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Reports are based on the Reportable tables in the Universal Controller database.

To create a report, you create a Report Details record and select a single Reportable table containing the data that you want to include in the report output. You can create a report as a list of table records or as a graphic.

To generate report output, you run the report either:

  • Manually
  • Automatically, as a Widget on any Dashboard. (If you delete a report from which a Widget was created, the Widget will no longer function.)
  • On schedule, by attaching the report to an Email Task or Email Notification action for any task type, and then defining a trigger for that task. When the task is triggered, the report is run.


Some reports require specific roles; Reports#Reportable Tables identifies these tables.

Creating a Report

Step 1

From the Reporting navigation pane, select Reports. The Reports list displays a list of all existing reports.
Below the list, Report Details for a new Report displays. (You also can click the New button to display Report Details for a new Report.)

Step 2

Enter/select Details for a new Report, using the field descriptions below as a guide.To display more of the Details fields on the screen, you can temporarily hide the list.


If you view Reports#Report Details for an existing Report by clicking a Report in the list, and then want to create a new Report, you must click the New button that displays above and below the Details.

Step 3

Click a Save button. The Report is added to the database, and all buttons and tabs in the Report Details are enabled.

Report Details

The following Report Details is for an existing Report.

Depending on the values that you enter / select for these fields, more (or less) fields may display. See the field descriptions, below, for a description of all fields that may display in the Report Details.

Report Details Field Descriptions

The following table describes the fields and buttons that display in the Report Details.

Field Name



This section contains general information about the Report.


Title (name) of the Report.
Report titles must be unique per visibility (see Reports#Visible To field, below):Reports visible to Me, Everyone, and any Group can have the same title. For example, there can be multiple Reports titled Report #1 as long as only one is visible to Me, one is visible to Everyone, and one is visible to any specific Group.


Unable to render {include} The included page could not be found.


Type of Report (see Reports#Report Output).

  • List
  • Bar Chart/Horizontal
  • Bar Chart/Vertical
  • Pie Chart


Universal Controller Reportable table in the Controller database on which the Report is based.

Visible To

Users that will be able to view this report.

  • Me
    User creating this Report.
  • Everyone
    Any logged in user.
  • <group name>
    Any user in the specified group, selected from a list of groups that the user creating this Report is a member of.

List Fields and Ordering

For List reports; this section allows you to select and arrange fields for the report based on the selected Universal Controller table.


Fields in the selected Universal Controller table that you want displayed on the report.

Sort By:

Specifications for how you want fields in the Report to be sorted (see Sorting).

Chart Options

For Chart reports; this section allows you design the chart for the report based on the selected Universal Controller table.

Chart Size

Size of the displayed report.

  • Small
  • Medium
  • Large
  • 100% (full screen)

Group By

Field in the selected Universal Controller table by which you want to group the fields in the report.

Group Threshold

Maximum number of groups to display on the chart, specified by the Report Group Threshold Universal Controller system property. All groups above the threshold will be displayed in one group named Other.

Group Order

Sequence of the groups shown in the key below the chart graphic.

  • Label
    Ascending alphanumeric order by Label (for example, Name)
  • Label/Descending
    Descending alphanumeric order by Label (for example, Name)
  • Count
    Ascending alphanumeric order by number of records in the group
  • Count/Descending
    Ascending alphanumeric order by number of records in the group

Group Date/Time Format

Formatting of the Reports#Group By field value when grouping by a Date/Time field (such as Created or Updated).

Group Date/Time Format is applicable (and visible) only when selecting a Date/Time field as the Group By field.

Stack By

Field in the selected Universal Controller table by which you want to sort records within each Group.

Sum Field

Sum of the integers in the field in the selected Universal Controller table by which you want to group the fields in the report.

Bar Thickness

Thickness of the bars on the chart.

Show AverageIndication of whether or not to display the average line on the bar chart.
Average ColorIf Show Average is checked; Hexadecimal color of the average line. If an average color is not specified, the color is determined by the Report Average Color Universal Controller system property.
Show ThresholdIndication of whether or not to display the threshold line on the bar chart.
Threshold ColorIf Show Threshold is checked; Hexadecimal color of the threshold line. If a threshold color is not specified, the color is determined by the Report Threshold Color Universal Controller system property.
Threshold ValueIf Show Threshold is checked; Integer value for the threshold line.
Threshold LabelIf Show Threshold is checked; Label for the threshold line. If a threshold label is not specified, the label will be Threshold.

Scheduled Options

This section allows you to override the values of Universal Controller System Properties for scheduled reports.

PDF Orientation

If Reports#Type is List; Orientation of the scheduled report PDF.

PDF Size

If Reports#Type is List; Size of the scheduled report PDF.

Image Width

If Reports#Type is Bar Chart/Horizontal, Bar Chart/Vertical, Pie Chart; Width (in pixels) of the scheduled chart report (overrides Scheduled Report Image Width system property).

Image Height

If Reports#Type is Bar Chart/Horizontal, Bar Chart/Vertical, Pie Chart; Height (in pixels) of the scheduled chart report (overrides Scheduled Report Image Height system property).


This section allows you filter entries displayed in the Report (see Filters).

If you are filtering on date-related fields using the between (inclusive) comparison operator (SQL BETWEEN condition), the database query can produce unexpected results when the later date is specified before the earlier date.


This section contains Metadata information about this record.


Universally Unique Identifier of this record.

Updated By

Name of the user that last updated this record.


Date and time that this record was last updated.

Created By

Name of the user that created this record.


Date and time that this record was created.


This section identifies the buttons displayed above and below the Report Details that let you perform various actions.


Saves a new Report record in the Controller database.

Save & New

Saves a new record in the Controller database and redisplays empty Details so that you can create another new record.

Save & View

Saves a new record in the Controller database and continues to display that record.


Displays empty (except for default values) Details for creating a new record.

Save As...

Saves the Report under a different Title and/or as being visible to different users.


Unable to render {include} The included page could not be found.


Generates the report and displays it on a new tab. (Clicking Run does not save any new data entered for the report.)


Unable to render {include} The included page could not be found.


Refreshes any dynamic data displayed in the Details.

Report Output

Report output can be created in either of four types, as specified by the Reports#Type field in the Report Details:

  • List
  • Pie Chart
  • Bar Chart/Horizontal
  • Bar Chart/Vertical

The following sample report outputs for each type were created from the same Universal Controller Reportable Database table: All tasks (ops_task).

List Report Output

List reports are output under a new tab.

By default, entries in List reports are not sorted; you must specify a sort method in the Reports#Sort By field in the Report Details.

Chart Report Output

Chart reports are output as pop-up graphics.

Chart reports entries are grouped by Type. You can see what percent of report entries are in each type by hovering your cursor over the graphic for that type.

List Report

Pie Chart Report


Bar Charts Reports - Horizontal and Vertical

The following Bar Chart reports show horizontal and vertical types both with and without an average line and a threshold line.

Vertical Bar Chart: Group By with Average Line 

Horizontal Bar Chart: Group By with Average Line

Vertical Bar Chart: Group By and Stack By with Average Line

Horizontal Bar Chart: Group By and Stack By with Average Line

Vertical Bar Chart: Sum Field with Average Line

Vertical Bar Chart: Average Line and Threshold Line

Built-In Reports

The Controller provides a series of built-in reports that are base on various Reports#Reportable Tables.


The title of each built-in report is preceded by UAC -.

Built-in reports are not editable, but you can use Save As to create a renamed copy of a built-in report, and then edit that report.

Exporting and Importing Reports

If you want to maintain the same reports across several environments (for example: Development, Staging, and Production), you can export Reports from any Controller cluster node and import those same Reports into any Controller cluster node.

Since every Report is Reports#visible to a specific user, a specific group, or Everyone (all users and groups), make sure that for every Report being exported which is visible to a specific user or group, that same user or group also exists on the cluster node(s) to which the Report will be imported.

Exporting Reports

From the Reports list, you can export one Report, multiple Reports, or all Reports. To select specific Reports to be exported, apply a filter prior to exporting.

Each report is exported as an individual XML file to the cluster node location specified in the Export Path Universal Controller system property.


You cannot select Reports on a list to indicate which are to be exported; you must filter the list.

To run the export:

Step 1

Display the Reports list.

Step 2

If you do not want to export all Reports, apply a filter.

Step 3

Right-click in any column header of the list to display an Action menu.

Step 4

Select Export > XML.

Step 5

When the export is complete, an Exported message displays above the list, indicating that the export is complete.

Importing Reports

You can import Reports, using the XML files created via a Reports list export, by using the Import action that is available from the Reports list (and from any list where the record type can be imported).


Reports from Controller 5.x and earlier are not supported in Controller 6.x.

To run the import:

Step 1

Display the Reports list.

Step 2

Right-click in any column header of the list to display an Action menu.

Step 3

Select Import. An Import pop-up displays.

Step 4

Enter the directory containing the Report XML file(s) to be imported and click OK.

Step 5

Refresh the Reports list to view the imported reports.

The import performs a pre-validation on the XML files; if any files are found to be invalid, a warning displays on the Universal Automation Center Console and the import operation is aborted. Any invalid XML files should be fixed or removed from that location.

Scheduling a Report

To schedule a Report:

  1. Select a Report or Report Variable in an Email Task or an Email Notification action for any task type.
  2. Select a method of running the task.

When the task is run and the task instance has been created, an email is sent with the Report output attached.

Report Specifications

The Controller provides system properties that let you specify the layout and content of scheduled reports.

You can override some of these system properties in the Reports#Scheduled Options section of the Reports#Report Details.


To run a task that generates an email with an attached report, you can:

  • Create a stand-alone trigger that will send the email according to a schedule defined in the trigger.
  • Create an Email Task / Email Notification within a workflow that will send the email based on some dependencies in that workflow.
  • Create an Email Notification for a task that will send the email based on events associated with the task instance.

You also can trigger or launch, on demand, an Email Task (or any Task with an Email Notification) to generate an email with an attached report.


All scheduled Reports run under the security context of the task instance Execution User.

An Email Task Instance that attempts to run a report that the Execution User does not have permission to view will terminate with a Start Failure status and the following status description:

An Email Notification task instance that attempts to run a report that the Execution User does not have permission to view will include the following statement in the body of the email:

Bundling and Promotion

Universal Controller does not support the bundling and promotion of reports. Any report required by a promoted task must already be available on the target system.

For details on how the Controller resolves tasks that include scheduled Reports, see Preparing Bundles for Promotion / Reports.

List Import / Export

Since an Email Task or Email Notification Task can include a report, these reports must be included as output in a List Export if the export is following references: XML (Export References).

When records are being imported by a List Import, the import queries the database for a record with the same (unique) display name to allow for performing UUID mapping where necessary. However, Reports are not unique by display name (Reports#Title), so the import must use both the Title and visibility information to perform such a query to facilitate UUID mapping when necessary. If a report with the same UUID already exists in the database, or a report by the same Title/visibility does not exist in the database, then no such UUID mapping will be performed.

Reportable Tables

The following table provides the name, table ID, and description of the Universal Controller database tables that are available for creating reports.


Any user can create reports based on any of these tables. However, some reports - as identified below - can be run only if the user has been assigned a specific role.


Table Name



Abort Actions



Contains details about Abort actions.

Advanced Criteria



Contains details about Email Monitor task Advanced Criteria.

Advanced Criteria


Task Instances

Contains details about Email Monitor task instances Advanced Criteria.

Agent File Monitor Components



Contains details about Agent File Monitor components of Composite Triggers.

Agent File Monitor Task Instances


All Task Instances

Contains details about Agent File Monitor task instances.

Agent File Monitor Tasks



Contains details about Agent File Monitor tasks.

Agent File Monitor Triggers


All Triggers

Contains details about Agent File Monitor triggers.

All Actions



Contains details about all task actions: Abort Action, Email Notifications, Set Variable, SNMP Notification, and System Operation.

All Agent Clusters


Agent Clusters

Contains details about Agent Clusters.

All Agents



Displays a list of Agents.

All Components



Contains details about all Composite trigger components.

All Step Actions


Step Actions

Contains details about z/OS step actions.


All Task Instances

Task instance activity (running tasks).

All Tasks



Contains details about tasks of every type, along with associated Task Instance information.

All Triggers


All Triggers

Contains details about triggers of every type.

Application Control Tasks



Contains details about Application Control tasks.

Application Control Task Instances


All Task Instances

Contains details about Application Control task instances.

Application Monitor Triggers


All Triggers

Contains details about Application Monitor triggers.



Shows a list of Application resources.




Contains details of events being written to the Audit history. (Requires ops_audit_view role to run this report.)

Business Services



Contains details about Business Services.

Calendar Custom Days



Contains details about which Custom Days are associated with which Calendar records.




Contains details about Calendar records.

Cluster Nodes


Provides details about cluster nodes.

Composite Triggers



Contains details about Composite trigger records.



Login credentials used by the Controller to access remote machines.

Cron Triggers


All Triggers

Contains details about Cron trigger records.

Currently In Use By


Virtual Resources

Contains details about Virtual resource usage, as displayed in the Currently In Use By tab.

Custom Days



Contains details about defined Custom Days.

Database Connections



Contains details about Database Connections defined in the Controller database.

Email Connections



Contains details about Email Connections resources.

Email Monitor Components



Contains details about Email Monitor components of Composite Triggers.

Email Monitor Task Instances


All Task Instances

Contains details about Email Monitor task instances.

Email Monitor Tasks



Contains details about Email Monitor tasks.

Email Monitor Triggers


All Triggers

Contains details about Email Monitor triggers.

Email Notifications



Contains details about Email Notifications associated with tasks.

Email Task Instances


All Task Instances

Contains details about Email task instances.

Email Tasks



Contains details about Email tasks.

Email Templates


Contains details about Email templates.

Exclusive Requests


Mutually Exclusive

Contains any requests to run exclusively by a task instance.

File Transfer Task Instances


All Task Instances

Contains details about File Transfer task instances.

File Transfer Tasks



Contains details about File Transfer tasks.



Contains details about trigger forecasts.

Group Members



Contains relationship information between Universal Controller User Groups and Universal Controller Users; that is, which Users belong to which Groups. (Requires ops_admin or ops_user_admin role to run this report.)

Group Roles



Contains relationship information between Universal Controller User Groups and Roles; that is, which Groups have been assigned which Roles. (Requires ops_admin or ops_user_admin role to run this report.)




Contains details about Universal Controller User Groups. (Requires ops_admin or ops_user_admin role to run this report.)



Contains a history of task activity.

License Instance Historyops_license_exec_history

Contains statistics relating to the number of task instance executions.

Linux/Unix Agent Clusters


Agent Clusters

Contains details about Linux/Unix agent clusters.

Linux/Unix Agents



Contains details about Linux/Unix agent resources.

Linux/Unix Agents In Cluster


Agent Clusters

Shows relationship information between Unix agents and Unix agent clusters; that is, which agents belong to which clusters.

Linux/Unix Task Instances


All Task Instances

Contains details about Linux/Unix task instances.

Linux/Unix Tasks



Contains details about Linux/Unix tasks.

Local Custom Days



Contains details about defined Local Custom Days.

Local Variables



Contains details about task and trigger variables (also called local variables), entered into the Variables tab on a task or trigger record.

Manual Task Instances


All Task Instances

Contains details about Manual task instances.

Manual Tasks



Contains details about Manual tasks.

Manual Triggers


All Triggers

Contains Manual trigger records.

Mutually Exclusive


Mutually Exclusive

Contains relationship information between tasks and mutually exclusive tasks; that is, which tasks are mutually exclusive with each other.



Contains details about Notes attached to Controller records.

OMS Servers



Provides details about OMS Servers.



Task Instances > Other

Contains any output (such as STDOUT) attached to task instances.

Outstanding Requests


Virtual Resources

Contains any outstanding requests for a resource by a task instance.

PeopleSoft Connections



Contains PeopleSoft Connections records.

PeopleSoft Parameters


Task Instances > Other

Contains Parameter records associated with PeopleSoft task instances.

PeopleSoft Parameters


Tasks > Other

Contains Parameter records associated with PeopleSoft tasks.

PeopleSoft Task Instances


All Task  Instances

Contains details about PeopleSoft task instances.

PeopleSoft Tasks



Contains details about PeopleSoft tasks.




Contains details about Universal Controller Permissions assigned to Universal Controller Users and Groups. (Requires ops_admin or ops_user_admin role to run this report.)

Recurring Task Instances


All Task  Instances

Contains details about Recurring task instances.

Recurring Tasks



Contains details about Recurring tasks.

Remote File Monitor Task Instances


All Task Instances

Contains details about Remote File Monitor task instances.

Remote File Monitor Tasks



Contains details about Remote File Monitor tasks.

Restartable Job Steps


Task Instances > Other

Contains details about restartable job steps in a z/OS task.

Restart Criteria


Task Instances > Other

Contain information about z/OS task restart criteria.

Restart Criteria


Tasks > Other

Contain information about z/OS task restart criteria.

SAP Connections



Contains SAP Connections records.

SAP Task Instances


All Task  Instances

Contains details about SAP task instances.

SAP Tasks



Contains details about SAP tasks.



Contains Script records.

Set Variables



Contains details about Set Variable actions.

SNMP Managers



Contains SNMP Managers records.

SNMP Notifications



Contains SNMP notifications defined for Tasks.

SQL Task Instances


All Task Instances

Contains details about SQL task instances.

SQL Tasks



Contains details about SQL tasks.

Step Conditions


Task Instances > Other

Contains details about z/OS task instance step conditions.

Step Conditions


Tasks > Other

Contains details about z/OS task step conditions

Stored Procedure Parameters


Task Instances > Other

Contains Parameter records associated with Stored Procedure task instances.

Stored Procedure Parameters


Tasks > Other

Contains Parameter records associated with Stored Procedure tasks.

Stored Procedure Task Instances


All Task Instances

Contains details about Stored Procedure task instances.

Stored Procedure Tasks



Contains details about Stored Procedure tasks.

System Monitor Task Instances


All Task Instances

Contains details about System Monitor task instances.

System Monitors



Contains details about System Monitor tasks.

System Operations


Step Actions

Contains details about z/OS System Operation step actions.

System Operations



Contains details about System Operation actions.

Task Instance Run Criteria


Task Instances > Other

Contains run criteria information for task instances within Workflows.

Task Instance Virtual Resources


Virtual Resources

Contains relationship information between Virtual resources and task instances; that is, which task instances are assigned to which Virtual Resources.

Task Monitor Components



Contains details about Task Monitor components of Composite Triggers.

Task Monitor Task Instances


All Task Instances

Contains details about Task Monitor task instances.

Task Monitor Tasks



Contains details about Task Monitor tasks.

Task Monitor Triggers


All Triggers

Contains details about Task Monitor triggers.

Task Run Criteria


Tasks > Other

Contains run criteria information for tasks within Workflows.

Task Virtual Resources


Virtual Resources

Contains relationship information between Virtual resources and tasks; that is, which tasks are assigned to which Virtual Resources.

Temporary Triggers


All Triggers

Contains details about Temporary triggers.

Time Components



Contains details about Time components of Composite Triggers.

Time Triggers


All Triggers

Contains details about Time triggers.

Timer Task Instances


All Task Instances

Contains details about Timer task instances.

Timer Tasks



Contains details about Timer tasks.

Universal Command Task Instances


All Task Instances

Contains details about Universal Command task instances.

Universal Command Tasks



Contains details about Universal Command tasks.

Universal Task Instances


All Task Instances

Contains details about Universal task instances.

Universal Tasks



Contains details about Universal tasks.

Universal Template Field Choices


Universal Templates

Contains details about Universal Template Field Choices. (Requires ops_admin, ops_universal_template_admin, or ops_universal_template_view role to run this report.)

Universal Template Fields


Universal Templates

Contains details about Universal Template Fields. (Requires ops_admin, ops_universal_template_admin, or ops_universal_template_view role to run this report.)

Universal Templates


Universal Templates

Contains details about Universal Templates. (Requires ops_admin, ops_universal_template_admin, or ops_universal_template_view role to run this report.)

User Roles



Contains details about Users and Roles, including which Users have which Roles. (Requires ops_admin or ops_user_admin role to run this report.)




Contains details about User records. (Requires ops_admin or ops_user_admin role to run this report.)

Variable Monitor Components



Contains details about Variable Monitor components of Composite Triggers.

Variable Monitor Task Instances


All Task Instances

Contains details about Variable Monitor task instances.

Variable Monitor Tasks



Contains details about Variable Monitor tasks.

Variable Monitor Triggers


All Triggers

Contains details about Variable Monitor triggers.




Contains details about Global variables, entered by selecting Variables from the Navigator.

Virtual Resources


Virtual Resources

Contains details about Virtual resource records.

Web Service Task Instances


All Task Instances

Contains details about Web Service task instances.

Web Service Tasks



Contains details about Web Service tasks.



Contains details about Widgets.

Windows Agent Clusters


Agent Clusters

Contains details about Windows agent clusters.

Windows Agents



Contains details about Windows agents.

Windows Agents In Cluster


Agent Clusters

Shows relationship information between Windows agents and Windows agent clusters; that is, which agents belong to which clusters.

Windows Task Instances


All Task Instances

Contains details about Windows task instances.

Windows Tasks



Contains details about Windows tasks.

Workflow Task Dependencies


Tasks > Other

Contains information about the conditions specified between tasks within workflows.

Workflow Task Instance Dependencies


Task Instances > Other

Contains information about the conditions specified between task instances within workflows.

Workflow Task Instances


All Task Instances

Contains details about Workflow task instances.

Workflow Task Instance Vertices


Task Instances > Other

Contains relationship information between workflows instances and task instances; that is, which tasks are running in which workflows.

Workflow Task Vertices


Tasks > Other

Contains relationship information between tasks and workflows; that is, which tasks are in which workflows.

Workflow Tasks



Contains details about Workflow tasks.

z/OS Agents



Contains details about z/OS agents.

z/OS Task Instances


All Task Instances

Contains details about z/OS task instances.

z/OS Tasks



Contains details about z/OS tasks.

All Task Instances Table (ops_exec)

The Universal Controller All Task Instances table (ops_exec) contains all available data about executed task instances.

Field Name



Unable to render {include} The included page could not be found.

Agent Acquired

System-supplied; For internal processing only.

Agent Cluster Acquired

System-supplied; For internal processing only.

All Dependencies Cleared


Unable to render {include} The included page could not be found.

Average Estimated End Time



Unable to render {include} The included page could not be found.


Unable to render {include} The included page could not be found.

CP Duration

Unable to render {include} The included page could not be found.

CP Duration Unit

Unable to render {include} The included page could not be found.

CPU Time

System-supplied; Amount of CPU time the task took to run.


Unable to render {include} The included page could not be found.

Created by

Unable to render {include} The included page could not be found.


Unable to render {include} The included page could not be found.


Unable to render {include} The included page could not be found.

Credentials Variable

Unable to render {include} The included page could not be found.


Unable to render {include} The included page could not be found.

Current Retry Count

System-supplied; Displays, only for a running task instance, the current number of times that the Controller has retried the task after it first went to failure status.

Delay Duration

Number of days, hours, minutes, and seconds to delay after starting the task.

Delay Duration In Seconds

Number of seconds to delay after starting the task.

Delay On Start

Amount of time to delay the start of a task, after it has been launched, from the time that it is eligible to start; that is, all dependencies have been met.


System-supplied; Amount of time the task took to run.

Duration in Seconds

Unable to render {include} The included page could not be found.

Early Finish

Unable to render {include} The included page could not be found.

Early Finish Duration

Unable to render {include} The included page could not be found.

Early Finish Time

Unable to render {include} The included page could not be found.

Early Finish Type

Unable to render {include} The included page could not be found.

End Time

System-supplied; Date and time the task instance completed

Exclude Backup

Specification for whether the task instance can be excluded from a backup when being purged by retention duration.

Exclusive State

Unable to render {include} The included page could not be found.

Execution User

System-supplied; If the task was launched manually, the ID of the user who launched it.

Exit Code

Unable to render {include} The included page could not be found.

Finished Early

System-supplied; This field is flagged if the task finished earlier than the time specified in the Early Finish fields.

Finished Late

System-supplied; This field is flagged if the task finished later than the time or duration specified in the Late Finish fields.

Forced Finished

Unable to render {include} The included page could not be found.

Hold Reason

Unable to render {include} The included page could not be found.

Hold on Start

Unable to render {include} The included page could not be found.

Hold Resources On Failure

If enabled, the task instance will continue to hold Renewable resources if the task instance fails.

IO Other

Unable to render {include} The included page could not be found.

IO Reads

Unable to render {include} The included page could not be found.

IO Writes

Unable to render {include} The included page could not be found.

Instance Name

Name of the task instance.

Instance Reference Id

System-supplied; the Controller increments this number each time the task is run.

Invoked by

System-supplied; How the task instance was launched. One of the following:

  • Trigger: (Trigger Name)
    Instance was launched by the named trigger.
  • Workflow: (Workflow Name)
    Instance was launched by the named workflow.
  • Manually Launched
    Instance was launched by a user. To determine the name of the user:
    • From the Activity Monitor or Task Instances list, click the task instance name to open the record.
    • The Reports#Execution User field identifies the user who launched the task instance.

Late Finish

Unable to render {include} The included page could not be found.

Late Finish Duration

Unable to render {include} The included page could not be found.

Late Finish Time

Unable to render {include} The included page could not be found.

Late Finish Type

Unable to render {include} The included page could not be found.

Late Start

Unable to render {include} The included page could not be found.

Late Start Duration

If Late Start Type is Duration, use this to specify the longest amount of time this task instance can wait before starting. You can specify any combination of hours, minutes, and seconds.

Late Start Time

Unable to render {include} The included page could not be found.

Late Start Type

Unable to render {include} The included page could not be found.

Longest Estimated End Time


Maximum Retries

Unable to render {include} The included page could not be found.

Member of Business Services

Unable to render {include} The included page could not be found.

Memory Peak

Unable to render {include} The included page could not be found.

Memory Used

Unable to render {include} The included page could not be found.

Operational Memo

User-defined operational memo.

Predecessors Satisfied Time

he time in which all predecessor dependencies have been satisfied for the task instance.


Indicates the workflow progress in terms of completed tasks: success, finished, or skipped. (A sub-workflow within a workflow counts as one task.} For example, 5/10 indicates that 5 of 10 tasks within the workflow have completed.

Projected End Time

System-supplied; projected end time of the task instance.

Queued Time

System-supplied; the time that the task was queued for processing.

Resolve Name Immediately

Instance Name of the task instance that will be resolved immediately at trigger/launch time.

Resources Consumed

System-supplied; For internal processing only.

Resource State

Unable to render {include} The included page could not be found.

Retention Time

Specification that the task instance launched by a trigger is eligible to be purged from the database as soon as the retention duration time specified in the trigger has been met.

Retry Indefinitely

Unable to render {include} The included page could not be found.

Retry Interval (Seconds)

Unable to render {include} The included page could not be found.

Run Called

(Internal property.)

Run Criteria Run Time

Indicates that run-time run criteria was specified for the task.

Run Criteria Trigger Time

Indicates that trigger-time run criteria was specified for the task.

Security Name

The task name.

Shortest Estimated End Time


Start Time

System-supplied; the date and time that the task started.

Started Late

System-supplied; This field is flagged if the task started later than the time specified in the Late Start fields.

State Changed Time

The last time the task instance changed status.


System-supplied; Provides additional information, if any, about the status of the task.

Status Description

System-supplied; Provides additional information, if any, about the status of the task.

Status History

History of all statuses that the task instance has gone through.

Sys id

Unique system identifier associated with a task instance.


Unable to render {include} The included page could not be found.

Task Description

User-supplied description of this record.

Task Priority

Priority of this task instance, as set by the user via the Set Priority command. Options are: High, Medium, Low.

Time Wait State

Unable to render {include} The included page could not be found.


Unable to render {include} The included page could not be found.

Trigger Time

Date and time (current or user-selected) when the trigger launches its tasks.


Unable to render {include} The included page could not be found.

Universal Template

If Type = Universal; Name of the Universal Template on which the Universal Task Type is based.


Unable to render {include} The included page could not be found.

Updated by

Unable to render {include} The included page could not be found.


Unable to render {include} The included page could not be found.

User Defined Field 1

First of two possible user-defined fields that displays in the General Information section of the task instance Details.

User Defined Field 2

Second of two possible user-defined fields that displays in the General Information section of the task instance Details.

User Estimated End Time

System-supplied; If the user entered information into the User Estimated Duration field in the task definition, the Controller uses this information to calculate an end time for the task instance, based on the date/time the task instance started.


Universally Unique Identifier of this task instance.

Vertex Id

Unable to render {include} The included page could not be found.

Virtual Resource Priority

Priority for acquiring a resource for this task instance.

Wait Day Constraint

Specification for whether or not to advance the wait time to another day.

Wait Duration

Number of days, hours, minutes, and seconds to wait before starting the task.

Wait Duration In Seconds

Number of seconds to wait before starting the task.

Waited for Exclusive

Indicates that the task instance could not run exclusively immediately and went into an Exclusive Wait state.

Waited for Resources

Indicates that the task instance could not get resources immediately and went into a resource wait state.

Wait Time (HH:MM)

Number of hours and minutes to wait before starting the task.

Wait To Start

Amount of time to wait before starting a task from the time that it was launched.

Wait Until Time

Amount of time calculated to wait before the task was started.


Name of the workflow, if appropriate.

Workflow Definition

Name of the parent workflow task definition.

Workflow Only

Specification for whether or not to apply the Wait To Start and Delay On Start specifications only if the task is in a Workflow.

Workflow Start Time

Start time of the parent workflow task instance.

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