MQ Client Jar Files for Inbound

MQ Client Jar Files for Inbound


As is the case for outbound, you must have the IBM MQ client jar files for inbound or request / reply operations.

You would place the MQ client jar files in the following location:




\Program Files\Universal\uac\container\webapps\axis2\WEB-INF\lib

Required Files

You will need the following jar files:

  • com.ibm.mq.commonservices.jar
  • com.ibm.mq.jar
  • com.ibm.mq.pcf.jar
  • com.ibm.mq.headers.jar
  • com.ib.mq.jmqi.jar
  • connector.jar

Queue or Topic Infrastructure

The Universal Command Agent for SOA: MQ Connector does not provide the queue or topic infrastructure. You must have a WebSphere MQ Message Broker with queues configured to use the MQ outbound or request / reply operations.


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