Universal Configuration Manager - Universal Automation Center Agent (UAG)

Universal Configuration Manager - Universal Automation Center Agent (UAG)

Universal Automation Center Agent (UAG)

Universal Automation Center Agent: Message Options



Message Level

Turns on message logging for errors only.
Turns on message logging for warnings and errors.
Turns on message logging for all informational, warning and error messages.
Turns on message logging for all audit, informational, warning and error messages.
Allows all messages to be logged, including those used for debugging purposes.

Trace Options Button

Displays a dialog that allows options for trace statement buffering and trace file limits to be set.

Universal Automation Center Agent: Network Options



Connection Options

Network Provider
Specifies the method UAG uses to communicate with the Opswise Controller. Select Opswise Message Service to connect via an OMS Server. This is the preferred communication method.
Select Opswise Transport and Message Hub to connect to the Controller using values for the Automation Center Transport and Automation Center Core. This method will be deprecated in a future release.
If no network provider is selected, the Automation Center Agent determines the method based on the connection options that are provided.
OMS Server(s)
Specifies the port and network address of an Opswise Message Service (OMS) Server that the agent will use for communication with an Opswise Controller. This value is required if the Opswise Message Service network provider is chosen in the list above.
The syntax of the value is port@host[,port@host...], where:

  • port is the TCP port number on which the OMS Server is listening.
  • host is the host name or IP address of the OMS Server.

If multiple servers are specified, they are separated by a comma.
Automation Center Transport(s)
Automation Center transports specifies the port and network address of Automation Center transports used for network communication. This is a required field if a network provider of Opswise Transport and Message Hub is selected.
The syntax of the value is port@host[,port@host...], where:

  • port is the TCP port number on which the transport is listening.
  • host is the host name or IP address of the transport.   If multiple transports are specified, they are separated by a comma.

Automation Center Core
Automation Center core specifies the queue name for the Automation Center message hub. This is a required field if a network provider of Opswise Transport and Message Hub is selected.

Network ID

Set the default network ID of the agent. When set to the default of AUTOCONF, the agent requests an ID from the automation center core following the first successful connection attempt.

Agent Clusters

Specifies a comma-separated list of clusters that the Automation Center Agent will join.

Report the agents IP Address / host name to the controller as

The hostname or IP address that the Agent should report as its outbound network interface to the Controller.

Code Page

Sets the translation table used to translate text-based data transmitted across the network.

Universal Automation Center Agent: Automation Center Options



Logging Level

Turns on agent logging for errors only.
Turns on agent logging for warnings and errors.
Turns on agent logging for all informational, warning and error messages.
Turns on agent logging for all debug, informational, warning and error messages.
Allows all agent messages to be logged, including those used for debugging purposes.

Enable additional diagnostic messages

When checked, this option enables additional diagnostic messages and sets the txtdebug configuration option to Y. When this option is not checked, the Configuration Manager sets the txtdebug configuration option to N and disables additional diagnostic Agent messages.

Require user ID and password to start

When checked, this option sets the security configuration option to default to activate user security. When this option is not checked, the security configuration option is set to none. When user security is activated, the Agent requires a local user ID and password so that it may execute commands in the specified user's security context.

User must have batch logon right

When checked, the Log on as a batch job user right must be granted to the user ID specified in the task's credentials before the process will run.

Universal Automation Center Agent: SSL/TLS Protocol Options



Enable SSL for communication with the network provider

When checked, this option will allow messages exchanged with the network provider (i.e., an OMS Server or Transport/Hub) to be encrypted using SSL/TLS. In order for messages to be encrypted, the network provider must also be configured to use SSL/TLS.
If the network provider is not configured to use SSL/TLS, checking this option will have no effect.
The default for this option is unchecked.

SSL Cipher List

The SSL/TLS cipher list specifies one or more acceptable cipher suites to use for network communication. The list consists of one or more cipher suites ordered with the most preferred suite first and the least preferred suite last.

Authenticate the OMS Server certificate

When checked, this option causes the UAG Server to authenticate an OMS Server's certificate during SSL/TLS session creation. The OMS Server must be configured to use certificates before messages are encrypted. If the network provider is not OMS or the OMS Server is not configured to use certificates, checking this option will have no effect. The default for this option is unchecked.

Universal Automation Center Agent: Access Control List

Universal Automation Center Agent: Access Control List: Work Request ACL



Work Request ACL List

List of ACL rules that control which users can execute tasks submitted from the Automation Center.

Add Button

Displays a dialog box that allows an entry to be added to the Access Control List. The fields in this dialog are populated with default values.

Local User Account
The local user account that will be used to run the requested process.
Access Type
Grants/Prevents the specified local user permission to execute tasks on this system that were submitted via the Workload Automation Center.

Edit Button

Displays a dialog that allows the selected Access Control List entry to be modified.

Local User Account
The local user account that will be used to run the requested process.
Access Type
Grants/Prevents the specified local user permission to execute tasks on this system that were submitted via the Workload Automation Center.

Delete Button

Removes the selected item from the Access Control List.

Move Up Button

Moves the selected item up one position in the list.

Move Down Button

Moves the selected item down one position in the list.

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