Universal Event Monitor 7.7.x Quick Reference Guide



uem { -help | -version }


There is a long form and, for most options, a short form available for specifying each option on the command line. The long form is not case-sensitive; the short form is case-sensitive.

Options must be prefixed with a dash ( - ) character. If an option value is specified, the option and its value must be separated by at least one space.

HOST -host [-port] [-host_selection] [-hostname_retry_count] [-outboundip]

Long Form

Short Form


-host hostlist

-i hostlist

List of one or more hosts upon which a command can run.

-host_selection option


Host in the -host list that the UEM Manager will choose to begin its attempts to connect to a remote Universal Broker.

-hostname_retry_count count


Number of attempts to resolve the host name.

-outboundip host


Local interface over which all outbound connections should be made. host can be in dotted decimal notation ( or a host domain name.

-port port

-p port

Port number on which Universal Broker is listening. If this option is omitted, the Universal Broker-installed default is used.

LOCAL [-bif_directory] [-plf_directory] [-system_id]

Long Form

Short Form


-bif_directory directory U


Broker Interface File (BIF) directory where the Universal Broker interface file is located.

-plf_directory directory U


Program Lock File (PLF) directory where the program lock files are located.

-system_id ID Z


Local Universal Broker with which the UEM Manager must register before the Manager performs any request.

U Available for use on UNIX operating systems only.

Z Available for use on z/OS operating systems only.

OPTIONS {-help | -version} | [-cmdid] [-userid [-pwd] ] [-login] [ {-file | -encryptedfile [-key] } ] [-delay] [-codepage] [-lang] [-level] [-tracefilelines] [-trace_table] [-ctl_ssl_cipher_list] [-max_count] [-polling_int] [-wait]

Long Form

Short Form


-cmdid id

-C id

Command identifier: associates a UEM Server with the UEM Manager that started it.

-codepage codepage

-t codepage

Code page used to translate text on the local host before transmission to a remote host.

-connect_timeout seconds


Length of time that a UEM Manager will wait for a connection to a remote Universal Broker to complete.

-ctl_ssl_cipher_list list


List of SSL/TLS cipher suites, in their preferred order, for the connection between a UEM Manager and UEM Server.

list is a comma-separated list of cipher suite names. Valid values for list are AES256-GCM-SHA384,AES256-SHA,AES128-GCM-SHA256,AES128-SHA,ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384,ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384,ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256,ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256,RC4-SHA,RC4-MD5,DES-CBC3-SHA.

-delay seconds

-d seconds

Maximum delay for transmitting data that may be expected due to network conditions.

-dns_expand option


Number of IP addresses returned to UEM Manager following a DNS query, which is issued to resolve a host name.

-encryptedfile file

-x file

Name of an encrypted command file from which UEM Manager options are read.

-file file

-f file

Name of a file from which UEM Manager options are read.



Displays program usage.

-key key

-K key

8-byte encryption key used to encrypt the command file specified via -encryptedfile.

-lang language

-L language

Message and text language.


Level of messages issued by UEM Manager.

level is one or more of the following, separated by commas: {error | warn | info | audit | trace}

time specifies whether or not a time stamp is included with each message. Valid values for time are {notime | time}.

-login option

-G option

Instructs the UEM Server to establish a login environment for the user when executing an event handler process.

-max_count count


Number of detected event occurrences that will force the event to become inactive, regardless of its inactive date/time. A value of 0 (zero) will effectively disable this feature.

-polling_int seconds


Frequency with which the UEM Server will check the monitored state of the event to see if should be made inactive. The UEM Server also will check for new occurrences of system events at this time.

-pwd password

-w password

Password for the user account specified by the -userid option.



Size of a wrap-around trace table maintained in memory.

(-level must be set to trace for tracing to be active.)

units specifies the unit of storage for the specified size: b(bytes), m (megabytes), k (kilobytes), or g (gigabytes).

condition specifies the conditions under which the trace table is written: error (write table only if the program ends with a non-zero return code), always (always write table when the program ends), or never (never write table).

-tracefilelines lines


Maximum number of lines in the trace file.

-userid user

-u user

Remote user account that UEM Server uses to establish a security context in which all monitoring activity and handler execution is conducted.



Displays version and copyright information.

-wait option


Specifies whether or not the UEM Manager should wait for the UEM Server to end before exiting.

EVENT [ {-event_id | -event_type} ] [-inact_date_time] [-tracking_int] [-handler_opts] [-filespec] OPTIONS [-min_file_size] [-rename_file] [-rename_filespec]

Long Form

Short Form


-event_id id


Unique identifier of an existing event definition record. Any other parameters specified from the command line will be ignored if an existing event definition is used. If this parameter is omitted, an event ID will be generated by UEM.

-event_type type


Type of event. See the UEM Reference Guide for a complete list of supported event types.

-handler_opts options


Literal string that will be passed to an event handler when it is executed.

-inact_date_time date and time


Date and time at which a UEM Server will stop testing for the occurrence of the specified event.

Valid values for date and time are:

  • yyyy.mm.dd,hh:mm (absolute date and time)
  • +mm (relative date and time)

If the absolute date and time format is used, date can be omitted, but the comma must be used as a placeholder. If time is omitted, no comma is required.

(The time must be expressed in 24-hour format.)

-tracking_int seconds


Frequency with which a detected occurrence of an event will be tested for completeness.

The options in the following table are used for events with an event type of FILE.

Long Form

Short Form


-filespec filespecification


Name of the file whose creation (and completion) UEM should detect. Wildcards may be specified.



Smallest size that a file can be in order to be considered complete by UEM.

Valid values for unit are (b)ytes, (k)ilobytes, (m)egabytes, and (g)igabytes. [Default is (b)ytes.]

If this parameter is omitted, the default file size 0b (zero bytes) is used.

-rename_file options


Specifies whether the file should be renamed before executing the triggered event handler.

-rename_filespec renamespecification


Format to use for the renamed file.

HANDLER OPTIONS [ {-triggered | -rejected | -expired} ] [ {-handler_id | -cmd | -script [-script_type] } ] [-maxrc]

Long Form

Short Form


-triggered | -rejected | -expired


State of the event or its occurrences under which successive handler parameters will be applied.

-cmd cmd


Complete path to a remote application or script that should be executed by the handler.

-handler_id id


ID of an existing event handler that should execute when the appropriate condition is met. This option can be omitted in favor of the -cmd or -script option. When a stored event handler is used, all other specified handler options are overridden by the contents of the event handler record.

options options


Values that are passed as command line arguments to a particular handler specified for a given event state (-triggered,
-rejected, or -expired).

-handler_type type


Type of process that the UEM Server will execute for an event handler.

-maxrc returncode


Highest return code that can be returned by the handler process to still be considered as having executed successfully.

-script file


Local file that will be sent to the remote host for execution as a script.

-script_type type


Command processor that UEM Server uses to execute an event handler process on Windows.

Microsoft Windows servers treat type as a file extension which results in the script being executed by the program associated with the extension.