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A user interface Navigator displays on the left-hand side of every page in the Universal Controller user interface.

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The Navigator provides access to all areas of the user interface via five separately displayed navigation panes. Each navigation pane provides links to specific pages in the user interface, such as a record type or list. When you hover you cursor over a link, it is highlighted in gray. When you click a link, the highlight is removed.


Lists all Universal Monitor triggers. From this list, you can view or edit any Universal Monitor trigger, or create a new Universal


Menu Options

Description and Links

Task Instances

Multiple task instance lists.


Lists all active task instances; the data is automatically refreshed. From this list, you can view and edit any task instance. For non-Workflow task instances, you also can view output or rerun the task.

All Task Instances

Lists the same task instances as the Activity Monitor, but only for task instances for which there has been a status change or a modification to the task instance record within the last 7 days (an Updated on Last 7 Days filter has been pre-selected for this display). Also, unlike the Activity Monitor, the data is not automatically refreshed. Task Instances also allows you to view details about workflow instances – information that is not available from the Activity Monitor.


Lists a history of completed task instances with a status in an "end state" (SUCCESS, FINISHED, FAILED, CANCELLED, START FAILURE, SKIPPED). This allows you to track information about a specific task instance, including multiple runs. For example, Task A may have failed and was then re-run by a user. This task instance will appear twice on the History list, first for the time that it ran and failed and again for the time it was re-run to success.
From the History list, you can display read-only details about any task instance on the list.


List of triggers for each trigger type; list of all trigger triggers; forecast information.

All Triggers

Lists all existing triggers of all types. From this list, you can view and edit any trigger on the list, or create a new trigger of any type.

Active Triggers

Lists all active (enabled) triggers. From this list, you can view and edit any trigger on the list, or create a new trigger of any type.

Cron Triggers

Lists all Cron triggers. From this list, you can view or edit any Cron trigger, or create a new Cron trigger.

Time Triggers

Lists all Time triggers. From this list, you can view or edit any Time trigger, or create a new Time trigger.

Manual Triggers

Lists all Manual triggers. From this list, you can view or edit any Manual trigger, or create a new Manual trigger.

Temporary Triggers

Lists all Temporary triggers. From this list, you can view or edit any Temporary trigger, or create a new Temporary trigger.

Agent File Monitor Triggers

Lists all Agent File Monitor triggers. From this list, you can view or edit any Agent File Monitor trigger, or create a new Agent File Monitor trigger.

Task Monitor Triggers

Lists all Task Monitor triggers. From this list, you can view or edit any Task Monitor trigger, or create a new Task Monitor trigger.

Variable Monitor Triggers

Lists all Variable Monitor triggers. From this list, you can view or edit any Variable Monitor trigger, or create a new Variable Monitor trigger.

Email Monitor Triggers

Lists all Email Monitor triggers. From this list, you can view or edit any Email Monitor trigger, or create a new Email Monitor trigger.

Universal Monitor Triggers

Monitor trigger.

Application Monitor Triggers

Lists all Application Monitor triggers. From this list, you can view or edit any Application Monitor trigger, or create a new Application Monitor trigger.

Composite Triggers

Lists all Composite triggers. From this list, you can view or edit any Composite trigger, or create a new Composite trigger.


Lists information about every task in the Forecast Calendar, including tasks within a workflow launched by a trigger. See Forecast List.

Forecast Calendar

For Time, Temporary and Cron triggers: Lists a Forecast Calendar of all scheduled task instances for the next N days. The number (N) of days displayed in the forecast is specified using the Forecast Period in Days Universal Controller system property (see Forecast Calendar).


Lists of tasks for all task types; list of all tasks.

All Tasks

Lists all existing tasks of all types. From this list, you can view, edit, or launch any task on the list, or create a new task of any type.

Workflow Tasks

Lists all Workflow tasks. From this list, you can view, edit, or launch any Workflow, or create a new Workflow.

Linux/Unix Tasks

Lists all Linux/Unix tasks. From this list, you can view, edit, or launch any Linux/Unix task, or create a new Linux/Unix task.

Windows Tasks

Lists all Windows tasks. From this list, you can view, edit, or launch any Windows task, or create a new Windows task.

z/OS Tasks

Lists all z/OS tasks. From this list, you can view, edit, or launch any z/OS task, or create a new z/OS task.

Universal Command Tasks

Lists all Universal Command tasks. From this list, you can view, edit, or launch any Universal Command task, or create a new Universal Command task.

SAP Tasks

Lists all SAP tasks. From this list, you can view, edit, or launch any SAP task, or create a new SAP task.

PeopleSoft Tasks

Lists all PeopleSoft tasks. From this list, you can view, edit, or launch any PeopleSoft task, or create a new PeopleSoft task.

File Transfer Tasks

Lists all File Transfer tasks. From this list, you can view, edit, or launch any File Transfer task, or create a new File Transfer task.

Manual Tasks

Lists all Manual tasks. From this list, you can view, edit, or launch any Manual task, or create a new Manual task.

Timer Tasks

Lists all Timer tasks. From this list, you can view, edit, or launch any Timer task, or create a new Timer task.

SQL Tasks

Lists all SQL tasks. From this list, you can view, edit, or launch any SQL task, or create a new SQL task.

Stored Procedure Tasks

Lists all Stored Procedure tasks. From this list, you can view, edit, or launch any Stored Procedure task, or create a new Stored Procedure task.

Email Tasks

Lists all Email tasks. From this list, you can view, edit, or launch any Email task, or create a new Email task.

Web Service Tasks

Lists all Web Service tasks. From this list, you can view, edit, or launch any Web Service task, or create a new Web Service task.

Recurring Tasks

Lists all Recurring tasks. From this list, you can view, edit, or launch any Recurring task, or create a new Recurring task.

Task Monitors

Lists all Task Monitor tasks. From this list, you can view, edit, or launch any Task Monitor task, or create a new Task Monitor task.

Agent File Monitors

Lists all Agent File Monitor tasks. From this list, you can view, edit, or launch any Agent File Monitor task, or create a new Agent File Monitor task.

Remote File Monitors

Lists all Remote File Monitor tasks. From this list, you can view, edit, or launch any Remote File Monitor task, or create a new Remote File Monitor task.

System Monitors

Lists all System Monitor tasks. From this list, you can view, edit, or launch any System Monitor task, or create a new System Monitor task.

Variable Monitors

Lists all Variable Monitor tasks. From this list, you can view, edit, or launch any Variable Monitor task, or create a new Variable Monitor task.

Email Monitors

Lists all Email Monitor tasks. From this list, you can view, edit, or launch any Email Monitor task, or create a new Email Monitor task.

Universal MonitorsLists all Universal Monitor tasks. From this list, you can view, edit, or launch any Universal Monitor task, or create a new Universal Monitor task.

Application Control Tasks

Lists all Application Control tasks. From this list, you can view, edit, or launch any Application Control task, or create a new Application Control task.

Universal Tasks

Lists all Universal Tasks Integrations, categorized by Universal Task type. Each Universal Task type is based on an administrator-defined Universal Template.
(The area for Universal Tasks displays only if one or more Universal Templates - which the Controller lists as Universal Task types - have been created with one or more defined fields.)


Lists of task- and trigger-related information.


Lists all Calendars Overview. From this list, you can view or edit any Calendar, create a new Calendar, and assign Custom Days to any Calendar.

Custom Days

Lists all global Custom Days. From this list, you can view or edit any Custom Day, create a new Custom Day, and assign any Custom Day to any Calendar.


Custom Days displays in the Automation Center navigation pane only if the Custom Day Global Permitted Universal Controller system property is set to true.


List all user-defined Global variables. From this list, you can view or edit any Global variable, or create a new Global variable.


Lists all Scripts, which have been stored in the Controller database for execution by Windows, Linux/Unix, and SAP tasks. From this list, you can create and edit Script records containing a script, and specify which tasks can use the script.

Virtual Resources

Lists all virtual resources defined in your system, which allow you to set up "throttling" schemes that will manage the number of specific tasks that can run at one time. From this list, you can view, edit, and create a virtual resources, as well as assign tasks to a virtual resource.


Lists all Credentials. From this list, you can view or edit any Credential, or create a new Credential.


To display the Navigation Tree Configuration, right-click anywhere in the Automation Center navigation pane and, in the Action menu that displays, click Configure Navigation Tree. The Navigation Tree Configuration displays:

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Menu Option

Description and Links


Lists all Dashboards Dashboard Details. From this list, you can view or edit any Dashboard, or create a new Dashboard.


Lists all Reports Report Details. From this list, you can view or edit any Report, or create a new Report.


Lists all Widgets. From this list, you can view or edit any Widget, or create a new Widget.


Lists all Colors. From this list, you can view and edit the color assigned by default to any task instance status.



Menu Option

Description and Links


Lists of Agent for each Agent type; list of all Agents.

All Agents

Lists all Agents Overview. From this list, you can view or edit any Agent resource record. You also can suspend/resume any Agent.

Linux/Unix Agents

Lists all Linux/Unix Agents. From this list, you can view or edit any Linux/Unix Agent resource record, as well as suspend/resume any Linux/Unix Agent.

Windows Agents

Lists all Windows Agents. From this list, you can view or edit any Windows Agent resource record, as well as suspend/resume any Windows Agent.

z/OS Agents

Lists all z/OS Agents. From this list, you can view or edit any z/OS Agent resource record, as well as suspend/resume any z/OS Agent.

Agent Clusters

Lists of Agent Clusters for each Agent Cluster type.

Linux/Unix Agent Clusters

Lists all Linux/Unix agent clusters. From this list, you can view or edit any Linux/Unix agent cluster record, as well as suspend/resume any Linux/Unix agent cluster.

Windows Agent Clusters

Lists all Windows agent clusters. From this list, you can view or edit any Windows agent cluster record, as well as suspend/resume any Windows agent cluster.


Lists of Universal Controller system-related records.

OMS Servers

Lists all Universal Message Service (OMS) servers. From this list, you can create a new OMS Server record and view Details of any existing OMS Server record. From OMS Server Details, you can edit the record and display the list of Agents using this OMS Server.

Cluster Nodes

Lists all cluster nodes in your system. From this list, you can view Details of any cluster node and create Cluster Node Notifications.

Email Templates

Lists all Email Templates, which allow you to create commonly-used information that can be referred to in an Email task. From this list, you can view, edit, and create Email Templates.

Email Connections

Lists all Email Connections, which provide all of the email server information necessary for the Controller to send emails. From this list, you can view, edit, and create Email Connections, as well as specify the Email tasks that will use the server specified in the Email Connection.

Database Connections

Lists all Database Connections, which provide all the database server information necessary for the Controller to execute a SQL task or Stored Procedure task. From this list, you can view, edit, and create Database Connections, as well as specify the SQL and Stored Procedure tasks that can use this Database Connection.

SAP Connections

Lists all SAP Connections that have been defined in your system, which provide the SAP server information necessary for the Controller to execute an SAP task on an SAP system.

PeopleSoft Connections

Lists all PeopleSoft Connections that have been defined in your system, which provide the PeopleSoft server information necessary for the Controller to execute a PeopleSoft task on a PeopleSoft system.

SNMP Managers

Lists all SNMP Managers, to which SNMP notifications are sent.


Lists all Applications that have been defined in your system and which can be monitored and controlled.


The Administration navigation pane provides access to the the following areas:

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Menu Option

Description and Links


Lists of Universal Controller configuration information.


Lists all Universal Controller system properties.

Password SettingsAllows you to configure password specifications. See Password Settings.

LDAP Settings

Allows you to configure Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) settings. See LDAP Settings.

Single Sign-On Settings

Allows you to configure SAML Single Sign-On settings. See Single Sign-On Settings.

Data Backup/Purge

Lists all Data Backup/Purge records in your system, which specify the automatic back-up and purge of Controller activity data. From this list, you can view, edit, and create Data Backup / Purge records.

Server Operations

Lists all Server Operations, which you can run to help maintain and administer your Controller installation.

Universal Templates

Lists all Universal Templates, from which Universal Task types are created.

Available if the user has the ops_universal_template_viewops_universal_template_adminops_admin, or ops_service role.

Universal Event Templates

Lists all global Universal Event Templates

For any global Universal Event, the Universal Template administrator must declare the Universal Event here to allow the event to be monitored by an Universal Monitor.


Lists all record Filters for which the logged in user has permission. List filters are created using the filtering fields on the record list itself. Note that this feature is used only for record lists, not the Activity Monitor. This feature allows you to update or delete existing filters.


Lists of Universal Controller security-related information.


Lists all users that have been defined in your system.


Lists all user groups that have been defined in your system.

Business Services

Lists all Business Services. From this list, you can view or edit any Business Service, or create a new Business Service.


Lists all Audits that have been created for user interaction with the Controller.


Links to Universal Controller support information.

Support Portal

Links to the Support page on the Stonebranch website.

Video Classroom

Links to the Universal Controller Video Classroom, which provides demos of Controller features.
