Property | UI Field Name | Description | Specifications | Required | Mutually Exclusive With |
broker | UCMD Agent | If brokerChoice is Agent Hostname or Agent Variable; Either: - Variable that will be resolved when the task is launched.
- Host name of a machine where the UCMD Agent is running.
| N |
brokerChoice | UCMD Agent Option | Specification for how the name of the UCMD Agent is being specified in broker or brokerRef . | Valid values: - As String = Agent, As Value = 1
- As String = Agent Variable, As Value = 2
- As String = Agent Hostname, As Value = 3
Default is Agent (1). | N |
brokerCred | UCMD Credentials | Login credentials that Controller will use to access the remote machine where the UCMD Agent is running. |
| N | brokerCredVar
brokerCredVar | UCMD Credentials Variable | Name of a variable that will be resolved at run time to the name of the UCMD Credentials to use. |
| N | brokerCred
brokerRef | UCMD Agent | If brokerChoice is Agent; UCMD Agent record selected from the UCMD Agent table. |
| N |
command | Command | If commandOrScript is Command; Command being executed on the remote machine. | Variables are supported. | Y |
commandOptions | UCMD Options | Any UCMD options needed by the program to execute properly. | Variables are supported. | N |
commandOrScript | Command or Script | Specification for whether a single command or a script is being executed. | Valid values: - As String = Command, As Value = 1
- As String = Script, As Value = 2
Default is Command (1). | N |
exitCodeOutput | Output File | Path and file name of the output file that should be scanned for the text in exitCodeText . |
| N |
exitCodeProcessing | Exit Code Processing | Specification for how the Controller should determine whether the executed command failed or completed successfully. | Valid values: - As String = Success Exitcode Range, As Value = 1
- As String = Failure Exitcode Range, As Value = 2
- As String = Success Output Contains, As Value = 3
- As String = Failure Output Contains, As Value = 4
- As String = Step Conditions, As Value = 5
Default is Success Exitcode (1). | N |
exitCodes | Exit Codes | If exitCodeProcessing is Success Exitcode Range or Failure Exitcode Range; Range of exit codes. | Format: Numeric. Use commas to list a series of exit codes; use hyphens to specify a range. Example: 1,5, 22-30. | Y |
exitCodeText | Scan Output For | If exitCodeProcessing = Success Output Contains (3) or Failure Output Contains (4); text for which the Controller should scan the output file. | The Controller will process this field as a regular expression. | Y |
outputFailureOnly | Failure Only | If outputReturnType is STDOUT, STDERR, FILE, or OUTERR, and waitForOutput is false; Indication for whether output should be retrieved on task failure only. | Boolean; Valid values: true/false. Default is false. | N |
outputReturnFile | Output File | If outputReturnType is FILE; Path and file name containing the output that you want automatically retrieved and attached to the task instance. |
| N |
outputReturnNline | Number of Lines | If outputReturnType is STDOUT, STDERR, FILE, or OUTERR; Limit the retrieved data to this number of lines. | Default is the value of the Retrieve Output Default Maximum Lines Universal Controller system property. | N |
outputReturnSline | Start Line | If outputReturnType is STDOUT, STDERR, FILE, or OUTERR; Instructs the Controller to retrieve data beginning at the line indicated. | Default is 1. | N |
outputReturnText | Scan Text | If outputReturnType is STDOUT, STDERR, FILE, or OUTERR; Instructs the Controller to scan the data for the text specified and retrieve only that. | The Controller will process this field as a regular expression. | N |
outputReturnType | Automatic Output Retrieval | Specification for whether you want the Controller to automatically retrieve any output from the job and attach it to the task instance record. | Valid values: - As String = NONE, As Value = 1
- As String = STDOUT, As Value = 2
- As String = STDERR, As Value = 3
- As String = FILE, As Value = 4
- As String = OUTERR, As Value = 6
Default is OUTERR (6). | N |
outputType | Output Type | If exitCodeProcessing is Success Output or Failure Output; Type of output. | Valid values: - As String = STDOUT, As Value = 1
- As String = STDERR, As Value = 2
- As String = FILE, As Value = 3
Default is STDOUT (1). | N |
retryExitCodes | Retry Exit Codes | Exit code range for which an auto-retry of the task in FAILED status will occur. Exit code ranges must be in the same format as ranges specified in exitCodes . Maximum Retries must be greater than 0. If an exit code range is not specified, any exit code potentially will cause a retry. | Format = 1,5,22-30 | N |
retryInterval | Retry Interval (Seconds) | Number of seconds between each retry. | Integer; Default is 60. | N |
retryMaximum | Maximum Retries | Maximum number of times that the Controller should retry this task after it has started and gone to a failed state. | Integer; Default is 0. | N |
retrySuppressFailure | Suppress Intermediate Failures | If the task instance is in the Failed status; Specification for whether or not the following will be suppressed until all scheduled retry attempts (a Maximum Retries value has been entered or Retry Indefinitely has been enabled) have been made: - All Actions (Abort, Email Notification, Set Variable, SNMP Notification, and System Operation) to be made against the task instance.
- Workflow conditional path processing; any Successors waiting on a failure path will not be released.
- Task Monitors will not be notified of the Failed status. Also, any Task Monitor task that has a Time Scope in the past will disqualify any matching task instance in the past with a Failed status if the task instance is scheduled for automatic retry and for which Suppress Intermediate Failures has been enabled.
- Any Workflow containing the Failed task instance will not transition to the Running/Problems status.
| Boolean; Valid values: true/false. Default is false. | N |
runtimeDir | Runtime Directory | Directory from which the application should be executed. | Variables are supported. | N |
script | Script File | If commandOrScript is Script; Path and filename of a script file that will be executed on the remote machine. |
| Y |
scriptOptions | Script Options | If commandOrScript is Script; One or more command line options to pass to the script file. |
| N |
waitForOutput | Wait For Output | If outputReturnType = STDOUT (2), STDERR (3), FILE (4), or OUTERR (6), and outputFailureOnly is false; Specification for whether or not the task should wait for the requested output before completing. | Boolean; Valid values: true/false. Default is false. | N |