clicking anywhere in the the record Details to display an Action menu of all actions available for that record.


Updating a Record
Updating a Record

Updating a Record

Step 1

Open the record that you want to update.

Step 2

Make any desired updates to the record and click the Update button.



If you change the name of a task that is part of a Workflow, the Controller automatically changes the name of that task within the Workflow itself.

Copying a Record
Copying a Record

Copying a Record

Step 1

Open the record that you want to copy.

Step 2

In the <record> Name field, enter a new name for the record.

Step 3

Right-click in the Details and then click Insert on the Action menu. The displayed record becomes a copy of the record you selected and is added to the list.



Do not use Insert to copy the following types of records unless you do not want to copy any records associated with them, such as Actions, Notes, and Variables. Using Insert does not copy any records associated with these types of records:

  • Tasks
  • Triggers
  • Calendars
  • Scripts
  • Connections
  • SNMP Managers

To copy any of these record types and all of their associated records, use the methods described in:

Also, do not use the Update button to copy a record; the Update button overwrites the existing record.

Printing a Record
Printing a Record

Printing a Record

To print a hard copy of the Details of any record:

Step 1


  • Right-click the record in the records list and click Details > Print in the Action menu.
  • Open the record, right-click in the record Details, and click Details > Print in the Action menu.

Step 2

Select a printer and click OK.

Deleting a Record
Deleting a Record

Deleting a Record

Deleting a record removes it from the Controller database.

Step 1


  • Right-click a record in the records list and click Delete in the Action menu.
  • Open the record and either:
    • Click the Delete button.
    • Right-click anywhere in the record Details and click Delete in the Action menu.

Step 2

On the Confirmation pop-up that displays, click Yes.

Record Versioning
Record Versioning

Record Versioning

Universal Controller maintains historical copies of most user-created records in the database. These include tasks and their associated records (virtual resources, variables, actions, notes), calendars and their custom day associations, custom days, variables, credentials, virtual resources, scripts (and associated notes), email templates and connections, database connections, SNMP managers, SAP connections, PeopleSoft connections, agent clusters, applications, Business Services, and triggers (and associated variables).


Step 1

Open the record Details for which you want to view old versions. The Version field indicates how many versions of this record have been made.

Step 2

Click the Versions tab. A list of old versions that currently exist for this record displays.

The number of old versions that currently exist for this record is identified above the list.
Click the Refresh icon at any time to get the current list.

Step 3

Click the Details icon next to the Name of the version, or double-click anywhere in the version row, to displays Details for that version.

All of the associated records (tabs) contain the data as it existed when this version was the current version. At the top of the Details, the Name field contains the name of the record as it existed for this version. At the bottom of the Details, the Current <record type> field contains the current name of this record.

Step 4

Click Close to return to the version list.

Restoring Old Versions of Records
Restoring Old Versions of Records

Restoring Old Versions of Records

You can restore an old version of a record to the current version. When you restore an old version, the current version will become the newest old version.


Record Type


Trigger (all types}

  • Disabled By
  • Execution User
  • Forecast
  • Skip Count

Agent Cluster

  • Task Execution Limit
  • Current Task Count
  • Suspended
  • Limit Amount
  • Last Used


  • Status
  • Status Description
  • Last Known Status
  • PID
  • Queued Time
  • Start Time
  • Last Query

Email Connection

  • Use for System Notifications

Task (all types)

  • Statistics (Statistics section in Task Details)

Workflow Task

  • Calculate Critical Path

Virtual Resource

  • Resource Used

Purging Old Versions of Records
Purging Old Versions of Records

Purging Old Versions of Records

The Controller provides two methods for purging old versions of records.


Step 1

From the Administration navigation pane, select Configuration > Properties.

Step 2

Locate the property you want to change.

Step 3

Double-click the Value and select true or false.

Exporting and Importing
Exporting and Importing

Exporting and Importing Records

There are two different types of exports/imports:



It is strongly recommended that you do NOT use the Import and Export functions for modification of Universal Controller records. API functions are available if you need to programmatically update, copy, insert, or otherwise manipulate Universal Controller records.

Bulk Export/Import
Bulk Export/Import

Bulk Export/Import

Universal Controller provides Server Operations (in Controller 5.2.0 and earlier: maintenance scripts) that allow you to perform a bulk export and bulk import of all records in your Controller database.


List Export/Import
List Export/Import

List Export/Import

You also can perform a list export of records selected on a list, or a list import of an XML file to any list for a specific record type.

Updating Multiple Records
Updating Multiple Records

Updating Multiple Records

You can update multiple records from any of the following lists:


Updates are applied and validated per selected record, since a valid update for one record may not be valid for another. A validation failure for one update does not prevent the update of other records.

Updating Manually Selected Records
Updating Manually Selected Records

Updating Manually Selected Records

Step 1

Select the list from which you want to update multiple records.

Step 2

Ctrl-click each record on the list that you want to update.

Step 3

Right-click any of the selected records to display an Action menu.

Step 4

Click Update... to display the Update dialog, which lists every field that can be updated for that record type (since read-only fields cannot be updated, they are not displayed).
For example, the following Update dialog displays if you select multiple Linux/Unix Task records.

Step 5

For any field, click anywhere in the Field Value cell to display an editor where you can enter / select a value.
For example, if you click the Agent row, a drop-down list displays that lets you select any currently defined Linux/Unix Agent.

Step 6

If you want to clear the value of a field for each selected record and not select a new value, click the Clear Field Value check box.

Step 7

Click the Update button to update all of the fields with the changed values.



When updating manually selected Universal Task records on the All Tasks list, the Update dialog will only contain mapped fields if all of the records have the same Universal Template UUID (that is, those Universal Tasks were based on the same Universal Template).

Update / Update Filtered Dialog Variable Fields for Tasks
Update / Update Filtered Dialog Variable Fields for Tasks

Update / Update Filtered Dialog Variable Fields for Tasks

The 9797634 for many individual tasks contain one or more Variable fields that allow you enter a variable instead of a record.


In the Update / Update Filtered dialog for multiple tasks, the Agent field is not converted into a text field if you select Agent Variable. Instead, an additional field - Agent Unresolved - is provided, into which you enter a variable, variable and text, or Agent name. The Agent field is not used.

Uploading Records
Uploading Records

Uploading Records

You can upload records (as contained in a zip and/or JSON file) from your local system to any of the following lists:


Step 1

Right-click any column on any list that supports uploads to display an Action menu.

Step 2

Click Upload... to display the Upload dialog.

Step 3

Click Browse to Select a file to upload.

Step 4Click Upload to upload the selected file.

Downloading Records
Downloading Records

Downloading Records

You can download multiple records from a list (or download a single record from its record details) from any of the following lists:


Step 1

Select the list from which you want to download multiple records.

Step 2

Ctrl-click each record on the list that you want to download.

Step 3

Right-click any of the selected records to display an Action menu.

Step 4

Click Download to download the selected records.

Downloading Records That Match the Current Filter
Downloading Records That Match the Current Filter

Download Records That Match the Current Filter

Step 1

Select the list from which you want to download multiple records.

Step 2

Create a Filter to display only those records that you want to download.

Step 3

Right-click the list header to display an Action menu.

Step 4

Click Download Filtered.... A Confirm pop-up displays.

Step 5

Click Download to download the matching records

Downloading a Single Record from its Record Details
Downloading a Single Record from its Record Details

Download a Single Record from its Record Details

Step 1

Select the list from which you want to download a single record.

Step 2

Open the record that you want to download.

Step 3

Right-click anywhere in the record details to displays an Action menu.

Step 4

Click Download  to download the record.
