JES_SYSOUT_CLASS - UAG configuration option

JES_SYSOUT_CLASS - UAG configuration option


The JES_SYSOUT_CLASS option specifies the JES held class dedicated to UAG SYSOUT processing.

Universal Automation Center Agent (UAG) processes a number of SYSOUT data sets produced by the batch jobs it submits. When there are multiple SYSOUT applications in the environment, JES_SYSOUT_CLASS must be specified for UAG to reliably process the SYSOUT data sets.

By specifying a JES_SYSOUT_CLASS value, UAG will add or update the JCL JOB statement MSGCLASS parameter to the JES_SYSOUT_CLASS value. UAG will process the SYSOUT data sets from this JES held class. Once it has completed processing, it performs final disposition of the SYSOUT data sets as specified by the UAG JES_SYSOUT_DISP option.

See JES SYSOUT Processing for a description of UAG SYSOUT Processing configuration.





HP NonStop




Configuration File Keyword

jes_sysout_class class






class is the JES held class dedicated to UAG SYSOUT processing.

Valid value for class is any JES held class. A JES held class is defined with a JES JOBCLASS statement with an OUTDISP parameter value of HOLD,HOLD. The class must be used exclusively by UAG.

If no class is specified, UAG will select a job's SYSOUT data sets from any class with any disposition (held or not).

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