Adding a User via I-Administrator

Adding a User via I-Administrator

Perform the following steps to add a UEC user.

Step 1

Display the Add User dialog (below) either by:

  • Clicking Add User icon on the I-Administrator tool bar.
  • Clicking on Users in the UEC Navigation tree and then clicking on the Add button that displays when you right-click anywhere in the Navigation tree.


Step 2

Enter a Name to identify the user in the UEC database. The user must use this name to log in to any of the UEC Client Applications.


User names and passwords are case-sensitive. Duplicate user names are not allowed.


Step 3

Select a method of Authentication: UEC or OS.

    • If you select OS, the Name and Password must be the same as those defined on the operating system where UEC is installed.
    • If you select UEC, the login requires the password as defined for the user in the UEC database.

Step 4

If you selected UEC, enter a Password and then, at Verify, reenter the password.
If you selected OS in Step 3, Password is disabled. The OS method provides authentication on the operating system where UEC is executing. Therefore, the password entry is unnecessary.

Step 5

If you want to select permissions for the user, click the User Access button. The User Access dialog displays (see Assigning User Permissions).
After you select permissions for this user, you are returned to the Add User dialog.

Step 6

If you want to assign one or more Agent groups to the user, click the Agent Group Access List button. The Agent Group Access List dialog displays (see Assigning Agent Groups to a User).
After you assign Agent groups to this user, you are returned to the Add User dialog.

Step 7

If you want to assign the user I-Management Console access to the one or more Agent configurations, click the Configuration Access List button. The Configuration Access List dialog displays (see Assigning Configuration Access to a User).
After you assign configurations to this user, you are returned to the Add User dialog.


The Configuration Access List button is enabled only if you have selected Manage Configurations in the User Access dialog .


Step 8

Click the Save button to add the new user in the UEC database (or click the Cancel button to exit the Add User dialog without adding the user to the UEC database).

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