Universal Configuration Manager

Universal Configuration Manager


The Universal Configuration Manager is a Universal Agent graphical user interface application that enables you to configure all of the Universal Agent for Windows components that have been installed on a Windows operating system.

It is the recommended method of specifying configuration data that will not change with each command invocation. Universal Configuration Manager helps protect the integrity of the configuration file by validating all changes to configuration option values.


Universal Configuration Manager is installed automatically on the Windows operating system as part of every Universal Agent for Windows installation.

It is available to all user accounts in the Windows Administrator group.

Accessing the Universal Configuration Manager

To access the Universal Configuration Manager:

Step 1

Display the Windows Control Panel.

Step 2

Select the Universal Configuration Manager icon to display the Universal Configuration Manager screen. Note that it may be necessary to switch to the Large or Small icon view in Control Panel to see the icon. It is not likely to show up in the Category view.


Each Universal Configuration Manager screen contains two sections:

  1. Left side of the screen displays the Installed Components tree, which lists:
    • Universal Agent components currently installed on your system.
    • Property pages available for each component (as selected), which include one or more of the following:
      • Configuration options
      • Access control lists
      • Licensing information
      • Other component-specific information
  2. Right side of the screen displays information for the selected component / page.

(By default, Universal Configuration Manager displays the first property page of the first component in the Installed Components tree.)

Navigating through Universal Configuration Manager

To display general information about a component, click the component name in the Installed Components list.

To display the list of property pages for a component, click the + icon next to the component name in the Installed Components list.

To display a property page, click the name of that page in the Installed Components list.

If a property page has one or more of its own pages, a + icon displays next to the name of that property page in the Installed Components list. Click that + icon to display a list of those pages.

In the previous figure, for example:

  • List of property pages is displayed for Universal Broker.
  • Message Options property page has been selected, and information for that property is displayed on the right side of the page.
  • No + icons next to any of the property pages indicates that they do not have one or more of their own property pages.

Modifying / Entering Data

On the property pages, modify / enter data by clicking radio buttons, selecting from drop-down lists, and/or typing in data entry fields.

Some property pages provide panels that you must click in order to:

  • Modify or adjust the displayed information.
  • Display additional, modifiable information.


You do not have to click the OK button after every modification or entry, or on every property page on which you have modified and/or entered data. Clicking OK just once, on any page, will save the modifications and entries made on all pages - and will exit Universal Configuration Manager (see #Saving Data.)

Rules for Modifying / Entering Data

The following rules apply for the modification and entry of data:

  • Quotation marks are not required for configuration values that contain spaces.
  • Edit controls (used to input free-form text values) handle conversion of any case sensitive configuration values. Except where specifically noted, values entered in all other edit controls are case insensitive.

Saving Data

To save all of the modifications / entries made on all of the property pages, click the OK button at the bottom of any property page. The information is saved in the configuration file, and Universal Broker is automatically refreshed.

Clicking the OK button also exits the Universal Configuration Manager. (If you click OK after every modification, you will have to re-access Universal Configuration Manager.)

To exit Universal Configuration Manager without saving any of the modifications / entries made on all property pages, click the Cancel button.

Installed Components

The following pages provide detailed information for all installed components that are configurable via the Universal Configuration Manager:






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