Universal Configuration Manager - Universal Event Monitor Server

Universal Configuration Manager - Universal Event Monitor Server

Universal Event Monitor Server

Universal Event Monitor Server: Message Options



Message Level

Turns on message logging for errors only.
Turns on message logging for warnings and errors.
Turns on message logging for all informational, warning and error messages.
Turns on message logging for all audit, informational, warning and error messages.
Allows all messages to be logged, including those used for debugging purposes.

Universal Event Monitor Server: Server Options



User Security Options for handling Execution

Require user ID and password to start process
When this option is checked, Universal Event Monitor will require a valid user ID and password to execute an event handler process. That process will then be executed in the security context of the specified user account.
Load the user’s environment
When checked, causes Universal Event Monitor Server to load the profile and the environment settings for the user account specified in the event handler when the handler process is executed. This is necessary only if the process requires access to user-specific environment variables, or registry values that are only stored under the HKEY_CURRENT_USER key.
Allow handler process to interact with desktop
When this option is checked, event handler processes are run in a context that permits the current console logon session to interact with them. This also allows the process to invoke system functions that access desktop elements (for example, Windows, menus, buttons) associated with that session. Accordingly, this exposes a risk whereby a process could hijack the desktop and invoke malicious code using a (potentially) elevated security context.
Leaving this option unchecked causes event handler processes to execute in a context that isolates them from the current interactive logon session. Unless event handler processes that require user interaction are executed, this is the recommended setting.
This option only applies if a user account (in whose security context an event handler process is executed) is authenticated via an interactive logon. If the User must have batch logon right option is checked, a batch logon is done to establish the process's security context. This logon method requires additional privileges but disallows all interaction with the desktop.
User must have Batch logon right
When this option is checked, the Log on as a batch job user right must be granted to the user ID specified in the event handler before the process will run. This is an advanced user right that must be set using the Windows User Manager.

Polling Interval

Specifies the frequency with which UEM Server will check (and update, if necessary) the active or inactive state of an enabled event definition. For those events that are active, any new occurrences of system events will also be detected at this time.

Universal Event Monitor Server: Network Options



Keep alive interval

This value specifies the frequency with which a demand driven UEM Server sends a keep alive message to the Universal Event Monitor Manager. This message ensures that the control session between the UEM Manager and Server remains open even when there is no monitoring activity or other information to send across that connection.
The default value for this option is 120 seconds. The maximum allowed value is 900 seconds. Set this value to 0 (zero) to instruct UEM Server not to send the keep alive message.

Code Page

Sets the translation table used to translate text-based data transmitted across the network.

Universal Event Monitor Server: Event Options



Default Event Handler Options

If no triggered handler is specified, use the following
The ID of a stored event handler that will be executed when an occurrence of an event is triggered, if no such handler is specified in that event's definition. This value may be left blank to indicate that no action should be taken by default for triggered event occurrences.
If no reject handler is specified, use the following
The ID of a stored event handler that will be executed when an occurrence of an event is rejected, if no such handler is specified in that event's definition. This value may be left blank to indicate that no action should be taken by default for rejected event occurrences.
If no expired handler is specified, use the following
The ID of a stored event handler that will be executed when an an event expires, if no such handler is specified in that event's definition. This value may be left blank to indicate that no action should be taken by default for expired events.
Default script type
Specifies the how a script will be interpreted by the operating system for an event handler with an action type of SCRIPT, if no script type is specified in the event handler definition.
Maximum acceptable return code
Lists the types of events supported by UEM Server. Default configuration options that are specific to the selected event type may be updated by selecting the Edit... button.

Default Component Name

Specifies the event driven UEM Server component (that is, those components with a component type of "uems") to which an event will be assigned if no component name is specified when the event definition is created. When this event driven UEM Server component starts, it will load and monitor those events that have been assigned to it. An event may not be assigned to a demand-driven UEM Server component (that is, those components with a component type of "uemd"), and only event-driven UEM Server components are listed here.

Tracking interval

Specifies the frequency with which a tracked event occurrence will be tested for completeness, if no such value is provided in the event definition. A value of 0 indicates that an event occurrence will not be tracked, and will be tested for completeness as soon as the occurrence is detected by UEM Server.

Set event-specific options

Lists the types of events supported by UEM Server. Default configuration options that are specific to the selected event type may be updated by selecting the Edit... button.

Edit Button

Displays a dialog from which configuration options that are specific to the selected event type may be updated.

Rename the file for a triggered event occurrence
Specifies the format that UEM Server should use when renaming a file for a triggered event occurrence, provided no such value was specified in the event definition. The value entered here may consist of literal values or one or more the variables listed below which UEM Server with applicable run-time values.

  • $(compname)
    the name of the UEM Server component
  • $(compid)
    the ID of the UEM Server component instance
  • $(date)
    the current date, in yyyymmdd format
  • $(time)
    the current time, in hhmmss format
  • $(origname)
    the original file name
  • $(origext)
    the file's original extension
  • $(seqnum)
    a value that begins at 1 and is incremented by 1 as each file is renamed by a given instance of UEM Server.

Minimum file size
Specifies the default file size a tracked file must be before it can be considered complete. That is, if a tracked file is tested for completeness and its file size is the same on two consecutive checks, the file will not be considered complete until it grows to at least the size specified here. This value may be overridden in the event definition.

Universal Event Monitor Server: Access Control List

Universal Event Monitor Server: Access Control List: Access ACL



Access Control List (ACL)

Displays the entries contained in the Universal Event Monitor Server Access Control List (ACL). This list is used to grant or deny access to Universal Event Monitor Server based on the remote system's IP address, the user account running the Universal Event Monitor Manager or Load Utility, and the user account with which the Server is executed. The order in which ACL entries are evaluated and applied are based on their position in this list. Use the Move Up and Move Down buttons to change an entry's priority.

Add Button

Displays a dialog box that allows an entry to be added to the Access Control List. The fields in this dialog are populated with default values.

Remote Host Name / IP Address
The IP address or name of the remote host for which access will be allowed or denied. To apply an access control entry to all IP addresses, use the keyword ALL (in all caps).
Remote User Account
The ID of the user account executing the client application, either the Universal Event Monitor Manager or the Universal Event Monitor Load Utility.
Local User Account
The local user account that will be used to run the requested process.
Access Type
Will cause the Universal Control Server to accept/Reject incoming connections from the specified host, provided the Universal Control Manager is executed by the specified user account and the process is owned by the specified local user account.

Edit Button

Displays a dialog that allows the selected Access Control List entry to be modified.

Remote Host Name / IP Address
The IP address or name of the remote host for which access will be allowed or denied. To apply an access control entry to all IP addresses, use the keyword ALL (in all caps).
Remote User Account
The ID of the user account executing the client application, either the Universal Event Monitor Manager or the Universal Event Monitor Load Utility.
Local User Account
The local user account that will be used to run the requested process.
Access Type
Will cause the Universal Control Server to accept/Reject incoming connections from the specified host, provided the Universal Control Manager is executed by the specified user account and the process is owned by the specified local user account.

Delete Button

Removes the selected item from the Access Control List.

Move Up Button

Moves the selected item up one position in the list.

Move Down Button

Moves the selected item down one position in the list.

Universal Event Monitor Server: Access Control List - Event Handler ACL



Event Handler Access Control List

Displays the entries contained in the Universal Event Monitor Server Handler Access Control List (ACL). This list is used to grant or deny access to execution of an Event Handler process based on the user account requested. The order in which ACL entries are evaluated and applied are based on their position in this list. Use the Move Up and Move Down buttons to change an entry's priority.

Add Button

Displays a dialog box that allows an entry to be added to the Access Control List. The fields in this dialog are populated with default values.

Local User Account
The local user account that will be used to run the requested process.
Access Type
Will cause the Universal Event Monitor Server to allow/deny execution of a handler process for the specified user account.

Edit Button

Displays a dialog that allows the selected Access Control List entry to be modified.

Local User Account
The local user account that will be used to run the requested process.
Access Type
Will cause the Universal Event Monitor Server to allow/deny execution of a handler process for the specified user account.

Delete Button

Removes the selected item from the Access Control List.

Move Up Button

Moves the selected item up one position in the list.

Move Down button

Moves the selected item down one position in the list.

Universal Event Monitor Server: Access Control List - Database Maintenance ACL



Database Maintenance Access Control List

Displays the entries contained in the Universal Event Monitor Server Maintenance Access Control List (ACL). This list is used to grant or deny access to Event Definition and Event Handler database updates based on the user account with which the UEMLoad utility is run. The order in which ACL entries are evaluated and applied are based on their position in this list. Use the Move Up and Move Down buttons to change an entry's priority.

Add Button

Displays a dialog box that allows an entry to be added to the Access Control List. The fields in this dialog are populated with default values.

UEMLoad User Account
The account with which the Universal Event Monitor Load utility is run. This is the account for which database maintenance access is either allowed or denied.
Event definition/event handler database access
Specifies which activities the local user account may perform on the Event Definition and Event Handler databases via the Universal Event Monitor Load utility. Check the box next to the listed privilege to grant the user account that type of access. If the box next to the privilege type is not checked, the user account will be denied that access.

Edit Button

Displays a dialog that allows the selected Access Control List entry to be modified.

UEMLoad User Account
The account with which the Universal Event Monitor Load utility is run. This is the account for which database maintenance access is either allowed or denied.
Event definition/event handler database access
Specifies which activities the local user account may perform on the Event Definition and Event Handler databases via the Universal Event Monitor Load utility. Check the box next to the listed privilege to grant the user account that type of access. If the box next to the privilege type is not checked, the user account will be denied that access.

Delete Button

Removes the selected item from the Access Control List.

Move Up Button

Moves the selected item up one position in the list.

Move Down button

Moves the selected item down one position in the list.

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