replace - UDM Command

replace - UDM Command


replace variable_name oldsequence newsequence [num=index] [all=yes|no] [case=yes|no]


The replace command replaces one or more instances of a sequence with another sequence.

The first parameter, variable_name, is the name of an existing variable or list element on which to perform the replace. The oldsequence parameter specifies the sequence to be replaced. The newsequence parameter specifies the sequence replacing oldsequence.

The optional num parameter specifies a one-based sequence number that identifies the occurrence of the sequence that is replaced.

The optional all parameter indicates whether all instances of the old sequence are replaced (yes) or just the first instance encountered (no). If all is not specified, it is assumed that only the first instance is replaced.

If all equals yes, and num also is specified, num is ignored.

<ac:structured-macro ac:name="anchor" ac:schema-version="1" ac:macro-id="1980c729-cec1-4392-8b0e-f1c06569f1f5"><ac:parameter ac:name="">1156191</ac:parameter></ac:structured-macro> The optional case parameter specifies whether the comparison to match the old sequence is case sensitive (yes) or case insensitive (no). [Default is no.]





Name of the existing variable or list element on which to perform the replace.


Sequence to be replaced.


Sequence replacing oldsequence.


One-based sequence number that identifies the occurrence of oldsequence.

all=yes | no

Specification for whether all instances (yes) of the sequence are replaced or only the first instance (no) of the sequence.

case=yes | no

Specification for whether the comparison to match the old sequence is case sensitive (yes) or case insensitive (no).

<ac:structured-macro ac:name="anchor" ac:schema-version="1" ac:macro-id="91cc27cf-fab3-4f22-9afc-0ff53b47d433"><ac:parameter ac:name="">1156223</ac:parameter></ac:structured-macro> [Default is no.]


The following examples use a predefined variable, mystring, with a value of abcabcabc.

replace mystring ab " " all=yes
echo "$(mystring)"
 c c c

replace mystring "abc" "123" num=1
echo "$(mystring)"

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