Adding an Agent via I-Administrator

Adding an Agent via I-Administrator

Perform the following steps to add a UEC Agent.

Step 1

Display the Add Agent dialog (below) either by:

  1. Clicking Add Agent icon on the I-Administrator tool bar.
  2. Clicking on Agents in the Navigation tree and then clicking on the Add button that displays when you right-click anywhere in the Navigation tree.

    The Available Groups window identifies all currently defined groups to which the Agent can be assigned.
    The Assigned Groups window identifies all currently defined groups to which the Agent currently is assigned. (Every Agent automatically is assigned to the All Agents group.)

Step 2

Enter a Name for the Agent.


Agent names are case-sensitive. Duplicate Agent names are not allowed.


Step 3

Enter a Description of the Agent.

Step 4

Enter the Address of the Agent (the host name or IP address where the Agent is running).

Step 5

Enter the Port (listening port) of the Agent.

Step 6

Select a Polling Interval for the Agent (the interval of time that UEC will use to poll that Agent).

  1. Select Use Default for UEC to poll the Agent at the interval specified by the UEC POLLING_INTERVAL configuration option.
  2. De-select Use Default and enter the number of seconds at which to poll the Agent.

Step 7

For Save Persistent Events, select whether or not you want UEC to save persistent events of the Agent to the event database (Yes or No).

Step 8

For Delete Events, specify whether or not UEC is to notify the Agent to delete its events.

  1. Select Use Default for UEC to use the UEC DELETE_EVENTS_ON_BROKER configuration option to determine if events are to be deleted on the Agent.
  2. Select Yes to delete events on an Agent.
  3. Select No to not delete events on an Agent.

Step 9

For Post Alerts, select whether or not you want to send alerts to the system console for this Agent (Yes or No).

Step 10

For Set Managed Mode, select whether or not you want changes to the configuration options for that Agent and its applications only to be applied through I-Management Console (Yes or No).

Step 11

Assign the Agent to one or more groups by moving those groups from the Available Groups window to the Assigned Groups window. Either:

  1. Double-click on a group in the Available Groups window.
  2. Click on a group in the Available Groups window (or use the Ctrl key to click on more than one group) and then click the Assign button.
  3. Click the Assign All button.

Step 12

Remove the Agent from one or more groups by moving those groups from the Assigned Groups window to the Available Groups window.

  1. Double-click on a group in the Assigned Groups window.
  2. Click on a group in the Assigned Groups window (or use the Ctrl key to click on more than one group) and then click the Remove button.
  3. Click the Remove All button.

Step 13

If you want to add a new group (to which this new Agent automatically will be added), click the Add Group button. The Add Group dialog displays.

Enter a name and (optionally) a description for the group, and then click the OK button.

Step 14

Click the Save button to add the new Agent and return you to the previous dialog (or click the Cancel button to exit the Add Agent dialog without adding the Agent to the UEC database).


If you want to add the new Agent and immediately add another Agent, click the Save & New button. The Add Agent dialog remains displayed.

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