Using I-Administrator

Using I-Administrator

When you log in to I-Administrator, (see Accessing UEC Client Applications), the I-Administrator screen displays.

I-Administrator Screen Information

The I-Administrator screen contains five regions:

  • Menu Bar
    The menu bar lets you change your UEC Client Applications password and log off I-Administrator (see I-Administrator Menu Bar).
  • Tool Bar
    The tool bar lets you add, edit, and delete the four types of UEC database items (users, groups, Agents, and SAP systems) in the UEC database (see I-Administrator Tool Bar).
  • UEC Navigation Tree
    The Navigation tree identifies the four types of UEC database items: Users, Groups, Agents, and SAP Systems.
    • Clicking the + icon next to an item type displays a list, under that item type, of all currently defined items for that type.
    • Clicking the name of an item type in the Navigation tree displays all currently defined items for that type in the Summary table.
  • Summary table
    The Summary table displays summary information of all items for a selected type.
    • Clicking on an item in the Summary table displays detailed information about that item in the Detail view.
  • Detail View
    The Detail view displays detailed information about an item selected in the Summary table. It appears only when an item has been selected.


The initial I-Administrator screen that displays when you log in provides a list of all currently defined UEC users. It does not pre-select a specific user and, therefore, does not display the Detail View.

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