Universal Configuration Manager - Universal Command Manager

Universal Configuration Manager - Universal Command Manager

Universal Command Manager

Universal Command Manager: Message Options



Message Level

Turns on message logging for errors only.
Turns on message logging for warnings and errors.
Turns on message logging for all informational, warning and error messages.
Turns on message logging for all audit, informational, warning and error messages.
Allows all messages to be logged, including those used for debugging purposes.

Message Language

Specifies the language used to display error messages.

Universal Command Manager: Network Options



Universal Broker connection options

Use the following local interface for outbound connections
When this option is selected, the IP address or alias of a local interface may be specified that will be used whenever UCMD Manager connects to a Universal Broker. If this option is not selected, any available local interface will be used.
When more than one local interface is available, this option may be used to specify the IP address or host name that should be used whenever UCMD Manager connects to a Universal Broker. To have UCMD Manager use any local interface available, leave this value blank.
Use all IP addresses returned by DNS when resolving hostnames
When this option is selected, all IP addresses returned by a DNS query for a given host name are expanded in the list of hosts. When this option is not selected, only the first IP address for the resolved host name is used. This option is not selected by default.
Default Host Name/IP Address
Enter one or more valid IP addresses and/or host names – separated by a comma – to use as the default system(s) for process execution. A specific port number may also be specified for any one of the hosts in the list. The format for this list of one or more hosts is: host1[port1,host2port2,...,hostnportn]
To run processes on the local system, enter a host name of localhost, or an IP address of
Port Number
Enter a port number or service name that will be used to connect to Universal Broker.
Select the first host in a list using the following method
This option specifies how entries within a list of hosts are accessed as the Universal Command Manager attempts to establish a connection with a Universal Broker.
When the sequential selection method is chosen, connection attempts begin with the first host in the list. Connection attempts continue with each subsequent host in the list, until a connection to a Universal Broker is established or until all hosts in the list have been tried.
When the random method is chosen, connection attempts begin with a randomly-selected host. Connection attempts continue with each host in the list until a connection is established or until the first host selected is reached again.
The default value for this option is sequential.
Retry host name resolution
Indicates the number of attempts that will be made to resolve a host name specified with the -host option on the Universal Command command line. This parameter can help resolve intermittent "host not found" errors.
Cancel connect after
This option specifies how long the Universal Command Manager will wait for each connection attempt to a Universal Broker to complete before moving on to the next host in the list. If there are no more hosts in the list, or connection attempts to all the hosts time out, the Manager will terminate.
The default value for this option is 0 (zero), which instructs the UCMD Manager to use the default TCP/IP timeout value. This results in a blocking connect attempt, and is provided to perserve compatibility with pre-v320 behavior.

Connect retry count

This option specifies the number of times the UCMD Manager will try to establish a connection with a remote Broker. The Manager will continue to try each host in the list until it successfully connects to a remote Broker or until the number of connection attempts exceeds the value specified for this option.
The default value for this option is 0 (zero), which instructs the UCMD Manager to only attempt a connection once for each host in the lis


Connect retry interval

This option specifies how long (in seconds) the UCMD Manager will wait before it retries an attempt to establish a connection with a remote Broker on a specified host.
This option is only used when connect_retry_count is greater than 0 (zero).
The default value for this option is 3.

Universal Command Manager: Network Options - Data Options



Network Data Transfer Options

Compress Data
Controls compression of data transmitted across the network. Select the checkbox to turn this option on.
Enable maximum compression
Select this option to use the zlib compression algorithm, which usually results in a very high compression rate. When this option is not selected, the hasp compression algorithm will be used. This algorithm is not as CPU-intensive as the zlib algorithm, but the resulting data is a little less compressed.
Encrypt Data
Controls encryption of data transmitted across the network. Select the checkbox to turn this option on.
Verify Data Integrity
Controls whether or not data integrity is verified. When this option is selected, authentication checks will be done to insure that the data sent is the same data received. If the data changed, the data integrity is jeopardized and the transmission terminates.

Code Page

Sets the translation table used to translate text-based data transmitted across the network.

Universal Command Manager: Network Options - Fault Tolerance



Network Fault Tolerance

Enable network fault tolerance
Enables the network fault tolerance feature.
Network Delay
The number of seconds (from 1 to 900) of network inactivity before the need for a reconnect is assumed.
Retry Count
The maximum number of reconnects attempted (between 1 and 900).
Retry interval
The number of seconds (between 0 and 900) between each reconnect attempt.
Override the Universal Command Server’s job retention value
The job retention option specifies the time to retain the exit status of the command executed after termination of the command if the network connection to the manager is down. This allows a manager to reestablish the connection after the command has completed.
Selecting this option will override the value in the Universal Command Server's configuration.

Manager Fault Tolerance

Enable Manager Fault Tolerance
When this option is selected, manager fault tolerance will be requested for each instance of a Universal Command Manager that is run from this location. This means that if the remote Universal Command Server supports manager fault tolerance, and is allowing redirected i/o to be spooled, the Universal Command Manager may be restarted.
Please note that when this option is selected, any Universal Command Manager run from this location will require a command ID (specified with the -C or -cmdid command line option).
Automatically attempt a restart of a Manager when a duplicate command IDs are encountered
When this option is selected, the restart configuration option is set to "auto". This means that when an instance of Universal Command Manager is started at this location, it will first try to start a new instance of a Universal Command Server. If a Server with a matching command ID is found, instead of failing, the Manager will automatically attempt a restart. Selecting this option is useful when Universal Command is run via scripts that are not necessarily easy to change when a restart is required.
When this option is not selected, the restart configuration option is set to "no". This means that if a Universal Command Manager is started with a command ID that is already in use (that is, it belongs to an active Universal Command Server component), the Manager will fail.
Before this option can be selected, manager fault tolerance must be enabled. This means that any Universal Command Manager started at this location must have a command ID, specified with the -C or -cmdid command line option.
Allow multiple hosts for initial Manager interfaces
When this option is selected and manager fault tolerance is enabled, multiple hosts in the host list are allowed only when a Universal Command Manager is submitted for the first time (that is, its restart option is set to no).
Care must be taken when setting this option, because a situation could result in which multiple Universal Command Servers are started on different hosts for the same Universal Command Manager. For example, if a Manager was terminated because of a failed network connection, and that network connection is still down when that cancelled Manager is resubmitted, there is no way to know that the Server on the unreachable system is awaiting restart. This means a a new Server could be started on any host in the list that the Manager can connect to.
Multiple hosts in the host list are never permitted when fault tolerant Managers are configured to automatically restart, or when a Manager is explicitly instructed to restart (that is, the restart option is set to auto or yes, respectively). In this case, the host to which the Manager originally connected must be provided as a single entry in the host list.
This option is ignored if manager fault tolerance is not enabled. In that situation, multiple hosts are always permitted.
This option is not selected by default.

Universal Command Manager: Runtime Options



Server Override Options

Override the default Universal Command Server command type and set to
When this option is checked, the Univeral Command Manager will send the specified command type to a Universal Command Server, overriding the Server's configured value.
Leave this option unchecked to cause the remote Universal Command Server to use its configured default.
The command type specified here will depend on the platform and version of the remote Universal Command Server. Not all command types are available on all platforms. Also, the version of the remote Universal Command Server may not offer support for command types, or may only provide support for a subset of command types recognized by the installed version of Universal Command Manager.
The command types recognized by this version of Universal Command Manager for Windows includes (but is not limited to):

  • cmdref
    Command reference
  • shell
  • stc
    Started task

If the default command type you wish to use is not shown in this, you may still enter it here. The value will not be validated until it is sent to the Universal Command Server.
See the Universal Command Consolidated Documentation for a complete list of command types supported by a Universal Command Server on a particular platform.
Override the configured behavior of the Universal Command Server on windows and:
Check this option to set a flag within the Universal Command Manager's configuration file that overrides how the relationship among user processes is managed for a specified Universal Command Server on Windows. The Universal Command Server normally defines this relationship, but enabling this option allows the local Universal Command Manager to override the Server's configured default.
Leave this option unchecked to remove the value from the local Universal Command Manager's configuration, which causes the specified Universal Command Server to use its configured default.
Note: Checking this option does not set the configuration value itself; it only controls whether or not the Universal Configuration Manager sets the override in the Univeral Comand Manager's configuration file.
Assign all Server child processes to a single job object
Check this option to instruct a specified Windows Universal Command Server to assign the child process it creates – along with any descendants – to a single entity known as a job. Assigning a process to a job simplifies process management on Windows, by causing all child processes (that is, the requested user process and any of its child processes) to terminate whenever their parent is cancelled (that is, Universal Command Server).
When this option is unchecked, cancelling a Universal Command Server on Windows will only result in the termination of its immediate child processes. Any processes that child spawns will continue to run after the Server component is cancelled.
Note: Setting this option in the Universal Command Manager's configuration file overrides the configured value for any Windows Universal Command Server specified by the local Manager. This option is only recognized by Universal Command Servers and later, running on Windows. It is ignored for all other platforms and versions.

Command ID

The command ID helps associate a Universal Command Server component with the Universal Command Manager that started it.
Any value may be specified for this option, but a UCMD Manager will fail when Manager fault tolerance is enabled, if another UCMD Manager with a matching command ID is active or awaiting restart. Set this option to an asterisk ( * ) to instruct UCMD to automatically generate a unique command ID each time it runs.

Exit code translation map

The exit_code_map option is used to translate the exit code issued by a user process (executed by UCMD Server) to a UCMD Manager exit code. The exit code map has the following format:
optional, may be 'a' or 'n'. Used to indicate whether the mapping applies to processes that end (a)bnormally or (n)ormally. If this parameter is not specified, the process's termination status is ignored.
The range of exit codes to be mapped. 'range' may be a single value, an series of values separated by a hyphen (for example, 1-5), or an upper or lower limit of values, preceded by the less than ('<') or the greater than ('>') symbol, respectively (for example, <20 or >20). An asterisk ('*') can be used to indicate all process exit codes.
The value UCMD Manager will return when the user process ends with a matching exit status and exit code.

  • n*:1,a*:16
    Map all normal terminations to exit code 1 and all abnormal terminations to exit code 16.
  • 1-5:1,>5:2
    Map exit codes 1 thru 5 (inclusive) to exit code 1 and exit codes greater than 5 to exit code 2.
  • <0:64,>1:1
    Map exit codes less than 0 to exit code 64 and exit codes greater than 1 to 1

If the exit code from a user process matches more than one entry in the list, the first matching entry is applied.

Universal Command Manager: Event Subsystem Options



Event Generation Options

Generate activity monitoring events
When this option is selected, the Universal Command Manager will generate events that monitor product activity. This option is selected by default.
Persistent event list
Specifies which events are to be generated and processed as persistent events. A persistent event is saved in a Universal Enterprise Controller (UEC) event database for long-term storage.
Enter a list and/or range of numeric event types, separated by a comma. To exclude an event or range of events, precede the entry with an upper- or lower-case 'X'. Use an asterisk (star) to specify all event types.
For example:

  • x*
    Do not generate any events (this is the default)
  • *
    Generate all event types
  • 100
    Generate all event types except 100
  • 100,200-205
    Generate event type 100 and 200 through 205
  • 100,200-205,x202
    Generate event types 100 and 200 thru 205, excluding event type 202

Entries are processed from left to right, and the list is order dependent. For example, an entry of x*,100 prevents generation of all event types except 100, while an entry of 100,x* prevents generation of all event types (the right-most entry takes precedence).

Universal Command Manager: SSL/TLS Protocol Options



Control Session SSL Cipher List

The Control Cipher List specifies one or more acceptable cipher suites to use for network communication. The list consists of one or more cipher suites ordered with the most preferred suite first and the least preferred suite last.
To disable SSL/TLS encryption and message authentication for messages transmitted across the control session, select the NULL-NULL entry. Use of this cipher requires that the remote UCMD Server's encrypt_control_session option be set to no. Otherwise, the UCMD Server will issue a protocol error when the Manager tries to establish the control session with it.

Data Session SSL Cipher List

The data ssl cipher specifies the cipher suites for the standar I/O connections between the UCMD components when encryption is specified.

Default cipher

(No help provided.)

Negotiate sessions using

(No help provided.)

Universal Command Manager: SSL Protocol Options - Certificate Options



Certificate Files

The Certificate option specifies the X.509 certificate file that identifies the program to remote components with which it connects using the SSL/TLS protocol.
Private Key
The Private key option specifies the private key file associated with the X.509 certificate specified in the Certificate file.
Private Key Password
The Private key password specifies the password associated with the private key file.
Certificate Authority
The Certificate Authority option specifies a file with a list of trusted authorities. Any certificate received that is signed by a trusted Certificate Authority is accepted.
Certificate Revocation List
The Certificate Revocation List option specifies a file with a list of revoked certificates. Any certificate received that is in this list will not be accepted.

Certificate Verification

Verify host using value entered for -host command option
The host name specifies that the ubroker certificate's host name value must match either the -host option value or the value specified by the entered host name. There is no default.
Verify host using
The host name specifies that the ubroker certificate's host name value must match either the -host option value or the value specified by the entered host name. There is no default.
Verify serial number using
The serial number specifies that the ubroker's X.509 certificate serial number is verified to match the value specified. The number is considered to be in decimal format unless it is prefixed with 0x or 0X in which case it is considered a hexadecimal format. There is no default.

Universal Command Manager: License Information



Product Name

Specifies the name of the registered product for which the license key was issued.

Customer Name

Contains the name under which the software is registered. This value must be entered exactly as the customer name specified in the licensing material you received with the software.

Operating System

Identifies the operating system on which your licensed Universal Command Manager will run. This value should match the operating system specified in the licensing material you received with your software.

License Type

Specifies the type of license issued for the current product. This value is used with the expiration date to determine the length of time the software license is valid.

Expiration Date

Contains the date when the current license for this product will expire. The date entered must match the expiration date specified in the licensing material you received with the software. To change the date, enter a new value, or click the down arrow to display a calendar control.

Server Counts

Contains the number of Universal Command Servers you have licensed, by operating system. This values in this list should match the numbers specified in the licensing material you received with your software.

License Key

Contains the license key that is generated for each product, customer, license type and expiration date. The value contained in this field must match the key specified in the licensing material you received with the software package.

Clear All Button

(No help provided.)

Edit Button

Displays a dialog from which the number of licensed servers for the selected operating system can be updated.

Import Button

Select this button to browse for and load the Universal Command Manager license file, which will automatically import the license information.

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