UEMLoad 7.7.x Quick Reference Guide


uemload { -help | -version }


There is a long form and, for most options, a short form available for specifying each option on the command line. The long form is not case-sensitive; the short form is case-sensitive.

Options must be prefixed with a dash ( - ) character. If an option value is specified, the option and its value must be separated by at least one space.

ACTION {-add | -update | -delete | -list | -export}

Long Form

Short Form




Add records to the event definition and/or event handler databases.



Update records in the event definition and/or event handler databases.



Remove records from the event definition and/or event handler databases.



Displays selected records from the event definition and/or event handler databases.



Create a definition load file containing selected records from the event definition and/or event handler databases.

OPTIONS [-port] [-cmdid] [ { -help | -version } ]

Long Form

Short Form


-cmdid id

-C id

Command identifier. Associates a Universal Event Monitor Server with the UEMLoad utility that started it.



Write this message.



Level of messages that will be issued.

-port port

-p port

Port number on which the local Universal Broker is listening. If this parameter is omitted, the Universal Broker-installed default is used.



Writes program version information.

DEFFILE [-deffile]

Long Form

Short Form


-deffile filename


Complete path to the definition file. This file can be used to specify any number of event definitions and event handlers. When used with the -export option, this is the name of the output file.

EVENTDEF [-event_id] [-comp_name] [-event_type] [-state] [-act_date_time] [-inact_date_time] [-tracking_int] [-triggered_id] [-rejected_id] [-expired_id] [-handler_opts][-filespec] [-min_file_size] [-rename_file] [-rename_file_spec]

Long Form

Short Form


-act_date_time date and time


Date and time at which a UEM Server will begin testing for the occurrence of the specified event.

Format for date and time is yyyy.mm.dd,hh:mm. (The time must be expressed in 24-hour format.)

date can be omitted, but the comma must be used as a placeholder. If time is omitted, no comma is required.

-comp_name compname


Name of the UEM Server component to which this event should be assigned.

-event_id id


Unique identifier of an event definition.

-event_type type


Type of event. This parameter is required when adding records and updating type-specific values.

-expired_id handlerid


Event handler to execute when an event expires.

-handler_opts string


Literal string to pass to an event handler process.

-inact_date_time date and time


Date and time at which a UEM Server will stop testing for the occurrence of the specified event.

Format for date and time is yyyy.mm.dd,hh:mm. (The time must be expressed in 24-hour format.)

date can be omitted, but the comma must be used as a placeholder. If time is omitted, no comma is required.

-rejected_id id


Event handler to execute when an event occurrence is rejected.

-state option


Used to control whether or not the event is monitored by Universal Event Monitor.

Valid values for option are enable and disable.

-tracking_int seconds


Frequency with which a tracked event is tested for completeness.

-triggered_id handlerid


Event handler to execute when an event occurrence is triggered.

The following parameters are used when adding or updating event definitions with an event type of FILE.

Long Form

Short Form


-filespec filename


Name of the file whose creation (and completion) Universal Event Monitor should detect. Wildcards can be specified.

-min_file_size size[units]


Smallest size a file can be in order for UEM to consider it complete.

Valid values for unit are (b)ytes, (k)ilobytes, (m)egabytes, and (g)igabytes. If no units are specified, it will default to bytes. If this parameter is omitted, it will default to 0b (zero bytes).

-rename_file option


Specifies whether or not the file should be renamed before executing the event handler.

-rename_filespec renamefile


Format to use for the renamed file.

HANDLER [-handler_id] [-handler_type] [-options] [-maxrc] [-file | -encryptedfile [-key] ] [-uerid [-pwd] ] [-cmd | -script [-script_type] ]

Long Form

Short Form


-cmd command


Complete path to an application or script that should be executed by the handler.

-encryptedfile filename

-x filename

Universal Encrypted file that contains user account information that will be used for handler execution.

-file filename

-f filename

Complete path to a file that contains user account information that will be used for handler execution.

-handler_id id


Unique identifier of an event handler.

-handler_type type


Information that UEM needs when building a command string in order to execute a process for the event handler.

-key key

-k key

Encryption key used to encrypt the file specified by

-maxrc returncode


Highest return code that may be returned by the handler process to still be considered as having executed successfully.



String value added to the command line that the UEM Server builds in order to execute an event handler process.

-pwd password

-w password

Password for the user account specified by -userid.

-script filename


File that contains a set of script statements that will be executed by the handler.

-script_type type


Type of script provided when the -script option is used. Windows servers treat type as a file extension, which results in the script being executed by the program associated with the extension.

-userid userid

-u userid

User account in whose security context the event handler process will execute.