Universal Configuration Manager - Universal Data Mover Manager

Universal Configuration Manager - Universal Data Mover Manager

Universal Data Mover Manager

Universal Data Mover Manager: Message Options



Message Level

Turns on message logging for errors only.
Turns on message logging for warnings and errors.
Turns on message logging for all informational, warning and error messages.
Turns on message logging for all audit, informational, warning and error messages.
Allows all messages to be logged, including those used for debugging purposes.

Message Language

Specifies the language used to display error messages.

Universal Data Mover Manager: Network Options



TCP/IP Options

Use the following local interface for all outbound connections
When this option is selected, the IP address or alias of a local interface may be specified that will be used for all outbound TCP/IP connections established by UDM Manager.
If this option is not selected, any available local interface will be used.
Universal Broker Port
Enter a port number or service name that will be used to connect to Universal Broker.

Code Page

Sets the translation table used to translate text-based data transmitted across the network.

Timeout Options

Idle Timeout
The number of seconds that must elapse during an idle period before timing out.
Keep Alive interval
This value specifies the frequency with which a keep alive message will be sent to the server(s). UDM uses this message to verify that a network connection still exists with the server during periods of network inactivity.

Open Retry Options

Retry open command if unable to connect to server
Select this option to have UDM retry failed attempts to open a session with a UDM Server. The Retry Count and the Retry Interval values control the number of retry attempts and the interval between these attempts, respectively.
Open retry count
This option specifies the number of times UDM will attempt to open a session with a UDM Server. This value is only used when the open retry option is enabled.
Open retry interval
This option specifies the amount of time, in seconds, a UDM Manager will wait between attempts to open a session with a UDM Server. This value is only used when the open retry option is enabled.

Universal Data Mover Manager: Network Options - Data Transfer



Data Transfer Options

Compress Data
Controls compression of data transmitted across the network. Select the checkbox to turn this option on.
Encrypt Data (Using option selected below)
Controls encryption of data transmitted across the network. Select the checkbox to turn this option on.
This option sets a default value that is used when the encrypt parameter of the open statement is omitted. The configured default may be overridden at any time from the open statement.
When this value is set to a specific SSL/TLS cipher, UDM always requests that cipher when encrypting data.
Note that if the target UDM Server does not support the selected cipher (as indicated by the Server's configured data SSL/TLS cipher list), the encryption request fails.
When this option is checked and no specific cipher is specified, UDM uses the Manager and Server's configured data SSL/TLS cipher list to negotiate the encryption method.
When the data encryption checkbox is selected, you may select an item in this list to set the UDM Manager's encrypt configuration option to an SSL/TLS cipher. UDM then requests this cipher whenever it encrypts the data it transfers. Note that if the target UDM Server does not support the selected cipher (as indicated by the Server's configured data SSL/TLS cipher list), the encryption request fails.
The following cipher suites are available:

  • RC4-SHA -- 128-bit RC4 encryption, SHA-1 message digest
  • RC4-MD5 -- 128-bit RC4 encryption, MD5 message digest
  • AES256-SHA -- 256-bit AES encryption, SHA-1 message digest
  • AES128-SHA -- 128-bit AES encryption, SHA-1 message digest
  • DES-CBC3-SHA -- 128-bit Triple-DES encryption, SHA-1 message digest
  • DES-CBC-SHA -- 128-bit DES encryption, SHA-1 message digest
  • NULL-SHA -- No encryption, SHA-1 message digest
  • NULL-MD5 -- No encryption, MD5 message digest
  • NULL-NULL -- Disables the SSL protocol

When the data encryption option is checked and the (negotiate using data SSL/TLS cipher list) item is selected, the encrypt option is set to yes, which instructs UDM Manager to negotiate the encryption method with the Server, using their respective data SSL/TLS cipher lists.

Send/Receive Buffer Sizes

Set Default Send Buffer size to
When this option is selected, a value may be specified that overrides the default size of the application buffer used to send data across a network connection.
A buffer size of 0 (zero) is saved when this option is left un-selected. UDM will then manage the size of the buffers itself based on internal limits.
Exercise caution when changing this option, as it could have a significant performance impact. See the send_buffer_size configuration option in the UDM Reference Manual for more information.
Set default receive buffer size to
When this option is selected, a value may be specified that overrides the default size of the application buffer used to retreive data from a network connection.
A buffer size of 0 (zero) is saved when this option is left un-selected. UDM will then manage the size of the buffers itself based on internal limits.
Exercise caution when changing this option, as it could have a significant performance impact. See the recv_buffer_size configuration option in the UDM Reference Manual for more information.

Default mode for data transfer

Specifies the default manner in which files will be transferred (Binary or Text).

Universal Data Mover Manager: Network Options - Fault Tolerance



Network Fault Tolerance

Enable Network Fault Tolerance
When this option is selected, network fault tolerance will be requested for each instance of a Universal Data Mover Manager that is run from this location. This means that if the remote Universal Data Mover Server supports network fault tolerance, all lost network connections will be detected and recovered.

Network Delay
The number of seconds that can be attributed to network latency for any transmission of data among Universal components. This value is automatically added to any network operation where a time out condition is possible and needs to be handled.
Retry Count
The maximum number of reconnects that will be attempted if a network connection is lost and network fault tolerance is enabled.
Retry Interval
The number of seconds between each reconnect attempt.

Frame interval
The frame interval is the number of transmission blocks between synchronization points.
Acknowledge data transfer after every
Specifies the size of the Network Fault Tolerant (NFT) acknowledgement window. The NFT protocol requires an acknowledgement (ACK) message from the receiver to acknowledge the receipt of the data. The ACK window specifies the amount of data sent before an ACK is required. The larger the window the more data that is sent before waiting for an ACK message. A large ACK window can improve transfer performance over large bandwidth, high latency connections.
The format of the value is nnnnb, where 'nnnn' is a numeric value and 'b' is one of the following optional unit specifiers:

  • b - bytes (the default, used if no unit is specified)
  • k - kilobytes, where 1 kb = 1024 bytes
  • m - megabytes, where 1 mb = 1048576 bytes

The maximum value permitted is 500M. A value of 0 (zero) causes every message that contains data for a file transfer to be acknowledged (default NFT behavior).

Universal Data Mover Manager: Network Options - Advanced TCP/IP Options



Override the default TCP receive buffer and set to

Allows the UDM manager to set the TCP receive buffer for a UDM server larger than the default maximum of 64k bytes. Setting this value enables RFC 1323 window scaling support, which can increase TCP buffer sizes over a fast, high-bandwidth network to almost 1 gigabyte (1,073,725,400 bytes).
When this option is not selected a UDM uses a default of 0 bytes, which disables RFC 1323 window scaling support. Note that even when a value is specified for this option, the TCP/IP stack ultimately decides the size of the transfer buffer. Specifies the TCP receive buffer size for the TCP socket connections from the UDM manager to the UDM server. The option has no effect for UDM three party transfers. The UDM server and Universal Broker configuration affects UDM three party transfers.
Refer to the Universal Broker tcp_recv_buffer option to set the TCP receive buffer for the other end of the socket connection.
The socket TCP receive buffer is used by TCP to determine the size of the TCP window it advertises to the sending TCP. If both TCP implemenations support window scaling (as defined in RFC 1323), buffer sizes greater then 65535 will be used for the TCP window size. Note that both the sending and receiving TCP implemenations must support window scaling for it to be used in the TCP connection.
Adjusting the TCP receive buffer size may improve bulk data transfer performance for certain types of transmission links when transfering data from the UDM server to the UDM manager. The format of the value is nnnnb, where 'nnnn' is a numeric value and 'b' is one of the following optional unit specifiers:

  • b - bytes (the default, used if no unit is specified)
  • k - kilobytes, where 1 kb = 1024 bytes
  • m - megabytes, where 1 mb = 1048576 bytes
  • g - gigabytes, where 1 gb = 1073741824 bytes

Note that the maximum allowable value for this option is 1073725440 bytes, which can be requested using a value of 1g.

Override the default TCP send buffer and set to

Specifies the TCP send buffer size for the TCP socket connections from the UDM manager to the UDM server. The option has no effect for UDM three party transfers. The UDM server and Universal Broker configuration affects UDM three party transfers.
Refer to the Universal Broker tcp_send_buffer option to set the TCP send buffer for the other end of the socket connection.
Adjusting the TCP send buffer size may improve bulk data transfer performance for certain types of transmission links when transfering data from the UDM manager to UDM server.
The format of the value is nnnnb, where 'nnnn' is a numeric value and 'b' is one of the following optional unit specifiers:

  • b - bytes (the default, used if no unit is specified)
  • k - kilobytes, where 1 kb = 1024 bytes
  • m - megabytes, where 1 mb = 1048576 bytes
  • g - gigabytes, where 1 gb = 1073741824 bytes

Note that the maximum allowable value for this option is 1073725440 bytes, which can be requested using a value of 1g.

Disable TCP packet coalescing

Select this option to disable the TCP packet coalescing algorithm (that is, Nagle algorithm). When this option is unchecked, the default TCP implementation is used, which may or may not disable the algorithm.
Exercise caution when changing this option, as it could have a significant performance impact. See the tcp_no_delay configuration option in the UDM Reference Manual for more information.
This option is checked by default.

Universal Data Mover Manager: Runtime Options



Remote Command Execution Options

Location of Universal Command Manager
If you have a licensed version of Universal Command Manager v311 or later installed on this system, you may execute system commands on remote machines using the UDM Manager exec command. Enter the location of the Universal Command Manager application file (ucmd.exe) if it resides outside of your system path. Otherwise, this value may be left blank.

Merge STDOUT and STDERR data streams into UDM transaction log

Select this option to cause all information written to the STDOUT and STDERR data streams to be merged into the UDM transaction log.

Universal Data Mover Manager: SSL/TLS Protocol Options



Control Session SSL cipher List

Universal Data Mover uses the SSL/TLS protocol for internal communication between application components. A control session is established within the application that provides the connections necessary for this communication to take place. The SSL/TLS cipher suites available for communication across the control session are listed here.
The selected cipher suites will be forwarded to the Universal Data Mover Server. The Server will compare this list to its own list of ciphers it is capable of accepting. The result of the comparison will be an agreed-upon cipher used for communication over the control session. If you are unsure which ciphers will be accepted by the Server, it is best to leave them all selected. Use the up/down arrows on the right to sort the list and establish a priority for the selected ciphers. The first one in the list that is accepted by the Server will be the one used.
The following cipher suites are available:

  • RC4-SHA -- 128-bit RC4 encryption, SHA-1 message digest
  • RC4-MD5 -- 128-bit RC4 encryption, MD5 message digest
  • AES256-SHA -- 256-bit AES encryption, SHA-1 message digest
  • AES128-SHA -- 128-bit AES encryption, SHA-1 message digest
  • DES-CBC3-SHA -- 128-bit Triple-DES encryption, SHA-1 message digest
  • DES-CBC-SHA -- 128-bit DES encryption, SHA-1 message digest
  • NULL-SHA -- No encryption, SHA-1 message digest
  • NULL-MD5 -- No encryption, MD5 message digest
  • NULL-NULL -- Disables the SSL protocol

To disable SSL/TLS encryption and message authentication for messages transmitted across the control session, select the NULL-NULL entry. Use of this cipher requires that the remote UDM Server's encrypt_control_session option be set to no. Otherwise, the UDM Server will issue a protocol error when the Manager tries to establish the control session with it.

Data Session SSL Cipher List

Universal Data Mover uses the SSL/TLS protocol for transmission of data across the network. A data session is established within the application that provides the connections necessary for the transfer of data to take place. The SSL/TLS cipher suites available for communication across the data session are listed here.
The selected cipher suites will be forwarded to the Universal Data Mover Server. The Server will compare this list to its own list of ciphers it is capable of accepting. The result of the comparison will be an agreed-upon cipher used for communication over the data session. If you are unsure which ciphers will be accepted by the Server, it is best to leave them all selected. Use the up/down arrows on the right to sort the list and establish a priority for the selected ciphers. The first one in the list that is accepted by the Server will be the one used.

  • RC4-SHA -- 128-bit RC4 encryption, SHA-1 message digest
  • RC4-MD5 -- 128-bit RC4 encryption, MD5 message digest
  • AES256-SHA -- 256-bit AES encryption, SHA-1 message digest
  • AES128-SHA -- 128-bit AES encryption, SHA-1 message digest
  • DES-CBC3-SHA -- 128-bit Triple-DES encryption, SHA-1 message digest
  • DES-CBC-SHA -- 128-bit DES encryption, SHA-1 message digest
  • NULL-SHA -- No encryption, SHA-1 message digest
  • NULL-MD5 -- No encryption, MD5 message digest
  • NULL-NULL -- Disables the SSL/TLS protocol

Negotiate sessions using

(No help provided.)

Universal Data Mover Manager: SSL/TLS Protocol Options - Certificate Options



Certificate Files

The Certificate option specifies the X.509 certificate file that identifies the program to remote components with which it connects using the SSL/TLS protocol.
Private Key
The Private key option specifies the private key file associated with the X.509 certificate specified in the Certificate file.
Private Key Password
The Private key password specifies the password associated with the private key file.
Certificate Authority
The Certificate Autority option specifies a file with a list of trusted authorities. Any certificate received that is signed by a trusted Certificate Authority is accepted.
Certificate Revocation List
The Certificate Revocation List option specifies a file with a list of revoked certificates. Any certificate received that is in this list will not be accepted.

Use proxy certificates for third-party transfers

Select this option to use proxy certificates to establish a three-party transfer session. This option is unchecked by default.

Universal Data Mover Manager: Event Subsystem Options



Event Generation Options

Generate activity monitoring events
When this option is selected, the Universal Data Mover Manager will generate events that monitor product activity. This option is selected by default.
Persistent event list
Specifies which events are to be generated and processed as persistent events. A persistent event is saved in a Universal Enterprise Controller (UEC) event database for long-term storage.
Enter a list and/or range of numeric event types, separated by a comma. To exclude an event or range of events, precede the entry with an upper- or lower-case 'X'. Use an asterisk * to specify all event types.
For example:

  • x*
    Do not generate any events (this is the default)
  • *
    Generate all event types
  • 100
    Generate all event types except 100
  • 100,200-205
    Generate event type 100 and 200 through 205
  • 100,200-205,x202
    Generate event types 100 and 200 thru 205, excluding event type 202

Entries are processed from left to right, and the list is order dependent. For example, an entry of x*,100 prevents generation of all event types except 100, while an entry of 100,x* prevents generation of all event types (the right-most entry takes precedence).

Universal Data Mover Manager: License Information



Product Name

Specifies the name of the registered product for which the license key was issued.

Customer Name

Contains the name under which the software is registered. This value must be entered exactly as the customer name specified in the licensing material you received with the software.

Operating System

Identifies the operating system on which your licensed Universal Data Mover Manager will run. This value should be match the operating system specified in the licensing material you received with your software.

License Type

Specifies the type of license issued for the current product. This value is used with the expiration date to determine the length of time the software license is valid.

Expiration Date

Contains the date when the current license for this product will expire. The date entered must match the expiration date specified in the licensing material you received with the software. To change the date, enter a new value, or click the down arrow to display a calendar control.

Server Counts

Contains the number of Universal Data Mover Servers you have licensed, by operating system. This values in this list should match the numbers specified in the licensing material you received with your software.

License Key

Contains the license key that is generated for each product, customer, license type and expiration date. The value contained in this field must match the key specified in the licensing material you received with the software package.

Clear All Button

(No help provided.)

Edit Button

Displays a dialog from which the number of licensed servers for the selected operating system can be updated.

Import Button

Select this button to browse for and load the Universal Command Manager license file, which will automatically import the license information.

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