Universal Configuration Manager - Universal Message Service (OMS)

Universal Configuration Manager - Universal Message Service (OMS)

Universal Message Service Server

Universal Message Service Server: Message Options



Message Level

Turns on message logging for errors only.
Turns on message logging for warnings and errors.
Turns on message logging for all informational, warning and error messages.
Turns on message logging for all audit, informational, warning and error messages.
Allows all messages to be logged, including those used for debugging purposes.

Trace Options Button

Displays a dialog that allows options for trace statement buffering and trace file limits to be set.

Universal Message Service Server: Network Options



TCP/IP Options

multi-homed host
A multi-homed host is a machine that has more than one network interface card installed. On such machines, OMS Server may be configured to accept incoming connections on only one of the interfaces. To specify this address, check the option and enter a valid host name or IP address in the space provided. Otherwise, leave the option unchecked, and OMS Server will accept connections on all network interfaces.
IP Address
Contains the IP address or host name of the interface on which OMS Server is accepting connections.
Enter a port number or service name that will be used to accept incoming connections from OMS clients and/or peers.

Code Page

Sets the translation table used to translate text-based data transmitted across the network.

DNS Cache Timeout interval

Specifies the number of seconds to retain a resolved host name in the OMS Server memory cache. A value of 0 specifies no caching.

Connection Requests to queue

Specifies the number of connection requests that will be queued by OMS Server. When the number of pending connection requests reaches this value, additional connection requests will be denied and a "connection refused" error will be issued.

Timeout connection attempts after

The service interface timeout value specifies the number of seconds of inactivity before the OMS server considers the connection as inactive and closes the connection. A connection is considered inactive if no data is sent or received over the socket connection.

Universal Message Service Server: Database Options



Spool File Directory

The directory where the spool files are stored. This directory must be located on local storage. It may not be located on any storage area accessed via the network which includes but is not limited to NFS, SAMBA, Microsoft File Sharing.

Maximum data file size

The maximum size, in bytes, of the message data file. Once the maximum size is reached, OMS Server creates a new data file.

Index cache size

The message index provides quick access to the messages in the message data files. Additionally, the message index stores non-persistent messages. The message index cache size specifies the size of the memory cache used to store the index.

Message Cleanup interval

Message data file cleanup consists of examining each message data file and removing empty message data files. Cleanup is performed periodically, using the number of seconds specified here.

Message Data Flush Interval

(No help available.)

Universal Message Service Server: SSL/TLS Protocol Options



SSL Cipher List

The SSL/TLS cipher list specifies one or more acceptable cipher suites to use for network communication. The list consists of one or more cipher suites ordered with the most preferred suite first and the least preferred suite last.

Universal Message Service Server: Access Control List

Universal Message Service Server: Access Control List - Access ACL



OMS Server ACL List

Displays the entries contained in the Universal Message Service (OMS) Server Access Control List (ACL). This list is used to grant or deny access to the local OMS Server based on the remote system's host name IP address. The order in which ACL entries are evaluated and applied are based on their position in this list. Use the Move Up and Move Down buttons to change an entry's priority.

Add Button

Displays a dialog box that allows an entry to be added to the Access Control List. The fields in this dialog are populated with default values.

Remote Host
The host name or IP address of the remote system upon which a Universal Agent resides. The access specified for that agent determines whether it has the permission to connect to the local OMS Server.
Allow/Deny Options
Grants/prevents the Universal Agent on the specified remote host the permission to connect to the local OMS Server.

Edit button

Displays a dialog that allows the selected Access Control List entry to be modified.

Remote Host
The host name or IP address of the remote system upon which a Universal Agent resides. The access specified for that agent determines whether it has the permission to connect to the local OMS Server.
Allow/Deny Options
Grants/prevents the Universal Agent on the specified remote host the permission to connect to the local OMS Server.

Delete Button

Removes the selected item from the Access Control List.

Move Up Button

Moves the selected item up one position in the list.

Move Down Button

Moves the selected item down one position in the list.

Universal Message Service Server: Access Control List - Maintenance ACL



Maintenance ACL List

Displays the entries contained in the Universal Message Service (OMS) Server Maintenance Access Control List (ACL). This list is used to grant or deny access to OMS Server maintenance based upon the user account with which the maintenance is executed. The order in which ACL entries are evaluated and applied are based on their position in this list. Use the Move Up and Move Down buttons to change an entry's priority.

Add Button

Displays a dialog box that allows an entry to be added to the Access Control List. The fields in this dialog are populated with default values.

Local User
The local account with which the OMS maintenance is performed. This is the account for which maintenance access is either allowed or denied.
OMS maintenance access for this user
Specifies which activities the local user account may perform against the local OMS Server. Check the box next to the listed privilege to grant the user account that type of access. If the box next to the privilege type is not checked, the user account will be denied that access.

Edit button

Displays a dialog that allows the selected Access Control List entry to be modified.

Local User
The local account with which the OMS maintenance is performed. This is the account for which maintenance access is either allowed or denied.
OMS maintenance access for this user
Specifies which activities the local user account may perform against the local OMS Server. Check the box next to the listed privilege to grant the user account that type of access. If the box next to the privilege type is not checked, the user account will be denied that access.

Delete Button

Removes the selected item from the Access Control List.

Move Up Button

Moves the selected item up one position in the list.

Move Down Button

Moves the selected item down one position in the list.

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