filesys - UDM Command
filesys logical-name[={dd|dsn|hfs|lib}]
The filesys command sets the file system with which the server specified by logical-name is working.
IBM i | This value can be either:
UNIX | There is only one file system; specifying a filesys value will result in a warning. |
Windows | There is only one file system; specifying a filesys value will result in a warning. |
z/OS | This value can be either:
Note dd is available only on z/OS Manager for two-party transfer. |
Parameter | Description |
logical-name | Logical name of the transfer server on which to change the file system. |
dd | dsn | hfs | lib | File system with which the specified server is working:
If no value is given, UDM will return the current file system for the specified transfer server. Default is dsn. Note UDM supports multiple file systems only under z/OS and IBM i. An attempt to change the file system for a server running under Windows or UNIX will result in an error. |
To set the file system on the server with the logical name mvsmachine to the dsn file system:
filesys mvsmachine=dsn