filesys - UDM Command

filesys - UDM Command


filesys logical-name[={dd|dsn|hfs|lib}]


The filesys command sets the file system with which the server specified by logical-name is working.


This value can be either:

  • lib (Library file system)
  • hfs (IFS file system: root or QOpenSys)


There is only one file system; specifying a filesys value will result in a warning.


There is only one file system; specifying a filesys value will result in a warning.


This value can be either:

  • dd (ddnames defined with JCL DD statements)
  • dsn (data set name)
  • hfs (UNIX System Services file system).


dd is available only on z/OS Manager for two-party transfer.





Logical name of the transfer server on which to change the file system.

dd | dsn | hfs | lib

File system with which the specified server is working:

  • If the value is dd, the DD name file system is used on the specified server (valid only for z/OS).
  • If the value is dsn, the data set name file system is used (valid only for z/OS).
  • If the value is hfs, the HFS file system is used. (Valid only for z/OS and IBM i. For z/OS, USS is used; for IBM i, IFS (root or QOpenSys) is used.)
  • If the value is lib, the LIB file system is used (valid only for IBM i).

If no value is given, UDM will return the current file system for the specified transfer server.

Default is dsn.


UDM supports multiple file systems only under z/OS and IBM i. An attempt to change the file system for a server running under Windows or UNIX will result in an error.


To set the file system on the server with the logical name mvsmachine to the dsn file system:

filesys mvsmachine=dsn

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