Universal Submit Job Remote Reply Facility

Universal Submit Job Remote Reply Facility

Remote Reply Facility

Universal Submit Job can detect when messages sent by the submitted job require a reply. If the Remote Reply Facility is turned on (RMTRPY(*yes)), USBMJOB will send all messages requiring a reply to a remote z/OS console. Replies to the inquiry messages are received from the z/OS console and sent to the IBM i message queue waiting for the reply.

The Remote Reply Facility requires an installation of Universal Command on the IBM i system where the USBMJOB command will run and an installation of Universal Command on the remote z/OS system where the inquiry messages will be sent to for reply.

  • Universal Command on the IBM i must be at Universal Command 1.2.1 level 7 or greater.
  • Universal Command on the remote z/OS system, where the inquiry messages will be sent, must be at level 12 or greater.

Remote Reply Facility Utilities

The Remote Reply Facility used by USBMJOB is comprised of a group of Stonebranch Inc. utilities that work together, as shown in the following table.



Universal Submit Job


Universal Message Handler


Universal Command

IBM i and z/OS

Universal UWTO

z/OS Unix System Services (USS)

Universal Submit Job and Universal Message Handler are part of the Universal Command for IBM i licensed product. These utilities were added to the product in Universal Command 1.2.1 level 7).

Universal WTO (UWTO) is a command line utility for the z/OS Unix System Services (USS) environment, as of level 12. The path to the UWTO command is specified on the MSGCMDPATH parameter of the USBMJOB command.

See Universal Write-to-Operator for more information on the UWTO command.

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